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Results 1 to 16 of 16 from your search: United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Sources

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Sources

Edgar, Matilda Ridout

A colonial governor in Maryland : Horatio Sharpe and his times, 1753-1773 / by Lady Edgar.  London : Longmans, Green, 1912. xvi, 311 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F35.9 Ed3

Des Cognets, Louis

Amherst and Canada Princeton- N. J., s. n., 1962. 371 pages 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5009.9 A515 D441 - Open Shelf

Frégault, Guy

Canada : the war of conquest / translated by Margaret M. Cameron.  Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1969. xii, 427 pages : maps ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5065 F85 - Open Shelf

Translation of: La guerre de la conquête.

Canada — History — 1755-1763
United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763.

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Niven, John

Connecticut hero, Israel Putnam / by John Niven.  Hartford : American Revolution Bicentennial Commission of Connecticut, 1977. 101 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E207 P9 N58 1977

Casgrain, H. R.

Guerre du Canada : relations et journaux de différentes expéditions faites durant les années 1755-56-57-58-59-60 / publiés sous la direction de l'abbé H.-R. Casgrain.  Québec : Impr. de L.J. Demers & frère, 1895. 274 pages ; 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5065 G929 - Open Shelf

Journals of Beausejour : Diary of John Thomas, Journal of Louis de Courville / edited by John Clarence Webster.  Halifax : Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1937. 54 pages, [2] pages of plates : illustrations, map ; 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F100 W39

Le Guerne, François

Lettre de M. l'abbé Le Guerne, missionnaire de l'Acadie / trouvée récemment dans les Archives de la cure de N.-D. de Québec et publiée par C.O. Gagnon.  Québec : 1889. 50 pages : 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.317 #6 - Vertical File

Notice biographique sur M. l'abbé Le Guerne: p. [9-26.

Gagnon, C.-O. (Charles-Octave), 1857-1926.

Augustin Coté et Cie.

United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763
Nova Scotia — History

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Voye, Nancy S.

Massachusetts officers in the French and Indian wars, 1748-1763 / edited by Nancy S. Voye.  Boston : Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1975. xviii, [369] pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F67 M414 M153

Consists of information compiled from the muster rolls of the French and Indian Wars, 1748-1763, vols. 91-99 in the Massachusetts Archives.

Massachusetts Archives.

United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Registers
Massachusetts — Genealogy.

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MacKay, Robert E.

Massachusetts soldiers in the French and Indian wars, 1744-1755 / edited by Robert E. MacKay.  Boston : Society of Colonial Wars in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 1978. xii, 505 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F67 M414 M153

Information for this volume was taken exclusively from volumes 92 and 93 of the Massachusetts Archives collection of colonial muster rolls. Tables.

Massachusetts Archives.

United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Registers
Massachusetts — Genealogy.

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Stobo, Robert

Memoirs of Major Robert Stobo of the Virginia Regiment / by Robert Stobo.  First edition, London, 1800. The present reprint, edited by N.B. Craig, includes documentary material not found in the original. Pittsburgh : J.S. Davidson, 1854. 92 pages : plan ; 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F45 ST6 - Akins

Arma virumque. Attributed to Robert Stobo--National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints. Introd. signed: N.B.C. [i.e. Neville B. Craig].

Craig, Neville B., 1787-1863.

Canada — History — 1713-1763 (New France) — Biography
United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Personal narratives.

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Nova Scotia. Commissioner of Public Records

Selections from the public documents of the Province of Nova Scotia / published under a resolution of the House of Assembly passed March 15, 1865 ; edited by Thomas B Akins, D.C.L. Commissioner of Public Records ; the translations from the French by Benj. Curren.  Halifax : C. Annand, 1869. ii, 755 pages, [1] fold. plate, [2] fold. facsims. :

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F100 N85 v.1

Pownall, Thomas

The administration of the colonies London : Printed for J. Wilkie ., 1764. [2], 131 pages ; 19 cm. (8vo)

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DA3 F85 - Akins

By Thomas Pownall. Published anonymously. First edition References: Sabin 64814; TPL 6514. Signatures

Indians — Treatment of — North America
United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Sources
Great Britain — Colonies — America — Administration.

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McClure, Robert

The Arctic dispatches : containing an account of the discovery of the North-West passage / by Robert Maclure.  London : J.D. Potter, 1854-. 111 pages : illustrations, map ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F13 M13 - Akins

