Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Journal", clippings

05 June 1918. — 4 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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note: transcription publicly contributed - please contact us with comments, errors or omisions

First Class Buildings.

7. The Commission will require that all buildings lying between Campbell Road on the east and North Creighton Street on the west and Duffus Street on the north and Russell Street on the south, a district to be known as "the restricted area," shall be of first class or fireproof construction, and in the area, though as far as possible individual preferences will be respected, the Commission will insist on such rules and regulations as will lead to the development of the slope on both sides in accordance with its plans. Those who desire to rebuild have been conferred with for some time past and those who do not wish to rebuild will be dealt with on a reasonable basis. If they desire to rebuild on particular lots required for other purposes exchanges will be arranged for or decisions may be postponed pending the further development of the Commission's plans. Opportunities of acquiring completed houses will be open to the former house owners.
8. The lands on the west side of the Gottingen Street will be developed by the construction of a large number of houses of the lower cost type. These houses can be acquired by former house owners in that district against the appraised value of their former holdings. Other purchasers affected by the disaster can acquire them on the installment plan of payment, and others will be let at reasonable rentals. All owners who cannot be provided with new houses during this season will have the first opportunity of occupying until next season the houses which will be erected by the Commission for letting.

Good Residential District.

9. It is hoped that Russell, Kay, East Young, Union and Albert Streets, in fact the whole of Richmond slope, will be developed into a most desirable residential district. Home owners in this district will be got in touch with as quickly as possible and provisions will be made it is hoped to their general satisfaction for rebuilding. The architects have completed many designs for housing and have under preparation many more and will without delay let contracts not only for construction of the individual houses but also a large number of tenements. The number will only be limited by the ability to obtain contractors undertake the work.
10. The Commission is prepared to set aside out of the capital sum of the pension fund the sum of one million dollars or more to be devoted to the building of modern tenements and small ownership housing, the income from which will be devoted to the payment of pensions established for the victims of the disaster. The Commission is likewise prepared to expend a sum as large as may be necessary, possibly another million dollars, in restoring the damaged houses of individual owners. Due allowance will be made for the fact that homes cannot be restored for the former market or appraised value and the disposition of the Commission will be to aid through its housing problem those who would otherwise suffer from the fact that their property cannot be restored for the sums awarded. Each of these cases must be dealt with on its merits, and greater proportionate consideration must be afforded to those whose houses were of low cost type.
11. The building material for reconstruction in the specially restricted area will be of pressed concrete known as hydrostone. This material is manufactured under pressure of seventy thousand pounds, and it must not be confused with the concrete blocks now used to some extent in Halifax. The blocks can be faced in the process of manufacture so as to produce variety of effect. Stucco will also be made use of, and it is hoped that brick will also to some extent for the sake of variety be one of the materials used.

Will Co-operate With City.

12. In that portion of the devastated district not included in the

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MG 1 vol 2124 number 109b

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 109

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