Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 51 to 75 of 1918 from your search: W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: W. & A.K. Johnston Limited

A human resources study of Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia / conducted by Nova Scotia New Start Inc. ; in consultation with David Jackson and Associates Ltd., Toronto.  Yarmouth : 1969-. 37, 6 pages. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD5729 N935 H918

Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York

A hundred year record 1835-1935 / The Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York.  New York : the Society, 1935. vi, 132 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS42 S147 H933 - Open Shelf

New York (N.Y.) — History
New York (N.Y.) — Genealogy

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Wilkie, William

A letter to the people of Halifax : containing strictures on the conduct of the magistrates with regard to the police office, Court of Quarter Session, work house, poor house, jail, &c. : also, strictures on the Court of Commissioners, Supreme Court, &c. / by a Nova-Scotian.  Nova Scotia : Printed for the author, 1820. 21 i.e. 22, 2 pages : 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.437 #13 - Vertical File

Cover title. Attributed to William Wilkie--Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Error in paging: p. 22 misnumbered 21.

Courts — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Halifax (N.S.) — Politics and government.

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Sabatier, William

A letter to the Rt. Hon. Frederick J. Robinson, on the subject of the proposed duties on colonial timber : and on some other colonial subjects; and on the relative situation of the British North American possessions, with the United States of America and  London : Richardson, 1821. viii, 75 pages ; 9 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 SA1 - Akins

Lowden, William

A modern grammar of the English language : intended to supply deficiencies in Murray's grammar, containing copious exercises and many new arrangements, for the use of schools / by William Lowden.  Halifax- : 1836. vii, 319 pages ; 18 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTG76 L95 1896


Spike, J. (Halifax, N.S.)

English language — Grammar — 1800-1869.

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A More equitable cost sharing formula under the Canada Assistance Plan 100+ pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - RA412.5 C212 M67 1970

Blake, Edward

A national sentiment! : speech of Hon. Edward Blake, M.P., at Aurora ; with the comments of some of the Canadian Press thereon Ottawa : E.A. Perry, 1874. 107 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F80 B58 - Akins

'I am well convinced that there do exist in the ample memories ...' Cover title. Includes index.

Public opinion — Canada
Canada — Politics and government — 1867-1896.

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A nation's navy : in quest of Canadian naval identity / edited by Michael L. Hadley, Rob Huebert and Fred W. Crickard.  Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1996. xiii, 460 pages, [20] pages of plates : illustrations ; 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC231 N37 1996 - Open Shelf

A collection of essays emerging from the second Fleet Historical Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 8-9, 1993.

Crickard, F. W. (Fred W.), 1930-
Hadley, Michael L
Huebert, Robert N. (Robert Neil), 1960-

Canada — History, Naval — Congresses.

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Guthrie, William

A new geographical, historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several kingdoms of the world / by William Guthrie; illustrated by T. Kitchin.  New edition / Dublin : James Williams and John Exshaw, 1780. 762 pages : illustrations, 4 maps ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GG98 1780

Great Britain — Historical geography

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A new step forward : improving mental health services for children and youth in Nova Scotia : provincial review report / edited by Nicole Watkins Campbell.  Halifax : Communications Nova Scotia, 1998. 48 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.495 #1 - Vertical File

Peck, Mary Biggar

A Nova Scotia album : glimpses of the way we were / Mary Biggar Peck ; foreword by Harry Bruce.  155 pages : Willowdale, Ont. : illustrations ; Hounslow Press,

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5211 P366 - Open Shelf

Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Halifax. Archbishop (1852-1858 : Walsh)

A pastoral letter for the Lent of MDCCCLIV : addressed to the clergy and laity of the Archdiocess sic of Halifax / by the Most Reverend Wm. Walsh, D.D., Archbishop of Halifax ; with an appendix, &c.  Halifax : English & Blackadar, 1854. 56 pages ; 18 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 M70 - Akins

Cover title in Latin.

Walsh, William, 1804-1858.

English & Blackadar.


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Stewart, Gordon T.

A people highly favoured of God : the Nova Scotia Yankees and the American Revolution/ / Gordon Stewart and George Rawlyk.  Toronto : Macmillan of Canada, 1972. xxii, 219 pages : map ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5226 S85 - Open Shelf

A revised version of Gordon Stewart's doctoral dissertation, 'Religion and the Yankee Mind of Nova Scotia during the American Revolution' ... Queen's University.--pages xii. Includes index.

Rawlyk, George A., 1935-

Nova Scotia — History — 1775-1783
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Foreign public opinion.