With a narrative of proceedings of H.M.S. Resolute, Capt. Kellett, C.B., and the dispatches of Capt. Sir Edward Belcher, C.B., Capt. Inglefield and Commdr. Pullen; with a map of the discoveries in the Arctic regions.
Reprinted from the Nautical ma Northwest Passage – Discovery and exploration.!!Arctic regions – Discovery and exploration – British. AK F13 P24 Akins Parry, William Edward, Journal of a second voyage for the discovery of a north-west passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, performed in the years 1821-22-23 in His Majesty's ships Fury and Hecla, under the orders of Captain William Edward Parry. London : J. Murray, 1824. xxx, 571 p., [39] leaves of plates (some fold.) : Vocabulary of Esquimaux words and sentences: p. [559]-571. Eskimos.!!Northwest Passage. AK F13 P53 Akins Phipps, Constantine John, A voyage towards the North Pole : undertaken by His Majesty's command, 1773 / by Constantine John Phipps. Dublin : Printed for James Williams, 1775. 273 p. Journal of Phipps, the commander of the expedition of the ships Racehorse and Carcass towards the North Pole. The ships sailed north of Spitzbergen Island but were prevented by fields of ice from advancing further. Northeast Passage.!!Arctic regions – Discovery and exploration – British. AK F13 R8 Akins Ross, John, Narrative of a second voyage in search of a north-west passage, and of a residence in the Arctic regions during the years 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1833. Including the ... James Clark Ross ... the discovery of the northern magnetic pole / by John Ross. London : A.W. Webster, 1835. 740 p. Arctic regions – Description and travel. AK F130 F38 Akins Ferland, Jean-B.-A. La Gaspésie / par J. B. A. Ferland. Nouv. éd. Québec : A. Côté, 1879. 300 p. ; 18 cm. Augustin Coté et Cie. Quebec (Province) – Description and travel!!Gaspe District (Quebec) – Description and travel AK F140 D92 Akins Canada. Dept. of the Secretary of State. Return to address : correspondence between the government and Mr. T.C. Dupont, or any other parties, with reference to his inspection of the customs stations between Victoria and Kootenay in 1876 ; with his instructions and report. Printed by order of Parliament. Ottawa, Printed by Maclean, Roger & Co., 1877. 40 p. ; 25 cm. Customs administration – British Columbia AK F140 H22 Akins Harnett, Legh. Two lectures on British Columbia / by Legh Harnett. Victoria [B.C.] : Higgins & Long, 1868. 50 p. ; 24 cm. Reference: Lowther 309. Higgins & Long. Mines and mineral resources – British Columbia.!!British Columbia – Economic conditions – To 1871 – Addresses, essays, lectures. AK F140 H26 Akins Harvey, Arthur, A statistical account of British Columbia / compiled by Arthur Harvey. Ottawa : G.E. Desbarats, 1867. 41 p. : map ; 22 cm. Intended as a companion to the Year Book of Canada for 1868--Preface.
Reference: TPL 4589. Geo. E. Desbarats & Co. Mines and mineral resources – British Columbia.!!British Columbia – Statistics.!!Northwest, Canadian – History – To 1870.!!British Columbia – Description and travel – To 1871.!!British Columbia – Economic conditions. AK F15 A8f Akins Society of Friends. Meeting for Sufferings. Aborigines' Committee. Facts relative to the Canadian Indians / published by direction of the Aborigines' Committee of the Meeting for Sufferings. London : Harvey and Darton, 1839. 24 p. ; 21 cm. Indians of North America – Canada – Government relations.!!Indians of North America – Canada – Land transfers.!!Indians of North America – Missions – Canada. AK F15 B72 Akins Bradford, Alexander Warfield, American antiquities, and researches into the the origin and history of the red race / by Alexander W. Bradford. New York : Wiley & Putnam, 1843. 435 p. United States – Antiquities. AK F15 B78 Akins Bromley, Walter. An appeal to the virtue and good sense of the inhabitants of Great Britain, &c. in behalf of the Indians of North America / by Walter Bromley. Halifax, [N.S.] : Printed by Edmund Ward, 1820. 57 p. ; 20 cm. Errata: p. [58].
References: Akins; Lande S265. Ward, E. Indians, Treatment of – United States.!!Indians, Treatment of – Nova Scotia. AK F15 B85 Akins Buchanan, James, Sketches of the history, manners, and customs of the North American Indians / by James Buchanan. New York : W. Borradaile, 1824. 156 p. Includes extracts from Historical account of the Indian nations by John Heckewelder--Cf. Pref. Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, 1743-1823. Account of the history, manners, and customs of the Indian tribes who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states. Indians of North America – History.!!Indians of North America – Social life and customs. AK F15 C76 Akins Sanders, Elizabeth Elkins Conversations, principally on the aborigines of North America / [by Elizabeth Elkins). Salem, Mass. : W. and S.B. Ives, 1828. 179 p. Indians of North America. AK F15 G87 Akins Laet, Joannes de, Ioannis de Laet Antwerpiani Notae ad dissertationem Hugonis Grotii De origine gentium americanarum : et Observationes aliquot and meliorem indaginem difficillimae illius auaestionis / by Joannes de Laet. Astelodami : Lvdovicvm Elzivirum, 1643. 223 p. Indians of North America. AK F15 L4 Akins Le Beau, Claude. Avantures du Sr. C Le Beau : voyage curieux et nouveau, parmi les sauvages de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Dans le quel on trouvera une description du Canada, avec une relation tres particuliere des anciennes coutumes, mouers et facons de vivre des barbares by C. Le Beau. Amsterdam : H. Uytwerf, 1738. 2 v. Indians of North America.!!Canada – Description and travel – To 1763. AK F15 M18 Akins McIntosh, John. The origin of the North American Indians : with a faithful description of their manners and customs, both civil and military, their religions, languages, dress, and ornaments : including various specimens of Indian eloquence, as well as historical and bio by John McIntosh. New ed., improved and enl. New York : Sheldon and Company, 1859. 345 p. Indians of North America.!!Indians of North America – Social life and customs.!!Indians – Origin. AK F15 M19 Akins McIntosh, John. The discovery of America by Christopher Columbus : and the origin of the North American Indians / by J. Mackintosh. Toronto : W.J. Coates, 1836. 149 p. Indians of North America.!!America – Discovery and exploration. AK F15 M58r Akins Rand, Silas Tertius, [Letter] to the editor of the Christian Messenger on the Micmac Mission / by Silas T. Rand. [Hantsport, N.S. : s.n., 1825?]. 22 p. Micmac Indians – Missions – Nova Scotia. AK F15 P42 Akins Perley, Moses Henry, Extracts from Mr. Perley's report respecting the Indians on the Saint John, 1841 / by M.H. Perley. Fredericton, N.B. : [s.n., 1842?]. Published by command. Indians of North America. AK F15 R27 Akins Religious Tract Society. Missions to the North American Indians / Religious Tract Society. London : The Society, 18--?]. Indians of North America – Missions. AK F15 R29 Akins Canada. Indian Branch. Report of the Indian Branch of the Department of the Secretary of State for the Provinces. [Ottawa : I.B. Taylor, 18--]- 24 p. AK F15 W89 Akins Worsley, Israel, A view of the American Indians : their general character, customs, language, public festivals, religious rites and traditions shewing them to be the descendants of the ten tribes of Israel, the language of prophecy concerning them and the course by which by Israel Worsley. London : Printed for the author and sold by R. Hunter, 1828. xii, 185 p. ; 19 cm. Indians of North America – Social life and customs.!!Indians of North America – Genealogy.!!Lost tribes of Israel. AK F150 C81 Akins Canada. Governor General (1869-1872 : Lisgar) Correspondence and papers connected with recent occurrences in the North-West Territories. Ottawa : I.B. Taylor, 1870. 129 p. Red River Rebellion, 1869-1870. AK F150 R31a Akins Return to an address of the House of commons, dated 23rd February, 1870, for copies of instructions to Surveyors sent to North-west Territory, and statement showing the number of men employed, and the salaries to be paid; also copies of all orders in coun Ottawa, 24th March, 1870. 39 p. Red River Settlement – History. AK F16 C67 Akins Colden, Cadwallader, The history of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are dependent on the province of New-York in America, and are the barrier between the English and French in that part of the world : with particular accounts of their religion, manners, customs, laws by the Honourable Cadwallader Colden, Esq; one of His Majesty's Counsel, and surveyor-general of New-York ; to which are added, accounts of the several other nations of Indians in North-America, their numbers, strength, &c. and the treaties which have bee The third edition. London : Printed for Lockyer Davis, 1755. 2 v. Iriqouois Indians. AK F16 F88 Akins Maillard, An account of the customs and manners of the Micmakis and Maricheets savage nations, now dependent on the government of Cape-Breton : from an original French manuscript-letter, never published, written by a French abbot, who resided many years, in quality by Pierre Maillard. London : Printed for S. Hooper and A. Morley, 1758. viii, 138 p. ; 22 cm. The opening paragraphs of this letter of Abbé Maillard are a translation of the first part of his letter to M. de Lalane, superior of the Séminaire des missions étrangères in Paris...
Attributed to Antoine Simon Maillard--National Union Catalog pre-1 Micmac Indians.!!Maliseet Indians.!!Nova Scotia – Description and travel. AK F16 K53 Akins The Abenaki Indians : their treaties of 1713 & 1717, and a vocabulary : with a historical introduction / by Frederic Kidder. Portland, Me. : Printed by Brown Thurston, 1859. 25 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. Kidder, Frederic, 1804-1885. Abnaki Indians – Treaties.!!Abnaki language.!!Abnaki Indians. AK F16 R31 Akins Return to an address of the House of Commons, dated 24th February, 1870, for copies of all correspondence between the Government and the Iroquois Indians of Two Mountains, or other parties relative to the sale or surrender of the Indian lands. Ottawa : I.B. Taylor, 1870. Author unknown. Red River Settlement. AK F165 C64 Akins Cochrane, Fitzgerald. Petition for Alberta's bill of rights. [n.d.]. 1 l. sq. Q. Attributed to Fitzgerald Cochrane.
Mutilated and incomplete. Alberta – History AK F17 B47ge Akins Te buk ov Djenesis. Bar (Bath) : Printed for te Britic and foren Beibel Soseieti bei E. Pitman, 1857. 213 p. ; 16 cm. Printed in phonetic characters. Rand, Silas Tertius, 1810-1889. AK F17 B47jo Akins The Gospel of St. John. [Halifax, N.S.? : s.n., 1854?] 95 p. ; 19 cm. Translated into Micmac language by S.T. Rand--Bibliographies of the North American Indians / James Constantine Pilling.
Caption title. Cunnabell, W. Micmac language – Texts. AK F17 B76m Akins The gospel according to Saint Matthew in Micmac language. Charlottetown, P.E.I. : G.T. Haszard, 1853. 118 p. Printed for the use of the Micmac mission by the British and Foreign Bible Society. British and Foreign Bible Society. Micmac language. AK F17 O1 Akins Cuoq, J. A. Études philologiques sur quelques langues sauvages de l'Amérique / par N.O., ancien missionnaire. Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1866. 160 p. ; 23 cm. Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Québec) Algonkin language – Grammar.!!Algonkin language – Lexicography.!!Iroquois language – Grammar.!!Iroquois language – Lexicography.!!Indians of North America – Languages. AK F17 P64 Akins Pilling, James Constantine, Bibliography of the Siouan languages / by James Constantine Pilling. Washington, D.C. : Govt. Print. Off., 1887. 87 p. Siouan languages – Bibliography. AK F17 P64b Akins Pilling, James Constantine, Bibliography of the Eskimo language / by James Constantine Pilling. Washington, D.C. : Govt. Print. Off., 1887. 116 p. Inuktitut language – Bibliography. AK F17 R15e Akins The book of Exodus. Halifax, N.S. : Printed by the Nova Scotia Printing Co., 1870. 166 p. ; 16 cm. Rand, Silas Tertius, 1810-1889. Micmac language – Texts. AK F17 T36 Akins Wilson, Thomas, The knowledge and practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities: an essay towards towards and instruction for the Indians ... in twenty dialogues / by Thomas Wilson. 9th ed. London : Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, 1759. 300 p. ; 17 cm. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (London). Indians of North America – Missions. AK F17 T76 Akins Trumbull, J. Hammond, On the best method for studying the American languages / by J. Hammond Trumbull. [S.l. : American Philological Association, 1870]. (From the Transactions of the American Philological Association, 1869-70). Indians of North America – Languages. AK F17 V62 Akins Of Vetromile's noble Bible : such as happened Great-Truths / made by Eugene Vetromile, Indian patriarch. New York : Rennie, Shea & Lindsay, 1860. 571 p. Vetromile, Eugene, 1819-1881. Abnaki language. AK F17 V62p Akins Vetromile, Eugene, The prayer song / by Eugene Vetromile. New York : Ed. Dunigan & brother, 1858. 45 p. Prayer.!!Prayers. AK F175 H28 Akins Hatton, Joseph, Newfoundland; its history, its present condition and its prospects in the future. Reprinted from the English ed. : rev., cor. and enl. Boston : Doyle & Whittle, 1883. xvii p., 1 leaf, 431 p. : front., ill., plates, fo Harvey, M. (Moses), 1820-1901. Newfoundland – Description and travel.!!Newfoundland – History.!!Newfoundland – History – 19th century.!!Newfoundland – Economic conditions – To 1900. AK F175 N66 Akins Noad, Joseph, Lecture on the aborigines of Newfoundland : delivered before the Mechanics' Institute, at St. John's, on Monday, 17th January / by Joseph Noad. St. John's [Nfld.] : R.J. Parsons, 1858. 50 p. ; 22 cm. Parsons, R. J. Beothuk Indians.!!Indians of North America – Newfoundland. AK F175 SA2 Akins General Relief Committee (St. John's, Nfld.) Report of the general committee appointed at a meeting of the principal inhabitants of St. John's held at Government House on Wednesday the 10th June, 1846 : to adopt measures for the relief of the sufferers by the awful calamity which befel the town in t St. John's, Nfld. : H. Winton, 1847. 100 p. ; 24 cm. Includes list of names of persons relieved, with their occupation, amount of loss, and amount received.
