Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: W. & A.K. Johnston Limited
Nova Scotia. Minister's Task Force on Hazardous Waste Management
The Report of the Minister's Task Force on Hazardous Waste Management Halifax : The Task Force, 1987. vii, 73 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TD812 N9352
Chairman: Paul Buxton.
Hazardous wastes — Nova Scotia
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The Roar of the Sea / Captain William A. Crowell and Frank Crowell Leaman. Portugal Cove-St. Philip's, Newfoundland and Labrador : Boulder Publications, 2015. 192 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 C88 2015
An adventurer who traveled the world on an epic solo voyage in a 23-foot sailboat in the 1930s. With only his dog, Togo, as a companion, Captain William Crowell overcame the challenges of an unforgiving ocean. Decades later, his grandson Frank Leaman helped him tell the story of his travels, his family's history, and also Nova Scotia's seafaring heritage. Together with Allison Lawlor, Frank has created a story that weaves Captain Crowell's life into his family's Loyalist roots and personal reflections. One grandson's loving tribute to his grandfather - a daring mariner who saw the end of a golden era of wooden ships and iron men. The Roar of the Sea, as told by Capt. William Arthur Crowell, was transcribed by his grandson, Frank Leaman, in the early 1950s. The original text has been edited by Allison Lawlor. Leaman's memories and reflections, as well as the family's Loyalist history, were recorded by Lawlor in 2014 and added to the original edited manuscript. Previous edition published in 1955.
Leaman, Frank, 1942-
Lawlor, Allison, 1971-
Crowell, William A. — Voyages and travels
Ocean travel — Biography
Seafaring life — Nova Scotia — Biography
Voyages and travels
Sailors — Nova Scotia — Biography
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The role of education and rural conferences in the development of the extension department of St. F. X. University / by J. Frank Glasgow. Antigonish : Coady International Institute 1948-. 20 pages; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.114 #1 - Vertical File
Antigonish movement
Education of adults
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The roots of agrarian decline : farming in the Maritimes ; 1850-1930 / by Anthony Winson. Halifax : Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies, 1985. 14, 4 pages : 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.305 #17 - Vertical File
Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies.
Agriculture — Economic aspects — Maritime Provinces
Maritime Provinces — Economic conditions — 1850-1930
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The ruler's daughter raised : a funeral discourse, preached at the Chapel of Ease, Halifax, March 16th, 1851 Halifax : W. Gossip, 1851. 11 pages : 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.11 # 22 - Vertical File
Cover title. Attributed to William Bullock--Watters. "Published by request."
Sermons, Canadian (English)
Funeral sermons.
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The Sabbath question as originally published in the Acadian Recorder : with an introduction containing extracts from an essay by Dr. Cramp On the obligation of Christians to observe the Lord's Supper every Lord's Day, also an article showing the views / by Jas. R. Lithgow. Halifax : J. Bowes, 1861. 48 pages : 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.175 # 14 - Vertical File
Cramp, J. M. (John Mockett), 1796-1881.
Sabbath — Biblical teaching
Sunday — Biblical teaching
Rest — Religious aspects — Christianity.
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The San Francisco calamity by earthquake and fire .. / told by eye witnesses, including graphic and reliable accounts of all great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the world's history, and scientific explanations of their causes. Philadelphia, Chicago etc. The J. C. Winston co. 1906. xvi, 17-446 pages incl. front., illus., pl. plates, p
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F37.5 M83 SA5 - Open Shelf
With nearly 100 illustrations made especially for this work, showing the havoc caused by fire, earthquake, and volcanic convulsions.
San Francisco (Calif.) — Earthquake and fire, 1906.
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The Saskatchewan Oral History Conference, 1981 : proceedings : held at the University of Regina, May 1-2, 1981 / edited by Krzysztof M. Gebhard. Regina : Saskatchewan Archives Board, 1981. xiii, 113 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5661 S252 - Open Shelf
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The sermons of Henry Alline / edited by George A. Rawlyk. Hantsport : Published by Lancelot Press for Acadia Divinity College and the Baptist Historical Committee of the United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces, 1986. 174 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX6333 A436
Acadia Divinity College
United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces. Baptist Historical Committee.
Sermons, Canadian (English)
Baptists — Sermons.
