Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Vincent, Thomas B.
Alline and Bailey 1976.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.18 #10 - Vertical File
From Canadian Literature, no. 68-69, 1976
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Amaranth 1841-1843: content reports and index Kingston, ON. : Royal Military College of Canada, 1984. 72p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI121 N935 V.778 #7
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Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository July 1823-June 1825: contents report and index Kingston, ON. : Royal Military College of Canada, 1984. 78p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI121 N935 V.778 #8
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Historical directory of Nova Scotia newspapers and journals before Confederation Kingston : Royal Military College of Canada, 1977. 67p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI121 N935 V773 no. 1
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Joseph Howe : an annotated chronology of the poems, 1816-1872 / compiled by Thomas B. Vincent. Kingston, ON. : Loyal Colonies Press, 1980. viii, 55 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8415 O97 V774
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Keeping the faith : the poetic development of Jacob Bailey, loyalist 1979.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.19 #18 - Vertical File
Repr. From Early American Literature, V. 14, 1979
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Vincent, Thomas Brewer., 1943-
Narrative verse satire in Maritime Canada 1779-1814 Ottawa : Tecumseh Pr., 1978. 194 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8295.5 M342 V774
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Nova Scotia bibliography : two notes 1977.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.18 #11 - Vertical File
From Papers of the Bibliographical Society of Canada, V. 16, 1977
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Provincial, or Halifax Monthly Magazine, 1852-53: Content report and index Kingston, ON. : Royal Military College of Canada, 1982. 35p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI121 N935 V773 #6
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Selected hymns and spiritual songs of Henry Alline / edited by Thomas B. Vincent. Kingston, Ont. : Loyal Colonies Press, 1982. xiii, 49 pages : 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.172 #34 - Vertical File
Limited ed. of 250 numbered copies.
Vincent, Thomas B. (Thomas Brewer), 1943-
Hymns, English — Canada
Christian poetry, Canadian (English)
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Some bibliographical notes on Henry Alline's Hymns and spiritual songs 1973.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.20 #13 - Vertical File
From Canadian Notes & Queries, no. 12, NoV. 1973
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Some examples of narrative verse satire in the early literature of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 1976.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.18 #1 - Vertical File
From The Humanities Association Review, V. 27, no. 2, spring 1976
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The Acadian magazine, 1826-1828 : contents report and index / compiled by Thomas Vincent, Ann LaBrash. Kingston, ON. : Royal Military College of Canada, 1982. 39 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI121 N935 V.773 #5
Includes indexes.
Canadian literature — 19th century — Indexes.
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The Canadian magazine and literary repository, July 1823-June 1825 : contents report and index / compiled by Thomas Vincent. Kingston, ON. : Royal Military College of Canada, 1984. 78 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI121 N935 V.778 #8
Includes indexes.
Royal Military College of Canada. Dept. of English and Philosophy.
Canadian magazine and literary repository — Indexes
Canadian magazine and literary repository — Indexes.
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The Nova-Scotia magazine, 1789-1792 : contents report and index / compiled by Thomas Vincent, Ann LaBrash. Kingston, ON. : Royal Military College of Canada, 1982. 119 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AI21 N935 V773
Issued by the Dept. of English and Philosophy. Includes indexes.
Royal Military College of Canada. Dept. of English and Philosophy.
Canadian periodicals — Bibliography.
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Viets' Annapolis Royal, 1788 1974.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.20 #11 - Vertical File
From Canadian Notes & Queries, no. 13, June 1974
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