Appendix: p. 36-100. Winton, H. Disaster relief – Newfoundland – St. John's. AK F175 W67 Akins Williams, Griffith, An account of the island of Newfoundland, with the nature of its trade, and method of carrying on the fishery, with reasons for the great decrease of that most valuable branch of trade / by Griffith Williams. To which is annexed a plan to exclude the French from that trade, proposed to the administration in the year 1761 / by Capt. Cole. [London] : printed for T. Cole and sold by W. Owen, 1765. 35 p. Cole, Thomas, Capt. State of the Newfoundland fishery. Fisheries – Newfoundland – History.!!French – Newfoundland.!!Newfoundland – Description and travel – To 1800. AK F18 AB2 Akins Abbott, John S. C. History of King Philip, sovereign chief of the Wampanoags. Including the early history of the settlers of New England / by John S.C. Abbott. New York : Harper & Bros., 1857. 410 p. ; 17 cm. King Philip's War, 1675-1676. AK F18 C47h Akins Church, Thomas, The history of Philip's war, commonly called the great Indian war of 1675 and 1676 : also, of the French and Indian wars at the eastward, in 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704 / by Thomas Church. 2nd ed. Exeter, N.H. : J. & B. Williams, 1859. 360 p. : ill. ; 17 cm. Drake, Samuel G. (Samuel Gardner), 1798-1875. King Philip's War, 1675-1676.!!United States – History – Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.!!United States – History – French and Indian War, 1755-1763. AK F18 P37 Akins Penhallow, Samuel, The history of the wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians, or, A narrative of their continued perfidy and cruelty : from the 10th of August, 1703, to the peace renewed 13th of July, 1713 ; and from the 25th of July, 1722, to their submission 15th De by Samuel Penhallow. Cincinnati, Ohio : J. Harpell, 1859. 138 p. Nescio tu guibus en ...
Re-printed from the Boston Edition of 1726, with a Memoir and Notes, for W. Dodge, by J. Harpel, corner Third & Vine Sts.
Includes title page of the Boston Edition. Indians of North America – Wars – 1600-1750.!!Eastern Indians, Wars with, 1722-1726.!!New England – History. AK F2 B39 Akins Becher, Alexander Bridport, The landfall of Columbus on his first voyage to America, with a translation of the Baron Bonnefoux's history of his previous life / by Alexander Bridport Becher. London : J.D. Potter, 1856. 376 p. ; 21 cm. AK F2 L8 Akins Mavor, William, Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries : from the time of Columbus to the present period / by William Mavor, LL.D. London : Printed for E. Newbery, 1796-1801. 25 v. : ill., map, port. ; 15 cm. Voyages and travels.!!Discoveries. AK F2 S77 Akins Colombo, Cristoforo, Memorials of Columbus : a collection of authentic documents of that celebrated navigator ... translated from the Spanish and Italian / by Cristoforo Colombo. London : Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, jun. and Richter, 1823. 255 p. Spotorno, Giovanni Battisa, 1788-1844 1788-1844. Genoa (Commune).!!Spain. – Laws, statutes, etc., – 1479-1504 (Ferdinand V and Isabella I). AK F20 AN2 Akins Anderson, W. J. The Lower St. Lawrence : its scenery, navigation and commerce, forming a complete tourist's guide / by W.J. Anderson. Quebec : “Morning Chronicle, 1872. 49 p. Saint Lawrence River.!!Quebec (Province) – Description and travel – 1851-1900.!!Maritime Provinces – Description and travel. AK F20 C16 Akins Dominion of Canada : a guide book containing information for intending settlers. 7th ed. rev. and corr. Ottawa : Dept. of Agriculture, 1886. 159 p. Canada. Dept. of Agriculture. Canada!!_0 – Emigration and immigration. AK F20 EV1 Akins Evans, Francis A. The emigrant's directory and guide to obtain lands and effect a settlement in the Canadas / by Francis A. Evans. Dublin : W. Curry, Jun. and Co., 1833. 180 p. Canada – Emigration and immigration. AK F20 L11 Akins Lacroix, Henry, Lacroix' Canadian guide and book of reference with descriptions and statistics of all places along the lines of railway in the province of Ontario : including a description of the city of Quebec / by Henry Lacroix. Montreal : Witness Print. House, 1873. 116 p. : map. ; 20 cm. Ontario – Description and travel – Guide-books.!!Québec (Quebec) – Description. AK F20 L94 Akins Lovell's gazetteer of British North America. Montreal : J. Lovell, 1873. Lovell, J. Almanacs, Canadian. AK F20 M76 Akins Guide to the city of Montreal. 2nd ed. Montreal : Arch. Ferrie, 1860. 130 p. Ferrie, Arch. Montréal (Quebec) – Description – Guidebooks. AK F20 P84 Akins Great Britain. Post Office (Québec, Quebec). Post Office directory for Canada / General Post Office, Quebec. Montreal : Lovell and Gibson, 1848. 98 p. Postal service – Quebec (Province) – Directories.!!Postal service – Ontario – Directories. AK F20 SM5 Akins Smyth, David William, A short topographical description of His Majesty's province of Upper Canada in North America : to which is annexed a provincial gazetteer. London : W. Faden, 1813. 123 p. Ontario – Description and travel – 1764-1850.!!Ontario – Gazetteers. AK F20 SM6 Akins Smith, William Henry, Smith's Canadian gazetteer : comprising statistical and general information respecting all parts of the Upper Province, or, Canada West / by Wm H. Smith. Toronto : Published for the author by H. Rowsell ; 1849. 285 p. : 4 ill., folded map ; 22 cm. Two letters to the author from the governor general, Lord Metcalfe: p. [289]
Advertisements: p. [291-298] Henry Rowsell (Firm). Ontario – Gazetteers. AK F21 B47 Akins Bibaud, Michel, Dictionnaire historique des hommes illustres du Canada et de l'Amerique par Bibaud, jeune / par Michel Bibaud. Montreal : Chez Bibaud et Richer, 1857. 389 p. Bound with: Tableau historique des progress materiels et intellectuels du Canada ; Bibliotheque Canadienne, ou annales bibliographiques; Tablettes historiques Canadiennes. Dictionaries.!!Canada – History. AK F21 C24 Akins David, L. O. Esquisse biographique de sir George Etienne Cartier / par L.O. David. Montreal : “ L'Opinion Publique”, 1873. 21 p. AK F21 N82 Akins Notman, William, Portraits of British Americans / by W. Notman ; with biographical sketches by Fennings Taylor. Montreal : W. Notman, 1868. ports. Taylor, Fennings, 1817-1882. Biography – 19th century – Portraits.!!Canada – Biography. AK F24 G85 Akins Greswell, William Parr. Geography of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland : under the auspices of the Royal Colonial Institute / by William Parr Greswell. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1891. 154 p. : 10 maps. Canada – Geography. AK F24 R27e Akins Reid, Hugo. Elements of geography, adapted for use in British North America : containing the geography of the leading countries of world with British America fully developed, and the outlines of physical and astronomical geography / by Hugo Reid. 2nd ed. Halifax : [s.n.], 1858. 154 p. Geography.!!North America – Geography. AK F26 P93 Akins Priest, Josiah, American antiquities and discoveries in the West : being an exhibition of the evidence that an ancient population of partially civilized nations, differing entirely from those of the present Indians, peopled America many centuries before its discovery by compiled from travels, authentic sources, and the researches of antiquarian societies, by Josiah Priest. 4th ed. Albany, N.Y. : Printed by Hoffman & White, 1838. 400 p. : ill., plan ; 22 cm. America – Antiquities. AK F27 F18 Akins Falconer, Thomas. The Oregon question : a statement of the Oregon territory, in opposition to the pretensions of the government of the United States of America. With chronological table, and a map of the territory / by Thomas Falconer. New York : W. Taylor, 1845. 40 p. Oregon Question. AK F27 F31 Akins Featherstonaugh, George William. Observations upon the treaty of Washington, signed August 9, 1842 : with the treaty annexed [Ashburton treaty] together with map, to illustrate the boundary line as established by the treaty between H.M.'s colonies of New Brunswick and Canada and the Unit by George William Featherstonaugh. London : J.W. Parker, 1843. 119 p. Canada – History – Ashburton treaty. AK F27 G79n Akins Great Britain. Report of the commissioners appointed by the British government, July 9th, 1839, to explore and survey the territory in dispute between the governments of Great Britain and the United States of America, under the second article of the treaty of 1783 / Great Britain. London : Foreign Office, 1840. 57 p. Boundaries.!!Sovereignty. AK F27 H58 Akins Hincks, Francis, The boundaries formerly in dispute between Great Britain and the United States : a lecture / by Sir Francis Hincks. Montreal : J. Lovell, 1885. 29 p. 9th of June, 1885. Canada – Boundaries – United States.!!United States – Boundaries – Canada.!!Great Britain – Foreign relations – United States.!!United States – Foreign relations – Great Britain. AK F27 L56 Akins Verax. Letters on the boundary line : first published in the City Gazette. Saint John, N.B. : A. Mcleod, 1828. 30 p. Letters signed: Verax. New Brunswick – Boundaries.!!Nova Scotia – Boundaries.!!Quebec (Province) – Boundaries.!!United States – Boundaries. AK F27 M28 Akins Maine. Legislature. Committee on Northeastern Boundary. Report of the joint select committee of the Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Maine in relation to the North-Eastern boundary of the state / Committee on Northeastern boundary. Portland, Maine : T. Todd, printer to the state, 1828. 60 p. Bound with: Report of Charles S. Davies ... . Boundaries.!!Sovereignty.!!Maine. AK F27 M28 Akins Maine. Report of Charles S. Davies, esq. agent appointed by the Executive of the state of Maine, to inquire into and report upon certain facts relating to aggressions upon the right of the state, and of individual citizens thereof, by inhabitants of the province [Charles S. Davies]. Portland, Maine : T. Todd, printer to the state, 1828. 35 p. Bound with: Report of the joint select committee of the Senate and House of Representatives of the state of Maine in relation to the North-Eastern boundary of the state . Boundaries.!!Sovereignty.!!Maine. AK F27 M32 Akins Map of the North Eastern boundary. St. John, N.B. : G.E. Fenety, [18--?]. (Author unknown). Northeast boundary of the United States.!!Canada – Boundaries – United States.!!United States – Boundaries – Canada. AK F27 M56 Akins Canada. Privy Council Office. Message, despatches, and minutes of the Privy Council, relating to the treaty of Washington / [Privy Council]. Ottawa : I.B. Taylor, 1872. 55 p. Treaty of Washington, 1871. AK F27 M64 Akins Milton, William Fitzwilliam, A history of the San Juan water boundary question, as affecting the division of territory between Great Britain and the United States / by William Fitzwilliam Milton. London : Cassell, Peter, and Galpin, 1869. 442 p. : maps. Canada – History – Boundary disputes and treaties. AK F27 N84 Akins Stuart, Andrew, Notes upon the south western boundary line of the British provinces of Lower Canada and New Brunswick and the United States of America / [Andrew Stuart]. Quebec : T. Carey & Co., 1830. 58 p. Signed: Andrew Stuart. New Brunswick – Boundaries.!!Quebec (Province) – Boundaries.!!Northeast boundary of the United States.!!Acadia. AK F27 N84 1839 Akins Stuart, Andrew, Notes upon the south western boundary line of the British provinces of Lower Canada and New Brunswick and the United States of America / by Andrew Stuart. Montreal : Armour and Ramsay, 1839. 63 p. New Brunswick – Boundaries.!!Quebec (Province) – Boundaries.!!Northeastern boundary of the United States.!!Acadia. AK F27 OR3 Akins Oregon : the claim of the United States to Oregon as stated in the letters of the Hon. J.C. Calhoun and the Hon. J. Buchanan, ... to the Rt. Hon. R. Pakenham ... with an appendix, containing the counter statement of Mr. Pakenham to the American Secretarie London : Wiley & Putnam, 1846. 55 p. (Author unknown). Boundaries.!!Oregon. AK F27 R28 Akins Chipman, Ward, Remarks upon the disputed points of boundary under the fifth article of the Treaty of Ghent : principally compiled from the statements laid by the government of Great Britain before the king of the Netherlands, as arbiter. Saint John, N.B. : D.A. Cameron, 1838. 81 p. Attributed to Ward Chipman--National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints. Northeast boundary of the United States.!!Canada – Boundaries – United States. AK F27 SH3 Akins Urquhart, David, Exposition of the causes and the consequences of the boundary differences between Great Britain and the United States, subsequently to their adjustment by arbitration : addressed to the Chamber of Commerce of Sheffield, 12th April, 1839 / by David Urquhart. Liverpool : Printed by Mitchell, Heaton, and Mitchell, [1839]. 95, xvi p., [1] leaf of plates : col. map ; 29 cm. Not published.
Page iv appears as v; map is hand-coloured. Chamber of Commerce of Sheffield. Northeast boundary of the United States.!!Canada – Boundaries – United States.!!United States – Boundaries – Canada. AK F27 T92 Akins Twiss, Sir Travers, The Oregon Territory, its history and discovery, including an account of the convention of the Escurial : the treaties and negotiations between the United States and Great Britain, held at various times for the settlement of a boundary line / by Sir Travers Twiss. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1846. 264 p. Oregon – History – Boundary disputes and treaties. AK F28 A68 Akins Arfwedson, Carl David, The United States and Canada, in 1832, 1833, and 1834 / by Carl David Arfwedson. London : R. Bentley, 1834. 2 v. Canada – Boundaries – United States.!!United States – Boundaries – Canada. AK F28 AC2 Akins Izard, Ralph , An account of a journey to Niagara, Montreal and Quebec, in 1765 : “tis eighty years since” / by Ralph Izard. New York : W. Osborn, 1846. Canada – History. AK F28 AC7 Akins Fream, W. Across Canada : a report on its agricultural resources / by William Fream. Rev. ed. Ottawa : Dept. of Agriculture, 1886. 31 p. Cover title.
