Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: W. & A.K. Johnston Limited
Acidic precipitation in Nova Scotia / by John K. Underwood. Halifax : Nova Scotia Department of the Environment, 1981. i, [17] pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TD425 U56
Nova Scotia. Dept. of the Environment.
Acid rain — Environmental aspects — Nova Scotia.
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New Brunswick. House of assembly
Acts Fredericton. v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F125 N42A
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Church of England. Diocese of Nova Scotia !Bishop 1888-1904 : Courtney
Address of the Rt. Rev. Frederick Courtney, D.D., D.C.L., Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, at the twenty-first session of the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia, June 27, 1890 Halifax N.S. : 1890. 19 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 06304 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Printed for distribution at the request of the Synod.
Councils and synods, Diocesan
Conciles et synodes diocésains.
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Stirling, Alexander Humphrys-Alexander
Address to the public authorities, to the land land-settlers, inhabitants, all others whom it may concern / in all the Anglo-Scottish colony of Nova Scotia, including New Brunswick, etc. Edinburgh : 1831.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S V/F V.19 #14 - Oversize Vertical File
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Addresses Ottawa : Mortimer co. ltd., 1932. 291 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 T63
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Addresses to and by Sir John Harvey on his recall Fredericton : John Simpson, 1841. [3] pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F125 N42H - Akins
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Admiral Sir P. B. V. Broke ... a memoir / Comp. by Rev. J. G. Brighton chiefly from journals and letters in the possession of Rear-Admiral Sir George Broke-Middleton. London, S. Low, son, and Marston, 1866. zvi, 488 pages illus. 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - DA88.1 B7 B6
Broke, Philip Bowes Vere, Sir, 1776-1841.
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Adventures in writing Book 1 : red indians / written by Gertrude Keir ; illustrated by Carolin Jackson. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1960-. 15 pages : illustrations; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.403 #13 - Vertical File
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Adventures in writing Book 3 : the farmer / written by Gertrude Keir; illustrated by Carolin Jackson. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1960-. 16 pages : illustrations; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.403 #15 - Vertical File
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Adventures of an angler in Canada, Nova Scotia and the United States / by Charles Lanman. London : R. Bentley, 1848. xii, 322 pages, [1] leaf of plates : illustrations, port. ; 21
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5018 L291
Another edition (Philadelphia : Carey and Hart, 1848 published under title: A tour to the River Saguenay, in Lower Canada. References: Gagnon I 1956; Sabin 38915; TPL 2854.
Gilstrap, William, (bookplate)
Fishing — North America
Quebec (Province) — Description and travel
Saguenay River — Description and travel
New England — Description and travel.
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After 1980: the future of higher education in New England and Atlantic Canada - twenty years of decline? Halifax : Atlantic Institute of Education, 1978. 141 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LA183 J13
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King's collegiate school, Windsor, Nova Scotia
After one hundred and forty years… Halifax : 192-. 8 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.254 #1 - Vertical File
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Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation. Sydney Works
Agreement between Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Limited Sydney Works and Local Union No. 2 Nova Scotia Bricklayers, Masons, and Plasterers International of the B.M. & P.I.U. of A. 1962-1965 Sydney : 1964. 27 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.531 #31 - Vertical File
Bricklayers, Masons, and Plasterers International of the B.M. & P.I.U. of A. Local No. 2 N.S.
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Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation. Sydney Works
Agreement between Dominion Steel and Coal Corporation, Limited Sydney Works and United Steelworkers of America Local no. 1064 Sydney : 1963. 91 pages : 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.531 #18 - Vertical File
United Steelworkers of America. Local 1064.
Iron and steel workers — Nova Scotia.
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Eastern Canada Stevedoring Company Ltd
Agreement between Eastern Canada Stevedoring Company Limited and Brotherhood of Railway & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employeess 1947-. 18 pages; 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.318 #10 - Vertical File
Cover: Cornwallis Lodge 264.
Brotherhood of Railway & Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees
Longshoremen — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Trade-unions — Longshoremen
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Agreement between Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of Canada locals no.1 and 13 (affiliated with Canadian Congress of Labour) and Halifax Shipyards Limited Halfax and Dartmouth plants Halifax : , 1944-.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD6971.5 A37
Description based on 1944 volume.
Halifax Shipyards Limited
Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of Canada.
Collective labor agreements — Shipbuilding industry — Nova Scotia
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Maritime Telegraph & Telephone Company
Agreement between Maritime Telegraph & Telephone Company Limited with Telephone Plant Workers of Nova Scotia Local Union 1030 I.B.E.W Halifax : 1963. 55 pages : 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.531 #20 - Vertical File
Effective December 22, 1963--cover. Title from cover.
Telephone Plant Workers of Nova Scotia. Local 1030, I.B.E.W.
Telephone companies — Employees.
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Maritime Telegraph & Telephone Company
Agreement between Maritime Telegraph & Telephone Company, Limited and Eastern Electric & Supply Company, Limited with Telephone Plant Workers of Nova Scotia Local Union 1030 I.B.E.W Halifax : 196- -. 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.531 #19 - Vertical File
Telephone Plant Workers of Nova Scotia. Local 1030, I.B.E.W
Eastern Electric & Supply Company.
Telephone companies — Employees.
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International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. Local 1928
Agreement between No. 1928 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers A.F.L.-C.I.O.-C.L.C. and Nova Scotia Light and Power Company, Limited Halifax : 1963. 36 pages : 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.531 #29 - Vertical File
Nova Scotia Light and Power Company.
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Agriculture overseas: impressions and observations / by Dr. F. Waldo Walsh. Halifax : Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing, Province of Nova Scotia, 1962. 78 pages; 36 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S V/F V.14 #6 - Oversize Vertical File
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AIDS : what young adults should know / William L. Yarber. 2nd Canadian ed. Vancouver : Douglas & McIntyre (Educational), 1987. 29 pages : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.341 #11 - Vertical File
Published with the co-operation of the Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreatiion Health Special Interest Group and the Canadian Public Health Association AIDS Education and Awareness Program.
Yarber, William L. AIDS : what young adults should know. Teacher guide / William L. Yarber.
Canadian Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Health Special Interest Group
Canadian Public Health Association. AIDS Education and Awareness Program.
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Vroom, Fenwick William, 1856-1944
Akins historical prize essays, King's College… Halifax : Author's separates, 1927. 10 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.130 #5 - Vertical File
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Albert Gallatin Hoit 1809-1856 : the Canadian paintings / by Roslyn M. Rosenfeld. Fredericton, N.B. : U.N.B. Art Centre, 1991. 54 pages : illustrations; 22 cm. + French ed.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.510 #1 - Vertical File
University of New Brunswick. Art Centre
Art — Exhibition — New Brunswick
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Alexander Clark, loyalist; a contribution to the history of New Brunswick Kentville, Printed by the Kentville publishing company, ltd., 1940. 81 pages : 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.379 #1 - Vertical File
United Empire loyalists — New Brunswick
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Algebra for beginners : with numerous examples / by I. Todhunter. New ed. Halifax : A. & W. Mackinlay, 1884. 328 pages ; 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTAL3 T56 1967
Mathematics — Study and teaching
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