Nova Scotia Archives

Archibald MacMechan

Halifax Disaster Record Office Materials

"Journal", clippings

26 April 1918. — 3 pages : 30 x 39 cm.

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till after the war, Mr. Cameron said that he was not advocating a disturbing factor and there was never a better time for passing legislation than at present. In the name of these workmen whom he eulogized as among the most loyal and patriotic in the British Empire he asked that this measure of justice be given them.
Premier Murray in speaking to the motion said that he had a record as a friend of the workmen of Nova Scotia, of which he thought that he need not be ashamed. That record was written on the statute books of the Province where, he thought, one would find as advanced legislation as there is anywhere else. he had given the best part of his life to the workmen and felt that he had all his life, stood by them, and it was his aim to continue doing so, during the balance of his public life.
The idea aimed at in this Bill, the Premier said, was worthy of very serious consideration, and while afraid looking at the text of the Bill, that the object aimed at Mr. Cameron might not be attained, yet he looked forward to the time, and perhaps in the near future, when some means should be adopted to bring about a greater degree of harmony between capital and labor, than that which apparently now existed.

Settled by Conference.

In a conference between Committees from the Assembly and the Council, some amendmenst [amendments] were dropped. The amendments to the Nova Scotia Temperanve [Temperance] Act, with regard to the appointment of vendors was compromised. This allows the appointment of vendors by municipalities to stand till 31s of January, 1919 after which a vote of two-thirds of the ratepayers will be necessary. There was also a conference on the amendments proposed by the Upper House to the Act relating to the Victoria General Hospital, as a result of which the amendments were adhered to. A conference on the Bill to revive the charter for the Isle Royal Company with reference to the amendments proposed by the Upper House, resulted in the amendments not being adhered to.
Prorogation is expected to take place this afternoon.


MG 1 volume 2124 number 105 b

Reference: Archibald MacMechan Nova Scotia Archives MG 1 volume 2124 number 105

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