Includes advertising matter on back cover. Canada – Description and travel – 1868-1900. AK F28 B66d Akins Bouchette, Joseph, Description topographique de la province du Bas Canada avec des remarques sur le Haut Canada et sur les relations des deux provinces avec les Etats-Unis de l'Amérique / par Joseph Bouchette ; enrichie de plusieurs vues, plans de ports, de batailles, &c. ; présentation de John E. Hare. London : W. Faden, 1815. 664 p. : ill., cartes, diagr., plans ; 23 cm. Comprend un index. Land grants – Quebec (Province)!!Quebec (Province) – Description and travel.!!Ontario – Description and travel. AK F28 B66g Akins Bouchette, Joseph, A general report of an official tour through the new settlements of the province of Lower Canada / by Joseph Bouchette. Quebec : T. Cary & Co., 1825. 90 p. Canada – History. AK F28 B66g Akins Bouchette, Joseph, A general report of an official tour through the new settlements of the province of Lower Canada / by Joseph Bouchette. Quebec : T. Cary & Co., 1825. 90 p. Canada – History. AK F28 B81 Akins Brown, James B. Views of Canada and the colonists, embracing the experience of an eight years' residence / by James B. Brown. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black, 1851. Canada – Description and travel. AK F28 B93 Akins Burnaby, Andrew. Travels through the middle settlements in North-America. In the years 1759 and 1760. With observations upon the state of colonies / by Andrew Burnaby. 2nd ed. London : T. Payne, 1775. 198 p. North America – Colonies. AK F28 C16 Akins Canada, a brief outline of her geographical position, productions, climate, capabilities, educational and municipal institutions, fisheries, railroads, &c., &c., &c. Quebec : J. Lovell, 1860. 39 p. Title from header. Canada. Bureau of Agriculture. Canada – Geography. AK F28 C25 Akins Carver, Jonathan, Travels through the interior parts of North-America, in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768 / by J. Carver. Dublin : S. Price, 1779. 508 p. : ill., maps ; 22 cm. Cover title: Carver's travels through North America. Indians of North America.!!Natural history – North America.!!United States – Description and travel – To 1783.!!Canada – Description and travel – 1764-1867. AK F28 C25t Akins Carver, Jonathan, Three years travels through the interior parts of North-America, for more than five thousand miles : containing an account of the Great Lakes, and all the lakes, islands, and rivers, cataracts, mountains, minerals, ... together with a concise history of t by Jonathan Carver. Philadelphia, Pa. : Key & Simpson, 1796. 360 p. ; 21 cm. Natural history – North America.!!Indians of North America.!!United States – Description and travel – To 1783.!!Canada – Description and travel – 1764-1867. AK F28 C54 Akins Chastellux, Francois Jean, Travels in North-America in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782 by the Marquis de Chastellux / by Francois Jean Chastellux. London : G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1787. 2v. : maps. North America – Description and travel. AK F28 D41 Akins Dennys, Nicholas Belfield. An account of the cruise of the St. George on the North American and West Indian Station : during the years 1861-1862 / by N.B. Dennys. London : Saunders, Otley, and Co., 1862. 267 p. Voyages and travels. AK F28 D43 Akins De Roos, Fred. Fitzgerald, Personal narrative of travels in the United States and Canada in 1826 : with remarks on the present state of the American navy / by F. Fitzgerald De Roos. 3rd ed. London : W.H. Ainsworth, 1827. 207 p. : ill., maps. Includes index. United States – Description and travel – 1783-1848.!!Canada – Description and travel – 1764-1867. AK F28 D91 Akins Duncan, John Morrison. Travels through part of the United States and Canada in 1818 and 1819 / by John M. Duncan. Glasgow : University Press, 1823. 2 v. Canada – Description and travel.!!United States – Description and travel. AK F28 EL8 Akins Elworth, Thomas. Sketches of incidents and adventures in the life of Thomas Elworth, the American pedestrian / written by himself. Boston, Mass. : Printed for the author, 1844. 68 p. United States – Description and travel. AK F28 F62 Akins Fleming, Sandford, England and Canada : a summer tour between old and new Westminster. With historical notes / by Sandford Fleming. Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1884. 449 p. Canada – Description and travel.!!Great Britain – Description and travel. AK F28 G36 Akins Gigantic panorama of the Mississippi and Ohio rivers : presenting the diversified scenery of twelve different states. Boston, Mass. : J. Putnam, 1848. 32 p. (Author unknown). United States – Description and travel. AK F28 H19 Akins Hand book to the parliamentary and departmental buildings, Canada : with plans of the buildings indicating the several offices and the names of the officials occupying them, together with a plan of the city, and a short sketch of the valley of the Ottawa Ottawa : G.E. Desbarats, 1867. 79 p. : ill., plans ; 23 cm. Attributed to the Joseph Bureau, compilor -- National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints.
Includes index. Bureau, Joseph. Architecture – Ontario – Ottawa.!!Public buildings – Ontario – Ottawa.!!Ontario – Description and travel – Guide-books. AK F28 J62 Akins Johnston, James Finley W. Notes on North America : agricultural, economical, and social / by James F.W. Johnston. London : W. Blackwood & Sons, 1851. 2 v. North America – Description and travel. AK F28 K82 Akins Kohl, Johann Georg. Travels through Canada and through the states of New York and Pennsylvania / by J.G. Kohl ; translated by Mrs. Percy Sinnett. London : George Manwaring, 1861. 2 v. Canada – Description and travel.!!Pennsylvania – Description and travel.!!New York (State) – Description and travel. AK F28 L23 Akins Lambert, John, Travels through Canada, and the United States of North America, in the years 1806, 1807, & 1808 : to which are added, biographical notices and anecdotes of some of the leading characters in the United States / by John Lambert. 3rd ed. London : Printed for Baldwin , Cradock, and Joy, 1816. 2 v. Canada – Description and travel.!!United States – Description and travel. AK F28 L61 Akins La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, Francois Alexandre Frederic de, Travels through the United States of North America, the country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797 : with an authentic account of Lower Canada / by the Duke de la Rochefoucault Liancourt. London : R. Phillips, 1799. 3 v. Canada – Description and travel.!!United States – Description and travel. AK F28 M14 Akins McDonald, John. Emigration to Canada : narrative of a voyage to Quebec and journey from thence to New Lanark in Upper Canada / by John McDonald. 7th ed. Edinburgh : Printed for the author, 1825. 36 p. Includes original t.p.
Includes index. Pioneers – Canada – Biography.!!Canadian immigration literature (English) – To 1867.!!Canada – Description and travel – 1764-1867.!!Canada – Emigration and immigration.!!Ontario – Description and travel – 1764-1850. AK F28 M15 Akins Mackenzie, William Lyon, Sketches of Canada and the United States / by Willaim Lyon Makcenzie. London : E. Wilson, 1833. 504 p. Canada – Description and travel.!!United States – Description and travel. AK F28 M25 Akins MacTaggart, John. Three years in Canada : an actual state of the country in 1826-28 : comprehending its resources, productions, improvements, and capabilities ; and including sketches of the state of society , advice to emigrants &c / by John MacTaggart. London : Henry Colburn, 1829. 2 v. Canada – Description and travel. AK F28 P92 Akins Darling, William Stewart, Sketches of Canadian life, lay and ecclesiastical : illustrative of Canada and the Canadian Church / by a presbyter of the Diocese of Toronto. London : David Bogue, 1849. 310 p. ; 21 cm. Frontier and pioneer life – Ontario!!Ontario – Description and travel. AK F28 R65 Akins Rolph, Thomas. A descriptive and statistical account of Canada : shewing its great adaptation for British emigration. Preceded by an account of a tour through portions of the West Indies and the United States / by Thomas Rolph. 2nd ed. London : Smith, Elder & Co., 1841. 272 p. Canada – Description and travel. AK F28 T69 Akins Todd, Henry Cook, Notes upon Canada and the United States : from 1832 to 1840 : much in a small space, or a great deal in a little book / by a traveller [i.e. Henry Cook Todd]. 2nd ed. Toronto : Rogers and Thompson, 1840. 184 p. Attributed to Henry Cook Todd--National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints. United States – Description and travel – 1783-1848.!!Canada – Description and travel – 1764-1867. AK F28 T69 Akins A manual of orthoepy : with numerous notes upon the origin and abuse of words. York, (Upper Canada) : Printed at the office of the Guardian, 1833. 104 p. (Author unknown).
Bound with: Notes upon Canada and the United States. Language and languages – Orthography and spelling – Hanbooks, manuals, etc. AK F28 W45 Akins Weld, Isaac, Travels through the states of North America : and the provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during the years 1795, 1796, and 1797 / by Isaac Weld, junior. 3rd ed. London : Printed for J. Stockdale, 1800. 2 v. : fold. plates, fold. maps, fold. plans ; 22 United States – Description and travel.!!Canada – Description and travel – Early works to 1800. AK F29 AL5 Akins Allen, Zachariah, Defence of the Rhode Island system of treatment of the Indians, and of civil and religious liberty : an address delivered before the Rhode Island Historical Society, April 10th, 1876 / by Zachariah Allen. Providence, R.I. : Providence Press Co., 1876. 34 p. Indians of North America – Rhode Island. AK F29 AM3 Akins Papers of the American Historical Association. New York : G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1885-1891. 5 v. ; 24 cm. Includes proceedings of the annual meetings. American Historical Association. History.!!United States – History – Periodicals. AK F29 AM3a Akins The American review of history and politics, and general repository of literature and state papers. Philadelphia, Pa. : Farrand & Nicholas, 1811-1812. Walsh, Robert, 1784-1859. United States – History – Periodicals. AK F29 AM3g Akins American Geographical and Statistical Society. Statement of the object and organization of the American Geographical and Statistical Society : with a copy of its charter, by-laws, formation of sections and a list of members / American Geographical and Statistical Society. New York : Baker & Godwin, 1857. 3 p. ; 22 cm. Geography – Societies, etc. AK F29 AM3g Akins Bulletin of the American Geographical and Statistical Society. New York : G.P. Putnam, 1852-1857. American Geographical and Statistical Society. Geography – Societies, etc. AK F29 AM3h Akins American Geographical and Statistical Society. Annual report of the council and officers, with appendix / American Geographical and Statistical Society. [New York] : Society's Rooms, New York University, 1858. 50 p. ; 22 cm. Bound with: Statement of object and organization ... . Geography – Societies, etc. AK F29 AM3i Akins American Geographical and Statistical Society. Catalogue of the library of the American Geographical and Statistical Society / compiled by E.R. Straznicky. New York : G.B. Teubner, 1857. 32 p. ; 22 cm. Bound with: Statement of object and organization ... . Geography – Societies, etc. AK F29 C16 Akins Canada. Select comittee ... on ancient archives and public records (1844-45). Report / Select comittee ... on ancient archives and public records. [Ottawa? : Queen's Printer?, 184-?]. Bound with: Report on Canadian Archives, v.1. AK F29 C16c Akins The Canadian journal. Toronto : Upper Canada, 1852-1855. Caption title.
A repertory of industry, science, and art, and a record of the proceedings of the Canadian Institute.
Edited by Henry Youle Hind, M.A., ...
Imprint varies.
Includes indexes.
Issues reproduced: Vol. Canadian Institute (1849-1914) Canadian periodicals (English) AK F29 C26 Akins Casgrain, H.-R. Oeuvres complètes / de H.R. Casgrain. Ed. populaire. Québec : C. Darveau, 1875. v. Tome premier. AK F29 C76p Akins The public records of the colony of Connecticut. Hartford, Conn. : [s.n.], 1868-70. 2 v. Hoadley, Charles J. Connecticut. AK F29 C76r Akins Records of the colony and plantation of New Haven. Hartford, Conn. : [s.n.], 1857-58. 2 v. Hoadley, Charles J. New Haven (Conn.). AK F29 F86 Akins Fraser's Magazine. Papers on the colonial question extracted from Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country / Fraser's Magazine. London : James Fraser, 1830. Fraser, James. Colonization. AK F29 G21 Akins The Gaspé magazine and instructive miscellany. [New Carlisle, Québec? : s.n., 1849-18--?] Title from cover.
Includes advertising matter.
Issues reproduced: Vol. 1, no. 1 (Aug. 1849)-v. 1, no. 11 (June 1850) Canadian literature (English) – Periodicals. AK F29 H62 Akins Historical magazine, and notes and queries concerning the antiquities, history, and biography of America. Boston ; New York, etc.: C. B. Richardson, 1857-1875. 23 v. ill. United States – History – Periodicals.!!United States – Periodicals. AK F29 IN2 Akins Indiana Historical Society. Loughrey's defeat and Pigeon Roost Massacre : with introductory sketch, by Charles Martindale / Indiana Historical Society. Indianapolis, Ind. : Bowen-Merrill Co., 1888. AK F29 IN7 Akins L'institut-Canadien. Annuaire ... pour 1868 : celebration du 24eme anniversaire de la fondation de l'institut-canadien, le 17 decembre 1868 / L'institut-Canadien. Montreal : Imprimeur du journal “Le Pays”, 1868. 30 p. AK F29 M28 Akins Maine Historical Society. Library. Collections of the Maine Historical Society Library / Maine Historical Society. Portland, Me. : [s.n.], 1831-1859. AK F29 M28h Akins Hakluyt, Richard, A discourse on western planting, written in the year 1584 / by Richard Hakluyt ; with a preface and an introduction by Leonard Woods, ed. ; with notes in the appendix by Charles Deane. Cambridge, Mass.? : J. Wilson and Son, 1877. 253 p. Woods, Leonard.!!Deane, Charles. Maine – Missions. AK F29 M38d Akins Massachusetts Historical Society (Boston, Mass.). Lectures delivered in a course before the Lowell Institute, in Boston, by members of the Massachusetts Historical Society on subjects relating to the early history of Massachusetts / Massachusetts Historical Society. Boston, Mass. : The Society, 1869. 498 p. Massachusetts Historical Society (Boston, Mass.). Massachusetts – History. AK F29 M38r Akins Massachusetts. Records of the governor and company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England : printed by order of the legislature / edited by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff. Boston, Mass. : W. White, printer to the commonwealth, 1853-54. 5 v. ; 31 cm. Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet, 1810-1874. Massachusetts – History – Colonial Period. AK F29 M38t Akins Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Boston, Mass.). Annual report of the President, 1890. Boston, Mass. : The Institute, 1890-91. Bound with: Annual Catalogue, 1890-91, and Commemorative address, by Augustus Lowell, 1890. AK F29 M68 Akins Missouri Historical Society. The attempts to separate the West from the American union : a paper read before the Missouri Historical Society, February 4, 1885 / Missouri Historical Society. St. Louis, Mo. : [The Society], 1885. 60 p. Boundaries.!!Sovereignty. AK F29 M69 Akins Missouri Historical Society. The American revolution and the acquisition of the valley of the Mississippi : a paper read before the Missouri Historical Society, Apr. 15th, 1884 / Missouri Historical Society. St. Louis, Mo. : [The Society], 1884. 