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The sesquicentennial celebration of the evacuation of the city of New York by the British army on November 25, 1783 … New York, 1933. 24 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.44 #7 - Vertical File
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The seven heads of Arminianism : out which came the Ten horns of Calvinism examined and refuted by the scriptures of truth / by William Jackson. Halifax : J. Spike, 1837. 24 pages ; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 P69h - Akins
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The ships of Canada's naval forces 1910-1981 : a complete pictorial history of Canadian warships / Ken Macpherson, John Burgess ; forward by H.F. Pullen. Toronto : Collins, 1981. 240 pages : illustrations ; 36 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S VA400 M172 - Oversize
Includes index.
Warships — Canada — History — 20th century.
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The silent ending: the death of the community hockey tradition in Nova Scotia / R. Andrew Kimball. Halifax : 1986. vi, 231 l. ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GV848.25 N935 K49
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The silent study readers / by Ralph S. Sherman, E.W. Reid and H.H. MacKenzie. Toronto & London : J.M. Dent & Son Ltd., 1926. ill. ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTR22 S54 1926
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Toward, Lilias McKenzie (McDonald)
The Silver Dart motel presents Baddeck and Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia Sydney, Commercial Printers, 1960. 23 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.45 #1 - Vertical File
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The slate quarry of Colchester County, Nova Scotia / by Greta L. Rose ; photographs by Wade Yorke ; drawings by Ed Bye. Truro : Colchester Historical Museum, 1981. 16 pages : illustrations, map; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.346 #11 - Vertical File
Slate industry — Nova Scotia — Colchester (County) — History
Quarries and quarrying — Nova Scotia — Colchester (County) — History
Colchester (N.S. : County) — History.
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The social construction of Maritime economic reality a textual analysis of late 19th century banking practices / by Mark W. Lutes. Ottawa : National Library of Canada, 1988. 156 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche L973 - Open Shelf
Banks and banking — Maritime Provinces — 19th century
Business — France — 19th century
Maritime Provinces — Economic conditions — 19th century
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The Southwest Front : Halifax Citadel : a structural and narrative history / by Cameron W. Pulsifer. Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1978. ix, 141 pages : ill ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #263 - Open Shelf
Parks Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
Fortification — Nova Scotia — History
Fortification — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Halifax Citadel National Historic Park (N.S.)
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The span o' life : a tale of Louisbourg & Quebec / by William McLennan and J.N. McIlwraith ; illustrations by F. de Myrbach. New York ; London : Toronto : Harper & Bros. ; Copp, Clark Co., 1899. [8], 308 pages, [29] pages of plates : illustrations ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8476 L567 S735
McIlwraith, Jean N. (Jean Newton), 1859-1938.
United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — History.
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The speeches and public letters of the Hon. Joseph Howe / edited by William Annand. Boston : Halifax : J.P. Jewett ; A. & W. Mackinlay ; 1858. 2 v. ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F93 H83
A. & W. MacKinlay (Firm)
Dawson (B.) & Sons.
Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1763-1867.
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The St. John River valley / photographs by Wayne Barrett and Anne MacKay ; introduction by George MacBeath. Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1981. 7 pages, 80 pages of plates : chiefly colour illustrations ; 23 x 2
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5261 B274 S775 - Open Shelf
Saint John River Valley (Me. and N.B.) — Description and travel — Views.
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The St. Lawrence survey journals of Captain Henry Wolsey Bayfield, 1829-1853 / edited with an introduction by Ruth McKenzie. Toronto : Champlain Society, 1984-1986. 2 v. : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C35 B357
Limited edition of 1350 copies (1300 numbered.
Surveyors, Marine — Canada — Biography
Saint Lawrence River — Description and travel
Saint Lawrence, Gulf of — Description and travel.
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The Statesman's year-book London : Macmillan, 1864-. maps (some col.) ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK AY ST1 - Akins
Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world. Rev. after official returns. In 1899 in addition to the regular edition there was pub. an American edition. Editors: 1864-1882, F. Martin; 1883-1926, J.S. Keltie with I.P.A. Renwick,
Martin, Frederick, 1830-1883
Keltie, John Scott, Sir, 1840-1927
Renwick, Isaac Parker Anderson
Epstein, Mortimer, 1880-1946
Paxton, John
Steinberg, S. H. (Sigfrid Henry), 1899-1969
Hunter, Brian
Political science — Periodicals.
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The Steeves descendants / compiled by Esther Clark Wright. Wolfville : the author, 1965. 923 p ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 S81 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
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Martin, John Patrick, 1886-1969
The story of Dartmouth / by John Patrick Martin; with a foreword by Thomas H. Raddall. Dartmouth : J.P. Martin, 1957. 550 pages: illustrations; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5249 D22 M38
Includes index.; NSARM's copy signed and annotated by author, with various clippings inserted.
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