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Diomedea Consultants

A planning and development study for the Yarmouth County Museum and Historical Research Library / prepared by Diomedea Consultants in association with Seymour Kenney.  Nova Scotia : Diomedea, 1988. 1 v. (various pagings) : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM101 Y34.5 1988

Jackson, William

A portrait of the Rev. Thomas Taylor : the hypocrite unmasked / by William Jackson.  Halifax : H.W. Blackadar, 1835. 27 pages ; 19 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 J13 - Akins

'And Nathan said unto David, thou art the man--2 Sam. 12, 7.' 'I will answer thee, and thy companions with thee--Job 35, 4.'

Blackadar, H. W.


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Fawkes, J. Walter

A prehistoric shell heap on Prince Edward Island 1896.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.13 #10 - Vertical File

Repr. From The Antiquarian Journal, 1896.

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Von Baeyer, Edwinna

A preliminary bibliography for garden history in Canada / by Edwinna von Baeyer.  Ottawa : Parks Canada, National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, 1983. 24, 26 pages : 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.41 #2 - Vertical File

Added title page title: L'histoire du jardinage au Canada : bibliographie provisoire.

Parks Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.

Gardens — History — Bibliography
Gardening — Canada — Bibliography.

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Lavoie, Marc C.

A preliminary bibliography for historic artifact research in the Maritimes / by Marc C. Lavoie = Une bibliographie préliminaire sur les artéfacts historiques pour les Maritimes / par Marc C. Lavoie.  Fredericton, N.B. : Archaeology Branch, Department of Tourism, Recreation and Heritage = Section d'archéologie, Ministère du tourisme, des loisirs et du patrimoine, 1986. ii, 66 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5268 M294 16E/F - Open Shelf

Text in English and French.

New Brunswick. Archaeology Branch.

Maritime Provinces — Antiquities

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Wilson, Ruth Dyck

A record of service A guide to holdings of the Central Archives of the United Church of Canada Toronto : United Church of Canada, 1992. 398 frames

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche W753 - Open Shelf

James, Peter D.

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Cass-Beggs, Barbara

A reference list on Canadian folk music / prepared for the Canadian Folk Music Society by Barbara Cass-Beggs and Edith Fowke.  Rev. and updated. Montreal : Canadian Folk Music Society, 1973. 12 pages : 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.273 #8 - Vertical File

Gray, J. W. D.

A reply to the Rev. F. Coster's defence of the Companion to the prayer book / by I.W.D. Gray.  Saint John, N.B. : J. & A. McMillan, 1849.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 G79r - Akins

'Duties are our's, events are God's.' Includes appendix: The companion to the prayer-book, defended against the unfounded objections of the Rev. I.W.D. Gray, rector of Trinity Church, St. John, [by F. Coster].

Coster, Frederick, d. 1866.

Anglican Communion — Doctrines.

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Miers, Henry Alexander

A report on the museums and art galleries of British Africa / by Henry A. Miers and S.F. Markham ; together with a report on the museums of Malta, Cyprus and Gibraltar by Clas. Squire and D.W. Herdman ; which is accompanied by a directory of the museums and art galleries of British Africa and the British Mediterrane.  Edinburgh : Constable, 1932. ix, 90 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM85 A1 M5

The directory forms a separate publication. At head of title: The Museums association survey of empire museums.

Herdman, D. W
Markham, S. F. (Sydney Frank), 1897-
Squire, Charles.

Carnegie Corporation of New York
Museums Association.

Museums — Malta
Museums — Cyprus
Museums — Africa
Gibraltar — Museums.

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Hillier, Brian

A report to the Minister of the Department of Community Services / submitted by Brian Hillier, Andrew Koster.  Halifax : Department of Community Services, 1994. 372 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV745 N8 H54 1994

Knowlan, James

A review of Edmund J. Reis's short account of Michael McComb, &c. and also, a short refutation of some of the errors of the Baptists / by James Knowlan.  Saint John N.B. : Printed by Henry Chubb and Co., 1814. 29p. ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 K76 - Akins

Errata: pages 29. Reference: Akins.

Chubb (H.) & Co.

Theology, Doctrinal
Law and gospel

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Ward, Frederick

A room full of balloons / Frederick Ward ; with paintings by Jim Shirley.  Montreal : Tundra Books of Montreal, 1981. 154 pages, [8] pages of plates : col. illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8595 A676 R777

Shirley, James R., 1944-

Canadian fiction (English)

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