27 p. Mississippi River Valley – History. AK F29 N44 Akins New England Farmer. Boston, Mass. : [s.n., 18--?]- New England – Periodicals. AK F29 N44b Akins The New England bibliopolist : containing the “Book notices” in the historical and genealogical register / edited by John Ward Dean. Boston, Mass. : [s.n.], 1880. Dean, John Ward. Genealogy – Bibliography. AK F29 N44ha Akins New England Historic Genealogical Society. Address of the Hon. Marshall P. Wilder, president ... and the other proceedings at the annual meeting, January 1, 1873 / New England Historic Genealogical Society. Boston, Mass. : The Society's House, 1873. 43 p. New England – Genealogy – Societies, etc. AK F29 N44hd Akins New England Historic Genealogical Society. Discourse delivered before the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, March 18, 1870, on the occassion of the 25th anniversary of its incorporation / by the Rev. Edmund F. Slafter, A.M. Boston, Mass. : The Society, 1870. 59 p. Slafter, Edmund F. New England – Genealogy – Societies, etc. AK F29 N44m Akins Cordner, John, The vision of the Pilgrim fathers : an oration spoken before the New England Society of Montreal, in the American Presbyterian church, on 22nd December, 1856 / by John Cordner. Montreal : H. Rose, 1857. 54 p. ; 22 cm. Published by request of the society. Rose, H. New England Society of Montreal. Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony). AK F29 N44r Akins The New England historical & genealogical register / published quarterly under the direction of the New England Historic, Genealogical Society. Boston : S.G. Drake, 1850 20 p. : ill., facsims., maps, ports. ; 23 cm. Title from cover. New England Historic Genealogical Society. Genealogy – Periodicals.!!New England – History – Periodicals.!!New England – Genealogy – Periodicals. AK F29 N44s Akins Sabine, Lorenzo, An address before the New England Historic, Genealogical Society, in the hall of the House of Representatives of Massachusetts, Tuesday Sept. 13th , 1859 / by Lorenzo Sabine. Boston, Mass. : The Society, 1859. 100 p. AK F29 N45 Akins New Hampshire. [Provincial and state papers]. Published by authority of the legislation of New Hampshire. Concord, 1867-19- illus. maps (part fold.) plans (part fold.) fold. Title varies.
Imprint varies. New Hampshire – History AK F29 N45h Akins New Hampshire Historical Society (Concord, N.H.). Collections. Concord, N.H. : [The Society, 186-?]- New Hampshire – History. AK F29 N48 Akins Documents relative to the colonial history of the state of New-York. Albany, N.Y. : Weed, Parsons and Co., 1853-58. New York (State) – History. AK F29 N48c Akins New York (State). Calendar of historical manuscripts relating to the war of the revolution, in the office of the Secretary of State, Albany, N.Y. / New York (State). Albany, N.Y. : The State, 18--?]. 2 v. New York (State) – History. AK F29 N48d Akins The documentary history of the state of New York / arranged under direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan, secretary of State. Albany, N.Y. : Weed, Parsons & Co., 1849-51. New York (State) – History. AK F29 P38 Akins Senter, Isaac, The journal of Isaac Senter, physician and surgeon to the troops detached from the American army encamped at Cambridge, Mass., on a secret expedition against Quebec, under the command of Col. Benedict Arnold, in September 1775 / by Isaac Senter. Philadelphia, Pa. : Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1846. 40 p. American Revolution. AK F29 P93 Akins Prince Society (Boston, Mass.). Act of incorporation, constitution, by-laws, etc. / Prince Society. Boston, Mass. : The Society, 1874. 12 p. ; 21 cm. AK F29 R34 Akins Rhode Island (Colony). Records of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, in New England / edited by John Russell Bartlett, Secretary of State. Providence, R.I. : A.C. Greene, 1856-65. Rhode Island – History. AK F29 SM6 Akins Smithsonian Institution (Washington, D.C.). Annual report of the Board of Regents. Washington, D.C. : [Smithsonian Institution Press, 18--?]- AK F29 SM6l Akins Kohl, J.G. Substance of a lecture delivered at the Smithsonian Institution on the plan of a chartographical depot for the history and geography of the American continent / by J.G. Kohl. Washington, D.C. : [Smithsonian Institution Press, 18--?] United States – Geography. AK F29 Z5 Akins Zestermann, Augustus Christian Adolf, Memoir on the European colonization of America, in ante-historic times / by C.A. Adolph Zestermann ; with critical observations thereon by E.G. Squier. London : Bateman and Hardwicke, 1851. 32 p. ; 22 cm. [From the Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society.] Squier, E. G. (Ephraim George), 1821-1888. Indians – Origin.!!America – Discovery and exploration – Pre-Columbian. AK F30 B95 Akins Bury, William Coutts Keppel, Exodus of the western nations / by Viscount Bury. London : R. Bentley, 1865. 2 v. Colonies – History. AK F30 G66 Akins Gordon, James Bentley, An historical and geographical memoir of the North-American continent : its nations and tribes / by the Rev. James Bentley Gordon. Dublin : J. Jones, 1820. 305 p. North America – Description and travel. AK F30 H73 Akins Holmes, Abiel, American annals : a chronological history of America from its discovery in MCCCCXCII to MDCCCVI, in two volumes / by Abiel Holmes. Cambridge, (Mass.) : Printed and sold by W. Hilliard, 1805. 2 v. ; 23 cm. North America – Discovery and exploration.!!United States – History – Chronology. AK F30 M17 Akins MacGregor, John, The progress of America, from the discovery by Columbus to the year 1846 / by John MacGregor. London : Whittaker & Co., 1847. 2 v. North America – Discovery and exploration. AK F30 N42 Akins A new and complete history of the British empire in America. [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. (Author unknown). Great Britain – Colonies – America. AK F30 T37 Akins Alcedo, Antonio de, The geographical and historical dictionary of America and the West Indies : containing an entire translation of the Spanish work of Colonel Don Antonio de Alcedo, Captain of the Royal Spanish Guards, and member of the Royal Academy of History / with large additions and compilations from modern voyages and travels and from original and authentic information, by G.A. Thompson. London : James Carpenter, 1812. 597 p. Thompson, G. A. (George Alexander). America – Gazetteers.!!Latin America – Gazetteers.!!West Indies – Gazetteers. AK F30 W73 Akins Winterbotham, W. An historical, geographical, commercial, and philosophical view of the American United States, and of the European settlements in America and the West-Indies / by W. Winterbotham. Second edition. London : Printed for the compiler, H.D. Symonds etc., 1799. 4 v. United States – Discovery and exploration. AK F35 B43 Akins Belknap, Jeremy, American biography, or, An historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in America as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors, and other remarkable characters : comprehending a recital of the events connected wi by Jeremy Belknap. [Boston] : Printed at Boston, by Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, 1794-1798. 2 v. ; 21 cm. United States – Biography. AK F35 B46 Akins Bayard, Nicholas, Journal of the late actions of the French at Canada / by Nicholas Beyard [i.e. Nicholas Bayard] and Charles Lodowick. New York : Reprinted for J. Sabin, 1868. 55 p. Facsim. of the original ed. : London : R. Baldwin, 1693. Lodowick, Charles. United States – History – King William's War, 1689-1697 – Sources.!!Canada – History – 1663-1713 (New France) – Sources. AK F35 C37 Akins The Charters of the British colonies in America : London : Printed for J. Almon, [1776?]. 142 p. (Author unknown).
Marginal notes. Constitutional history – Great Britain – Colonies.!!Great Britain – Colonies – America.!!United States – History – Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. AK F35 D35 Akins Dane, John. A declaration of remarkable providences in the course of my life / by John Dane of Ipswich. Boston, Mass. : S.G. Drake, 1854. 16 p. Prepared for the New England historic register. New England Historic-Genealogical Society. AK F35 F69 Akins Tracts and other papers relating principally to the origin, settlement, and progress of the colonies in North America, from the discovery of the country to the year 1776 / collected by Peter Force. Washington, D.C. : P. Force, 1836-46. Force, Peter, 1790-1868. United States – Colonial Period!!_0 – Sources. AK F35 H33 Akins Hazlitt, William. Talvi's history of the colonization of America / edited by William Hazlitt, esq. London : T.C. Newby, 1851. 2 v. United States – Colonization. AK F35 H42 Akins Hazard, Ebenezer, Historical collections : consisting of state papers, and other authentic documents intended as materials for an history of the United States of America / by Ebenezer Hazard. Philadelphia, Pa. : T. Dobson, 1792. United States – History – Sources. AK F35 H67 Akins The history of the British dominions in North America : from the first discovery of that vast continent by Cabot in 1497, to its present glorious establishment as confirmed by the late treaty of peace in 1763. London : Printed for W. Strahan and T. Becket and Co., 1773. 275 p. (Author unknown). North America – Discovery and Exploration. AK F35 J87 Akins Walker, Hovenden, A journal : full account of the late expedition to Canada : with an appendix containing commissions ... councils of war, &c. relating thereto / by Hovenden Walker. London : D. Browne, 1720. 304 p. Canada – Discovery and exploration. AK F35 O44 Akins Oldmixon, John, The British empire in America, containing the history of the discovery, settlement , progress and present state of all the british colonies, on the continent and islands of America / by John Oldmixon. London : John Nicholson etc., 1708. 2 v. ; 20 cm. Great Britain – Colonies. AK F35 O44 1741 Akins Oldmixon, John, The British empire in America, containing the history of the discovery, settlement , progress and present state of all the british colonies, on the continent and islands of America / by John Oldmixon. 2nd ed., corr. and amended. London : J. Brotherton, J. Clarke, etc. 1741. 2 v. ; 21 cm. Great Britain – Colonies. AK F35 P28 Akins Parsons, Usher, The life of Sir William Pepperrell, Bart. : the only native of New England who was created a baronet during its connexion with the mother country / by Usher Parsons. 2nd ed. London : Boston : S. Low ; Little, Brown, 1856. xii, 356, 8 p. : ill., map ; 21 cm. Includes publisher's list.
Includes bibliographical references. Military biography. AK F35 P29 Akins Payne, Thomas. Common Sense : addressed to the inhabitants of America / by Thomas Payne. New ed., with several additions in the body of the work. Philadelphia, Pa. : W. and T. Bradford, 1776. 99 p. United States – Sovereignty. AK F35 P89 Akins Pownall, Thomas, The administration of the colonies / by Thomas Pownall. 4th ed. London : J. Walter, 1768. 318 p. Indians – Treatment of – North America.!!Great Britain – Colonies!!_0 – America!!_0 – Administration. AK F35 P93 Akins Prince, Thomas, A chronological history of New England in the form of annals ... from the discovery by Captain Gosnold in 1602, to the arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730 ... to the discovery of New England / by Thomas Prince, M.A. Boston, Mass. : S. Gerrish, [17--?]. 2 v. New England – History. AK F35 R26 Akins The regulations lately made concerning the colonies, and the taxes imposed upon them, considered. London : J. Wilkie, 1765. 114 p. Attributed to Thomas Whately--National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints. Wilkie, J. Great Britain – Colonies. AK F35 R72 Akins Rogers, Robert. A concise account of North America : containing a description of the several British colonies / by Robert Rogers. London : Printed for the author, 1765. 264 p. North America – Description and travel. AK F35 T83 Akins Occasional essays on various subjects chiefly political and historical : extracted partly from the publick newspapers ... and from Bishop Burnet's history of his own time. London : R. Wilks, 1809. 607 p. (Author unknown). Great Britain – Politics. AK F35.1 C26 Akins Chronicles of Casco Bay. Portland, [Me.] : Sanborn and Carter, 1850. 56 p. (Author unknown). Maine – History. AK F35.1 H86 Akins Hubbard, William, A general history of New England , from the discovery to 1680 / by the Rev. William Hubbard. Cambridge, Mass. : Hilliard & Metcalf, 1815. 676 p. Published by the Massachusetts Historical Society. New England – History. AK F35.1 M83 Akins Morse, Jedidiah, A compendious history of New England : to which is added, a short abstract of the history of New York, and New Jersey / by Jedidiah Morse, D.D. and Elijah Parish, D.D. Charlestown, [Mass.] : S. Etheridge, 1820. 324 p. New England – History. AK F35.1 N25 Akins Neal, Daniel, The history of New-England containing an impartial account of the civil and ecclesiastical affairs of the country to the year of Our Lord, 1700 : to which is added the present state of New-England / by Daniel Neal. London : J. Clark, R. Ford, and R. Cruttenden, 1720. New England – History. AK F35.1 R32 Akins A review of Winthrop's journal, as edited and published by the Hon. James Savage under the title of “The history of New England from 1630-1649, by John Winthrop, Esq.”. Boston, Mass. : Dutton & Wentworth, 1854. 20 p. (Author unknown).
