Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: University of Alberta. Research Institute for Comparative Literature
A Zepetneki Tötösy család adattára = Records of the Tötösy de Zepetnek family / Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. Szeged, Hungary : Jozsef Attila Tudományegyetem, Történeti Segédtudományok Tanszék = Jozsef Attila University, Department of Historical Sciences, 1993. 280 pages : illustrations, coats of arms, facsims., portraits ; 2
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS569 T68 1993 - Open Shelf
Co-published by University of Alberta, Research Institute for Comparative Literature. Includes index. In Hungarian; prefatory matter and some other text in English.
University of Alberta. Research Institute for Comparative Literature
József Attila Tudományegyetem. Történeti Segédtudományok Tanszék.
Hungary — Genealogy
Canada — Genealogy.
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