Prepared and published in the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, OCtober, 1853, and January, 1854. By the editor of that periodical. New England – History. AK F35.1 W73 Akins Winthrop, John, The history of New England from 1630 to 1649 / by John Winthrop, esq. first governour of the colony of the Massachusetts Bay. A new ed., with additions and corrections by the former editor. Boston, Mass. : Little, Brown, & Co., 1853. 2 v. New England – History. AK F35.11 SO8 Akins Hewatt, Alexander. An historical account of the rise and progress of the colonies of South Carolina and Georgia / by Alexander Hewatt. London : A. Donaldson, 1799. 2v. Great Britain – Colonies – America. AK F35.12 H62 Akins The history of Virginia, in four parts / by a native and inhabitant of the place. 2nd ed., rev. and enlar. by the author. London : F. Fayram and J. Clarke, etc., 1722. 284 p. (Author unknown). Virginia – History. AK F35.12 K26 Akins Keith, William, The history of the British plantations in America : with a chronological account of the most remarkable things, which happened to the first adventurers in their several discoveries of that new world / by William Keith. London : Society for the Encouragement of Learning, 1738. 4187 p. Great Britain – Colonies – America. AK F35.12 R54 Akins Robertson, William, The history of America : books IX and X : containing the history of Virginiam to the year 1688 ; and the history of New England, to the year 1652 / by William Robertson. London : W. Strahan, etc., 1796. 143 p. America – Discovery and exploration. AK F35.12 SM6 Akins Smith, John, The true travels, adventures and observations of Captaine John Smith, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America : beginning about the yeere 1593, and continued to this present 1629 ... from London edition of 1629 / by John Smith. Richmond, [Va.?] : William W. Gray, 1819. 2 v. AK F35.12 SM6 Akins Smith, John, The Generall Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles : with the names of the Adventurers ... ano 1584, to the present 1624 / by John Smith. London : Printed by I.D. and I.H. for Michael Sparkes, 1624. 248 p. Great Britain – Colonies!!_0 – America. AK F35.12 SO1 Akins Church of the French Refugees (Manakin, Va.). Register containing the baptisms made in the Church of the French Refugees at Mannikintown, in Virginia, in the parish of King William, in the year of Our Lord, 1721, the 25 March / Church of the French Refugees. [Richmond, Va.?] : Privately published by T.H. Wynne, [186-?]. 19 p. ; 40 cm. Baptism. AK F35.2 B41 Akins Belknap, Jeremy, The history of New Hampshire / by Jeremy Belknap. Philadelphia, Pa. : Printed for the author, 1784-92. 3 v. New Hampshire – History. AK F35.3 B72 v.1 Akins Bradford, Alden. History of Massachusetts, from 1764-1775 : when General Washington took command of the American Army / by Alden Bradford. Boston, Mass. : Richardson and Lord, 1822. 414 p. Massachusetts – History. AK F35.3 B72 v.2 Akins Bradford, Alden. History of Massachusetts, from 1764-1775 : when General Washington took command of the American Army, at Cambridge, to the year 1769, (inclusive,) when the federal government was established under the present Constitution / by Alden Bradford. Boston, Mass. : Wells and Lilly, 1825. Massachusetts – History. AK F35.3 H97c Akins Hutchinson, Thomas, A collection of original papers relative to the history of the colony of Massachusets-Bay / by Thomas Hutchinson. Boston, Mass. : T. and J. Fleet, 1769. 576 p. Massachusetts – History. AK F35.3 H97g Akins Hutchinson, Thomas, The letters of Governor Hutchinson, and Lieut. Governor Oliver, &c. and remarks thereon : with the assembly address, and the proceedings of the Lords committee of council / by Thomas Hutchinson. 2nd ed. London : J. Wilkie, 1774. 142 p. Massachusetts – History. AK F35.3 M38c Akins Massachusetts (Colony) Charters. The charter granted by Their majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England / Massachusetts (Colony) Charters. Boston, Mass. : B. Green, 1726. 14 p. The Explanatory Charter granted by His Majesty King George: p. 13-14. Massachusetts – Charters, grants, privileges. AK F35.3 M38c 1759 Akins Massachusetts (Colony) Charters. The charter granted by Their majesties King William and Queen Mary, to the inhabitants of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England / Massachusetts (Colony) Charters. Boston, Mass. : B. Green, 1759. Massachusetts – Charters, grants, privileges. AK F35.3 M38t Akins Massachusetts. Temporary acts and laws of His Majesty's province of Massachusetts-Bay in New England / Massachusetts. Boston, Mass. : Printed by order of His Excellency the Governour, Council and House of Representatives, 1755. 509 p. Legislation – Massachusetts. AK F35.3 T39 Akins Thornton, John Wingate, The landing at Cape Anne : the charter of the first permanent colony on the territory of the Massachusetts company ... 1624-1628 / by John Wingate Thornton. Boston, Mass. : Gould & Lincoln, 1854. 84 p. Massachusetts – Charters, grants, privileges. AK F35.4 C76 Akins Connecticut. The code of 1650, being a compilation of the earliest laws and orders of the General court of Connecticut : also, the constitution, or civil compact ... and judicial proceedings of New Haven colony commonly called Blue laws / Connecticut. Hartford, Conn. : Silas Andrus, 1832. Legislation – Connecticut. AK F35.4 P44 Akins Peters, Samuel Andrew, The Rev. Samuel Peter's LL.D. general history of Connecticut, from its first settlement under George fenwick to its latest period of amity with Great Britain prior to the revolution / by Samuel Andrew Peters. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1877. 285 p. Connecticut – History. AK F35.5 AR6 Akins Arnold, Samuel Greene. History of the state of Rhode Island and Providence plantations ... 1636-1700 / by Arnold Samuel Greene. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1859. Rhode Island – History. AK F35.5 R34 Akins Rhode Island. Census. Census of the inhabitants of the colony of Rhode Island and Providence plantations : taken by order of the Generall Assembly, in the year 1774 ; and by the General assembly, of the state ordered to be printed and arranged by J. Bartlett / Rhode Island. Providence : Knowles, Anthony & Co., 1858. 239 p. Rhode Island – Census (1774). AK F35.6 SM6 Akins Smith, William, The history of the province of New-York, from the first discovery to the year M.DCCXXXII. : to which is annexed a description of the country, an account of the inhabitants, their trade, religious and political state, and the constitution of the courts of by William Smith, A.M. London : Printed for T. Wilcox, 1757. 255 p. New York (State) – Description and travel.!!New York (State) – History – Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. AK F35.6 T79 Akins New York (State). Names of persons for whom marriage licenses were issued by the secretary of the province of New York, previous to 1784 / New York. [Albany, N.Y.] : Albany, Weed, Parsons and Co., 1860. 480 p. AK F35.7 G65 Akins Gordon, Thomas Francis, The history of New Jersey, from its discovery by Europeans, to the adoption of the federal Constitution / by Thomas F. Gordon. Trenton, N.J. : D. Fenton, 1834. 339 p. Bound with: A gazetteer of the state of New Jersey, by Thomas F. Gordon. New Jersey – History. AK F35.7 G65 Akins Gordon, Thomas Francis, A gazetteer of the state of New Jersey / by Thomas F. Gordon. Trenton, N.J. : D. Fenton, 1834. 226 p. Bound with: The history of New Jersey, from its discovery by Europeans, to the adoption of the federal Constitution. Gazetteers.!!New Jersey – History. AK F35.7 N46 Akins New Jersey. The acts of the General Assembly of the province of New Jersey ... to the fourth year of the reign of King George the Second / New Jersey. Philadelphia, Pa. : William and Andrew Bradford, printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, for the province of New Jersey, [18--?]. 433 p. ; 30 cm. Legislation – New Jersey. AK F35.7 W58 Akins Whitehead, William Adee, Contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy and adjoining country, with sketches of men and events in New Jersey during the provincial era / by William A. Whitehead. New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1856. 428 p. ; 23 cm. New Jersey – History – Colonial period. AK F36 B91 Akins Burke, Edmund, Speech of Edmund Burke, esq., on American taxation, April 19, 1774 / by Edmund Burke. 2nd ed. London : J. Dodsley, 1775. 100 p. Taxation – United States. AK F36 C35 Akins Chalmers, George, Opinions on interesting subjects of public law and commercial policy : arising from American independence / by George Chalmers. A new edition, corrected. London : Printed for J. Debrett, 1785. 200 p. Bound with: An estimate of the comparative strength of Great-Britain. Great Britain – Commerce – United States.!!United States – Commerce – Great Britain.!!Great Britain – Colonies – America – Administration. AK F36 C35c Akins Chalmers, George, An estimate of the comparative strength of Great-Britain, during the present and four preceding reigns : and of the losses of her trade from every war since the Revolution / by George Chalmers. London : Printed for John Stockdale, 1786. 238 p. ; 21 cm. Bound with: Opinions on interesting subjects of public law and commercial policy. Great Britain – Colonies – America!!_0 – Administration. AK F36 C76 Akins The constitutions of the United States : according to the latest amendments ; to which are prefixed, the Declaration of Independence and the Federal Consititution. Philadelphia, Pa. : J. Conrad & Co., 1804. 391 p. ; 17 cm. (Author unknown). Constitutions, State – United States. AK F36 C76c Akins The constitution of the United States : Declaration of Independence ; and Washington's farewell address. Boston, Mass. : T.O.H.P. Burham, 1863. 64 p. (Author unknown). Constitutions, State – United States. AK F36 E21 Akins Eddis, William, Letters from America, historical and descriptive ; comprising occurences from 1769, to 1777, inclusive / by William Eddis. London : Printed for the author, 1792. 455 p. Maryland – Description and travel.!!Maryland – History – Revolution. AK F36 F85 Akins Franklin, Benjamin, Political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces / written by Benjamin Franklin. London : J. Johnson, 1779. 567 p. United States – Politics. AK F36 G13 v.1 Akins Galloway, Joseph, Letters to a nobleman, on the conduct of the war in the middle colonies / by Joseph Galloway. 4th ed. London : J. Wilkie, 1780. Great Britain – Colonies!!_0 – America. AK F36 G13 v.2 Akins Galloway, Joseph, Cool thoughts on the consequences of American independence, &c. by Joseph Galloway. London : Printed for J. Wilkie, 1780. United States – History – Revolution. AK F36 G13e Akins Galloway, Joseph, The examination of Joseph Galloway, esq : late speaker of the House of assembly of Pennsylvania ; before the House of commons, in a committee on the American papers with explanatory notes / by James Galloway. London : J. Wilkie, 1779. 85 p. AK F36 H14 Akins The history of the civil war in America, Vol. I : Comprehending the campaigns of 1775, 1776, and 1777 / by an officer of the army. 2nd ed. London : Printed for T. Payne and Son, 1780. 467 p. United States – History – Revolution. AK F36 H62 Akins The history of the war in America, between Great Britain and her colonies, from its commencement to the end of the year 1778. Dublin : Company of booksellers, 1780. (Author unknown). United States – History!!_0 – Revolution. AK F36 M24 Akins Macpherson, James, The rights of Great Britain asserted against the claims of America : being an answer to the Declaration of the general Congress / by James Macpherson. 3rd ed., with additions. London : Printed for T. Cadell, 1776. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783. AK F36 P96 Akins Pulteney, William. Thoughts on the present state of affairs with America, and the means of conciliation / by William Pulteney. 2nd ed. London : J. Dodsley, and T. Cadell, 1778. 100 p. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783. AK F36 R14 Akins Ramsay, David, The history of the American Revolution / by David Ramsay. New ed. London : Printed for J. Stockdale, 1793. 2 v. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783. AK F36 R14a Akins Ramsay, David, The history of the American Revolution / by David Ramsay. Trenton, N.J. : James J. Wilson, 1811. 2 v. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783. AK F36 R14h Akins Ramsay, David, The history of the revolution of South-Carolina, from a British province to an independent state / by David Ramsay. Trenton, N.J. : Isaac Collins, 1785. 2 v. South Carolina – History. AK F36 SE1 Akins Sears, Robert, The pictorial history of the American revolution : with a sketch of the early history of the country, the Constitution of the United States, and a chronological index / by Robert Sears. New York : Published by Robert Sears, 1847. 432 p. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783. AK F36 SM1 Akins Smillie, James, A panoramic view from Bunker Hill monument, engraved by James Smillie, from a drawing by R.P. Mallory / by James Smillie. Boston, Mass. : Redding & Co., 1848. 16 p. Engravers. AK F36 ST8 Akins Stokes, Anthony, A view of the constitution of the British colonies, in North America and the West Indies, at the time the civil war broke out on the continent of America / by Anthony Stokes. London : Printed for the author and sold by B. White, 1783. 555 p. United States – History – Colonial period. AK F37 AC8 Akins Actes et mémoires concernant les négociations qui ont eu lieu entre la France et les Etats-Unis de l'Amerique, depuis 1793, jusqu'à la conclusion de la convention du 30 Septembre, 1800. [S.l. : s.n., 1800?]. 3 v. (Author unknown). France – Relations – United States.!!United States – Relations – France. AK F37 B45 Akins Beresford-Hope, Alexander James Beresford, The American disruption ... delivered by request at Kilndown, Hawkhurst and before the Maidstone literary and mechanic's institution / by A.J.B. Beresford-Hope. 6th ed. London : J. Ridgway, 1862. 116 p. ; 21 cm. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783. AK F37 D83 Akins Driscoll, Frederick. The twelve days' campaign : an account of the final campaign of the late war / by Frederick Driscoll. Montreal : M. Longmoore & Co., 1866. 103 p. United States – History. AK F37 H13 Akins Haliburton, R. G. Influence of American legislation on the decline of the United States as a maritime power : an address delivered before the Royal Colonial Institute, June 26, 1872 / by Robert Grant Haliburton. London : Office of the European Mail, 1872. 16 p. Legislation – United States.!!Great Britain – Colonies – America. AK F37 H23 Akins Harper, Robert Goodloe. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France addressed by Robert Goodloe Harper, esq., one of the representatives in Congress for the state of South Carolina, to his constituents, in May, 1797 / by Robert Goodloe Harper. 2nd ed. London : Philanthropic Press, 1798. 108 p. France – Relations – United States.!!United States – Relations – France. AK F37 H54 Akins Hildreth, Richard, The history of the United States of America, from the discovery of the continent to the organization of government under the federal Constitution / by Richard Hildreth. New York : Harper & Bros., 1850. 3 v. United States – History. AK F37 K39 Akins Kenny, George B. The constitutionality of secession : a lecture delivered at Temperance hall, Halifax ... Feb. 18th, 1862 in aid of the funds of the Halifax Volunteer battalion band / George B. Kenny. Halifax, N.S. : Compton, 1862. 55 p. Canada – Constitutional law. AK F37 K58 Akins King, Rufus. Speech in the Senate [U.S. Congress] on the navigation laws of the United States which is at this time deserving of the serious attention of the British legislature / by Rufus King. London : T. Davison, 1819. 24 p. Navigation – Safety measures – United States. AK F37 K74 Akins Knight, Thomas F. The American war : with some suggestions towards effecting an honourable peace / by the author of the prized essay on Nova Scotia and her resources. Halifax, N.S. : [s.n.], 1864. 16 p. United States – History. AK F37 L43 Akins Lawrence, Abbott. Letters to the Hon. Abbott Lawrence to the Hon. William C. Rives, of Virginia / by Abbott Lawrence. Boston : Eastburn's Press, 1846. 35 p. AK F37 L98 Akins Lyman, Theodore, The diplomacy of the United States : being an account of the foreign relations of the country, from the first treaty with France, in 1778, to the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, with Great Britain / by Theodore Lyman. Boston : Wells and Lilly, 1826. 379 p. Attributed to Theodore Lyman--National Union Catalog pre-1956 imprints. United States – Foreign relations – Treaties. AK F37 M61 Akins Mill, John Stuart. The contest in America / by John Stuart Mill. 2nd ed. Boston : Little, Brown and Co., 1862. 32 p. (Reprinted from Fraser's magazine). United States – History. AK F37 N22 Akins American naval battles : being a complete history of the battles fought by the navy of the United States, from its establishment in 1794 to the present time ; including the wars with France and Tripoli ... and of the battle of New Orleans. Boston : C. Gaylord, 1837. 278 p. (Author unknown). Naval battles. AK F37 OB7 Akins Observations upon Mr. Clay's letter to Albert Gallatin, dated, Department of State, 11th November, 1826 : comprising a peep into American portfolios, and committee rooms. Halifax, N.S. : Printed at the Royal Gazette Office, [18--?]. 44 p. (Author unknown). AK F37 P92 Akins Jefferson, Thomas, Travels in the interior parts of America : communicating discoveries made in exploring the Missouri, Red River, and Washita, by Captains Lewis and Clark, Doctor Sibley, and Mr. Dunbar ; with a statistical account of the countries adjacent. As laid before by Thomas Jefferson. London : R. Phillips, 1807. 116 p. ; 22 cm. Lewis and Clark expedition.!!United States – Description and travel. AK F37 R21c.2 Akins Raynal, Guillaume Thomas, The revolution of America / by Abbe Raynal. London : Printed for Lockyer Davis, 1781. 181 p. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783. AK F37 UN4 Akins United States. Navy. Message of the President of the United States, to the two Houses of Congress. Washington, D.C. : [s.n., 18--?]- Presidents – United States!!_0 – Messages.!!Political oratory – United States. AK F37 UN4m Akins United States. Miscellaneous state papers, 1811-1824, army, navy, postoffice, foreign commerce / United States. [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. United States – History. AK F37 UN4p Akins United States. Congress. Papers relating to foreign affairs, accompanying the annual message of the President / United States. Congress. Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office, [18--?]- Presidents – United States.!!Foreign relations. AK F37 W27w Akins Washington, George, Official letters to the Honourable American Congress : written during the war between the united colonies and Great Britain / by His Excellency George Washington ... ; copied by special permission, from the original papers preserved in the office of the Secretary of State, Philadelphia. 2nd. Boston ed. Boston : Printed by Manning & Loring for S. Hall, W. Spotswood, J. White, Thomas & Andrews, D. West, E. Larkin, W.P. Blake, and J. West, 1796. 2 v. : 1 port. (engraving) ; 19 cm. The letters cover the period 1775-1778. Other volumes were projected but not published.
Edited by John Carey. Cf. Evans.
Vol. 1: vi, [1], 8-340 p., [1] leaf of plates; v. 2: 356 p. Carey, John, 1756-1826. United States. Continental Congress. United States – History – Revolution, 1775-1783 Sources. AK F37.1 N44 Akins New England tour of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales, (Baron Renfrew) from the reception at the Massachusetts line to the embarkation at Portland. Boston : Bee Printing Company, 1860. 52 p. (Author unknown). New England – Description and Travel. AK F37.1 W39 Akins Webster, Daniel. A discourse delivered at Plymouth, December 22, 1820. In commemoration of the first settlement of New-England / by Daniel Webster. Boston : Wells & Lilly, 1921. 104 p. New England – History – Colonial period. AK F37.10 P38 Akins Pennsylvania Historical Society. Memoirs of the Pennsylvania Historical Society / Pennsylvania Historical Society. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott & Co., 1858. Pennsylvania – History. AK F37.12 D64 Akins Dix, D.L. Memorial of Miss D.L. Dix, to the Honorable the General assembly in behalf of the insane of Maryland / by D.L. Dix. [S.l. : s.n., 1852]. 15 p. Maryland – History. AK F37.12 H83 Akins Howe, Henry, Historical collections of Virginia : containing a collection of the most interesting facts ... to which is appended, an historical and descriptive sketch of the District of Columbia / by Henry Howe. Charleston, S.C. : W.R. Babcock, 1852. 544 p. ; 23 cm. Virginia – History.!!Virginia – Description and travel. AK F37.12 J35 Akins Jefferson, Thomas, Notes on the state of Virginia : with an appendix / by Thomas Jefferson. 3rd American ed. New York : Printed by M.L. & W.A. Davis--for Furman & Loudon, 1801. 392 p.,[3] p. of plates : ill., fold. ; 22 cm. Spine title: Jefferson's notes.
One table (folded leaf) inserted between pages 138 and 139. Virginia. AK F37.18 SO7 Akins Soto, Hernando De. The conquest of Florida / by Hernando De Soto ; translated by Theodore Irving. Philadelphia : Carey, Lea & Blanchard, 1835. 2 v. America – Discovery and exploration!!_0 – Spanish. AK F37.2 B22 Akins Bangor (Maine). The centennial celebration of the settlement of Bangor. Sept. 30, 1869 / Bangor (Maine). Bangor, Me. : B.A. Burr, 1870. 182 p. Published by direction of the Committee of Arrangements. Maine – History. AK F37.2 G29 Akins A geographical view of Acadie and Maine. [S.l. : s.n.], 1814. 102 p. ; 23 cm. (Author unknown). Acadia – History – 17th century.!!Maine – History – Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775. AK F37.2 M28 Akins Williamson, William Durkee. The history of the state of Maine : from its first discovery , A.D. 1602, to the separation, A.D. 1820, inclusive / by William Durkee Williamson. [S.l.] : Hallowell, Glazier, Masters & Co., 1832. 2 v. Maine – History. AK F37.2 M28L Akins Maine. Legislature. Memorial of John A. Poor, Samuel P. Shaw, John M. Wood, & others, asking that means may be adopted to promote the settlement and sale of the public lands of Maine / Legislature of Maine. Augusta, Me. : Stevens & Blaine, 1857. 10 p. AK F37.2 P83 Akins Willis, W. Guide book for Portland and vicinity, to which is appended a summary history of Portland, by Hon. Wm. Willis / by W. Willis. Portland, Me. : B. Thurston and J.F. Richardson, 1859. 104 p. Maine – Description and travel. AK F37.2 SI1 Akins Sibley, John Langdon, A history of the town of Union, in the country of Lincoln, Maine, to the middle of the nineteenth history : with a family register of the settlers before the year 1800, and of their descendants / by John Langdon Sibley. Boston : B.B. Mussey & Co., 1851. 540 p. Maine – History. AK F37.2 W67 Akins Williamson, Joseph. Castine : and the old coins found there / by Joseph Williamson. Portland, Me. : Brown Thurston, 1859. 22 p. Maine – History. AK F37.3 K53 Akins Kidder, Frederic, The history of New Ipswich, from its first grant in MDCCXXXVI, to the present time : with genealogical notices of the principal families and also the proceedings of the centennial celebration, September 11, 1850 / by Frederic Kidder. Boston : Gould and Lincoln, 1852. 488 p. New Hampshire – History. AK F37.3 N45 Akins New Hampshire Legislature. Laws of the state of New Hampshire, passed June session, 1874 / New Hampshire Legislature. Concord, NH. : C.C. Pearson, 1874. 431 p. ; 25 cm. Legislation – New Hampshire. AK F37.4 W67 Akins Williams, Samuel, The natural and civil history of Vermont / by Samuel Williams. 2nd ed., corr. and much enl. Middlebury, Vt. : Mills and White, 1809. 2 v. ; 21 cm. Natural history – Vermont. AK F37.48 G82 Akins Farnham, Thomas J. Travels in the great western prairies, the Anahuac and Rocky mountains, and in the Oregon territory / by Thomas J. Farnham. New York : [s.n.], 1843. 112 p. Bound with: Memoir, historical and political, on the northwest coast of North America, and the adjacent territories. Oregon – History.!!Northwest Coast of North America – History. AK F37.48 P22 Akins Parker, Samuel, Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the direction of the A.B.C.F.M. ... with a map of Oregon Territory / by Rev. Samuel Parker, A.M. 5th ed. Auburn, N.Y. : J.C. Derby & Co., 1846. 422 p. ; 17 cm. Northwest Coast of North America – History.!!Oregon – Geography. AK F37.5 B65 Akins Tabular representations of the present condition of Boston ... also a few statements relative to the commerc of the Canadas. Boston : J.H. Eastburn, 1851. 28 p. (Author unknown). Boston (Mass.) – Description and travel. AK F37.5 B65 D44 Akins Derby, Elias Hasket, Boston : a commercial metropolis in 1850 : her growth, population, wealth and prospects / by Elias Hasket. Boston : Redding& Co., 1850. 16 p. ; 23 cm. Boston (Mass.) – Commerce. AK F37.5 B65L Akins Boston. Public Library. Annual report of the trustees of the public library of the city of Boston. Boston : Published by the trustees, 1853- ill., plans ; 23 cm. Public libraries – Massachusetts – Boston – Periodicals. AK F37.5 B65s Akins The Stranger's guide in the city of Boston. Boston : [s.n.], 1851. 79 p. (Author unknown). Boston (Mass.) – Description and travel. AK F37.5 B89 Akins The Massachusetts manual : political and historical register and almanac / by William Burdick. Boston : C. Calendar, 1814. Burdick, William. Almanacs, American – Massachusetts.!!Massachusetts – Registers. AK F37.5 C36 Akins Boston. Charters. The charter and ordinances of the city of Boston, together with the acts of legislature relating to the city : collated and revised pursuant to an order of the city council / by Peleg W. Chandler. Boston : J.H. Eastburn, 1850. 582 p. Boston (Mass.) – Ordinances, etc. AK F37.5 D64 Akins Dix, D.L. Memorial to the Legislature of Massachusetts / by D.L. Dix. Boston : Munroe & Francis. 1843. 32 p. Memorials – Massachusetts. AK F37.5 D79 Akins Drake, Samuel Adams, The old Boston taverns and tavern clubs / by Samuel Adams Drake. Boston : Cupples, Upham, & Company, 1886. 70 p. ; 19 cm. Bars (Drinking establishments) – Massachusetts – Boston. AK F37.5 M38 Akins Massachusetts Senate. Rules and orders to be observed in the Senate of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for the year 1852 / Massachusetts Senate. Boston : Dutton and Wentworth, 1852. 62 p. AK F37.5 M38D Akins Massachusetts. Dept. of the Secretary. Report to the Legislature of Massachusetts made by the commissioners ... upon the condition of the records, files, papers and documents in the Secretary's Department / Department of the Secretary. Boston : Wright & Potter, 1885. 42 p. AK F37.5 R42 Akins Ricketson, Daniel, The history of New Bedford, Bristol county, Massachusetts : including a history of the old township of Dartmouth and the present townships of Westport, Dartmouth, and Fairhaven, from their settlement to the present time / by Daniel Ricketson. New Bedford, Mass. : The author, 1858. 412 p. ; 19 cm. New Bedford (Mass.) – History. AK F37.5 SH2 Akins Shattuck, Lemuel, Report to the Committee of the City council appointed to obtain the census of Boston for the year 1845 ... illustrating the history and condition of the population, and their means of progress and prosperity / by Lemuel Shattuck. Boston : J.H. Eastburn, city printer, 1846. 179 p. Boston (Mass.) – Census, – 1851. AK F37.5 SP6 Akins Spofford, Jeremiah, A gazetteer of Massachusetts : containing a general view of the state, with an historical sketch of the principal events from its settlement to the present time, and notices of the several towns, alphabetically arranged / by Jeremiah Spofford. Newburyport, [Mass.] : C. Whipple, 1828. 348 p. Massachusetts – Gazetteers. AK F37.6 P44 Akins Peterson, Edward. History of Rhode Island / by Rev. Edward Peterson. New York : J.S. Taylor, 1853. 370 p. Rhode Island – History. AK F37.6 R29 Akins Rhode Island. Committee on Registered State Debt. Report of George Turner, Amherst Everett and J. Russell Bullock, a committee on the registered state debt of Rhode-Island, appointed by the governor, Lieut.-Governor and Secretary of State : reported at the October session, 1849 / Rhode Island. [Providence, R.I.?] : John F. Moore, 1849. 75 p. Rhode Island – Politics and government. AK F37.6 R34 Akins Rhode Island. Report to the General Assembly of Rhode Island, relative to the registry and returns of briths, marriages, and deaths, in the state / prepared under the direction of John R. Bartlett. Providence, [R.I.? : s.n., 18--?]- Statistics – Rhode Island. AK F37.8 B78 Akins Brodhead, John Romeyn. The final report of John Romeyn Brodhead, agent of the state of New York, to procure and transcribe documents in Europe, relative to the colonial history of said state : made to the governor, 12th February, 1845 / by John Romeyn Brodhead. Albany, N.Y. : E. Mack, 1845. 26 p. New York – History. AK F37.8 N48 Akins New York (State). The code of procedure of the state of New York : as amended by the Legislature, by an act passed July 10, 1851. Printed under the direction of the Secretary of State / New York (State). Albany, N.Y. : C. Van Benthuysen, printer to the Legislature, 1851. 207 p. New York (State) – Politics and government. AK F39 AG1 Akins Boston Society of Natural History. Memorial meeting of the Boston Society of Natural History, January 7, 1874 / Louis Agassiz. [S.l. : s.n., 1874?]. 39 p. Agassiz, Louis AK F39 AM3 Akins American Colonization Society (Washington, D.C.). Annual report of the American Colonization Society / American Colonization Society. Washington, D.C. : C. Alexander, 1856. AK F40 B64 Akins Bonnechose, Charles de, Montcalm et le Canada français : essai historique / par Charles de Bonnechose. 2nd ed. Paris : Hachette, 1878. 214 p. Canada – History – 1755-1763. AK F40 C43 Akins Champlain, Samuel de, Oeuvres de Champlain / publiées sous le patronage de l'Université Laval par C.-H. Laverdière. 2e éd. Québec : G.E. Desbarats, 1870. 6 v. Laverdière, Charles-Honoré, 1826-1873. Navigation.!!Indians of North America.!!America – Discovery and exploration.!!Canada – History – To 1663 (New France). AK F40 C43v Akins Champlain, Samuel de, Voyages du sieur de Champlain : ournal ès découvertes de la Nouvelle France / Paris : Imprimé aux frais du gouvernement pour procurer du travail aux ouvriers typographes, août 1830. 2 v. ; 21 cm. Edition of 250 copies.
Reprint of Les voyages de la Nouville France occidentale, 1632, without the map or supplementary matter. Indians of North America – Canada.!!New France – Discovery and exploration.!!America – Discovery and exploration – French. AK F40 C52 Akins Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de, A voyage to North-America : undertaken by command of the present king of France. Containing the geographical description and natural history of Canada and Louisiana / by Father Charlevoix. Dublin : J. Exshaw and J. Potts, 1766. 2 v. Indians of North America.!!North America – Discovery and exploration – French. AK F40 C52h Akins Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de, Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France avec le journal historique d'un voyage fait par ordre du roi dans l'Amerique Septentrionnale / par le P. de Charlevoix. Paris : Chez P.F. Giffart, 1744. 6 v. Indians of North America.!!Canada – Discovery and exploration – French. AK F40 C52j Akins Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de, Journal of a voyage to North America undertaken by order of the French King containing the geographical description and natural history of that country, particularly Canada / translated from the French by P. de Charlevoix. London : R. and J. Dodsley, 1761. 2 v. Indians of North America.!!Canada – Discovery and exploration – French. AK F40 C52s Akins Charlevoix, Pierre Francois Xavier de, History and general description of New France / by the Rev. P.F.X. de Charlevoix ; translated with notes by John Gilmary Shea. New York : J.G. Shea, 1866-72. 6 v. Shea, John Gilmary. New France – Discovery and exploration – French. AK F40 D62 Akins Dionne, N.-E. Le tombeau de Champlain et autres reponses aux questions d'histoire du Canada proposees lors du concours ouvert en juin 1879 par Son Excellence M. le Compte de Premio-Real / par N.E. Dionne. Quebec : Des presses a vapeur de Leger Bousseau, 1880. 91 p. Canada – History. AK F40 D79 Akins Drapeau, Stanislas. La question du tombeau de Champlain / par Stanislas Drapeau. [Ottawa] : Impr. du “Canada”, 1880. 21 p. AK F40 D97 Akins Dussieux, Louis Etienne. Le Canada sous la domination francaise d'apres les archives de la marine et de / par L. Dussieux. Paris : C. Tanera, 1855. 104 p. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 F14 Akins Faillon, Etienne Michel, Histoire de la colonie francaise en Canada / par Etienne Michel Faillon. Villemarie [Montréal] : Bibliotheque Paroissiale, 1866. 3 v. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 F38 Akins Ferland, Jean-B.-A. Cours d'histoire du Canada / par J.B.A. Ferland. Quebec : Augustin Cote, 1861-65. 2 v. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 F54 Akins Fiske, John. The overthrow of French power in America / by John Fiske. [S.l. : s.n., 1882]. Bound with: Maryland and the far south in the Colonial period. AK F40 F54 Akins Fiske, John. Maryland and the far south in the Colonial period / by John Fiske. [S.l. : s.n., 1883]. Bound with: The overthrow of the French power in America. AK F40 H39 Akins Hennepin, Louis, A new discovery of a vast country in America : extending above four thousand miles between New France and New Mexico, with a description of the great lakes, cataracts, rivers, plants, and animals ... both parts illustrated with maps and figures, and dedic by L. Hennepin, now resident in Holland ; to which is added, several new discoveries in North-America, not published in the French edition. London : Printed for M. Bentley, J. Tonson, H. Bonwick, T. Goodwin, and S. Manship, 1698. 299 p. : ill., maps ; 20 cm. [Part I], translation of: Nouvelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays.
[Part II], translation of: Nouveau voyage d'un pais plus grand que L'Europe.
[Part II], has special t.p.: A continuation of the new discovery of a vast country in America betwee Indians of North America.!!New France – Discovery and exploration.!!Louisiana – History – To 1803.!!Mississippi River Valley – History – To 1803.!!Niagara Falls (N.Y. and Ont.) – Description and travel.!!Québec (Quebec) – AK F40 H53 Akins Heriot, George, The history of Canada from its first discovery, comprehending an account of the original establishment of the colony of Lousiana / by George Heriot. London : Printed for T.N. Longman and O. Rees, 1804. 616 p. Canada – Discovery and exploration. – French. AK F40 J49 Akins Relations des Jésuites, 1611-1672. Quebec : A. Cote, 1858. 3 v. Contenant ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable dans les missions des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus dans la Nouvelle-France--p. de t. de chaque v.
(Author unknown). Indians of North America – Missions.!!America – Discovery and exploration. AK F40 J49m Akins Jésuites. Relations inédites de la Nouvelle-France (1672-1679) pour faire suite aux anciennes relations (1615-1672) / Jesuites. Paris : C. Douniol, 1861. 2 v. : cartes (sur pages de garde) ; 21 cm. Jésuites. Voyages et travaux des missionnaires de la Compagnie de Jésus. Indians of North America – Canada – Social life and customs.!!Indians of North America – Canada – Social life and customs.!!America – Discovery and exploration.!!America – Discovery and exploration. AK F40 L17 Akins Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d'Arce, Nouveaux voyages en Amérique septentrionale / Louis-Armand de Lom d'Arce, baron de Lahontan ; présentation, chronologie et notes par Jacques Collin. London : H. Bonwicke, T. Goodwin, etc., 1703. 2 v. Collin, Jacques. Indians of North America – Canada.!!Canada – Description and travel – To 1763.!!Canada – History – 1663-1713 (New France) AK F40 L31 Akins La Potherie, Claude Charles Le Roy de, Histoire de L'Amerique septentrionale ... depuis 1534, jusqu'a 1701 / par Claude Charles Le Roy de La Potherie. Paris : Nion et Didot, 1722. 3 v. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 L38 Akins Le Journal des jésuites / publié d'après le manuscrit original conservé aux archives du Séminaire de Québec par les abbés Laverdière et Casgrain. Québec : L. Brousseau, 1871. 403 p. ; 30 cm. Comprend un index. Casgrain, H.-R. (Henri-Raymond), 1831-1904.!!Lalemant, Jérôme, 1593-1673.!!Laverdière, Charles-Honoré, 1826-1873.!!Le Mercier, François, 1604-1690. Missions.!!Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 L49 Akins Le Clerq, Chretien, First establishment of the faith in New France / by Father Christian Le Clerq, Recollet Missionary ; now first translated with notes by John Gilmary O'Shea. New York : J.G. O'Shea, 1881. 2 v. O'Shea, John Gilmary. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 L71 Akins Iberville, Pierre le Moyne, Sieur d', Voyage d' Iberville : journal du voyage fait par deux fregates du roi, La Badine, commandee par M. d'Iberville, et le Marin, par M.E. Chevalier de Surgeres, qui partirent de Brest le Vendredi, 24 Octobre 1698 ou elles avaient relache, etant parties de Lar par Pierre le Moyne, Sieur d'Iberville. Montreal : [s.n.], 1871. 48 p. Bound with: Manuscript relating to the early history of Canada. Canada – History. AK F40 L71 Akins Badeaux, M. J. B. Journal des operations de l'armee Americaine lors de l'invasion du Canada en 1775-76 / par M.J.B. Badeaux, notaire de la ville Trois-Rivieres. Montreal : Eusebe Senecal, 1871. 43 p. Bound with: Voyage d'Iberville. Canada – History. AK F40 L71m Akins Courville, Louis-Léonard Aumasson, Mémoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'à 1760 : en trois parties, avec cartes et plans lithographiés / par Louis-Leonard Aumasson, Quebec : T. Cary & cie. 1838. 207 p. Attribué à Louis-Leonard Aumasson de Courville, dit Sieur de Courville--Canadiana 1867-1900. Société littéraire et historique de Québec. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 L71m Akins Courville, Louis-Léonard Aumasson, Mémoires sur le Canada depuis 1749 jusqu'à 1760 : en trois parties, avec cartes et plans lithographiés / par Louis-Leonard Aumasson, 2nd ed. Quebec : Middleton & Dawson, 1873. 207 p. Attribué à Louis-Leonard Aumasson de Courville, dit Sieur de Courville--Canadiana 1867-1900. Société littéraire et historique de Québec. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 L71r Akins Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Memoire du Sieur de Ramezay, commandant a Quebec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 Septembre, 1759 / Literary and Historical Society of Quebec. Quebec : J. Lovell, 1861. Canada – History. AK F40 Q3 Akins New France. Conseil supérieur de Québec. Jugements et délibérations du Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France / publiés sous les auspices de la Législature de Québec. Québec : Imprimerie A. Côté et cie, 1885-1889. 5 v. The name of the Council was changed in 1703, by order of the King, from Conseil souverain de la Nouvelle-France to Conseil supérier de Québec. The latter name, accordingly, appears instead of the former on the t.p. of v.5-6. Chauveau, Pierre-J.-Olivier (Pierre-Joseph-Olivier), 1820-1890. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France) – Sources. AK F40 S14 Akins Sagard, Gabriel, Histoire du Canada, et voyages que les Freres mineurs recollets y ont faicts pour la conversion des infideles depuis l'an 1615 / par Gabriel Sagard Theodat. Nouv. ed. Paris : M. Edwin Tross, 1866. 4 v. Missions.!!Canada – History. AK F40 SE4 Akins Titles and documents relating to the seignorial tenure, in return to an address of the Legislative assembly, 1851. Quebec : 1852. 490 p. (Author unknown). Seigniorial tenure. AK F40 SO1 Akins Collection de mémoires et de relations sur l'histoire ancienne du Canada, d'après des manuscrits récemment obtenus des archives et bureaux publics en France / publiée sous la direction de la Société littéraire et historique de Québec. Québec : W. Cowan, 1840. Société littéraire et historique de Québec. Canada – History. AK F40 SO11 Akins Société littéraire et historique de Québec. Memoires et documents relatifs a l'histoire du Canada / publie par La Societe Historique de Montreal. Montreal : Duvernay, 1859. 155 p. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F40 SO11 1860 Akins Société littéraire et historique de Québec. Memoires et documents relatifs a l'histoire du Canada / publie par La Societe Historique de Montreal. Montreal : Duvernay, 1860. 155 p. Canada – History – To 1763 (New France). AK F45 A37 Akins Alexander, William, The conduct of Major Gen. Shirley, late general and commander in chief of His Majesty's forces in North America / by William Alexander. London : R. & J. Dodsley, 1758. 130 p. Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 AC2 Akins An accurate and authentic journal of the siege of Quebec, 1759 / by a gentleman in an eminent station on the spot. London : J. Robinson, 1759. 44 p. Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 AN2 Akins Anderson, William James, A short authentic account of the expedition against Quebec in the year 1759, under the command of Major-General James Wolfe / by a volunteer upon that expedition. Quebec : Middleton & Dawson, 1872. 48 p. Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 E61 Akins Entick, John, The general history of the late war : containing it's rise, progress, and event, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America / by the Rev. John Entick. 1st ed. [S.l.] : E. and C. Dilly, 1763-64. 5 v. Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 H32 Akins Hart, Gerald E. The fall of New France, 1755-1760 / by Gerald E. Hart. Montreal : W. Drysdale & Co., 1888. 175 p. Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 H7 Akins The history of the late war, from the commencement of hostilities in 1749, to the definite treaty of peace in 1763 : wherein, the original cause of disagreement is traced, and every transaction and occurrence ... are faithfully narrated. Glasgow : A. Mclean, 1765. 322 p. (Author unknown). Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 L54 Akins Le Moine, J. M. The tourist's note-book / by J.M. LeMoine. 2nd ed. Quebec : F.X. Garant, 1876. 169 p. ill. ; 15 cm. Bound with: Le massacre au Fort George. Garant, F. X. Québec (Quebec) – Description – Guide-books. AK F45 L54 Akins Le Moine, J. M. Le massacre au Fort George : la memoire de Montcalm vengee / documents historique recueillis par J.M. Le Moine. Quebec : J.N. Duquet & cie, 1864. 91 p. Bound with: The tourist's note-book. Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 L54m Akins Le Moine, J. M. Maple leaves : Canadian history, literature, sport / by J.M. LeMoine. Quebec : Augustin Cote & Co., 1873. 288 p. New series. Birds – Canada.!!Canada – History.!!Quebec (Province) – History.!!Quebec (Province) – Genealogy.!!Canada – Biography. AK F45 L54o Akins Le Moine, J. M. Maple leaves : Canadian history and Quebec scenery / by J.M. LeMoine. Quebec : Hunter, Rose & Co., 1865. 137 p. ; 21 cm. Includes some text in French. Québec Campaign, 1759.!!Architecture – Canada.!!Sillery (Quebec) – Description. AK F45 M68 Akins The contest in America between Great Britain and France, with its consequences and importance : giving an account of the views and designs of the French, with the interests of Great Britain / by an impartial hand. London : A. Miller, 1757. 244 p. Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 R14 Akins Ramsay, David, Military memoirs of Great Britain : a history of the war, 1755-1763 / by David Ramsay. Edinburgh : Printed for the author, 1779. 443 p. Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 R72 Akins Rogers, Robert, Journals of Major Robert Rogers : containing an account of the several excursions he made upon the continent of North America during the late war / by Robert Rogers. London : printed by the author, 1765. 236 p. Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 S79 Akins State of the British and French colonies in North America, with respect to number of people, forces, forts, Indians, trade and other advantages : with a proper expedient proposed for preventing future disputes. London : A. Miller, 1755. 190 p. (Author unknown). Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 SA7 Akins The history of an expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755 : under Major-General Edward Braddock / edited by Winthrop Sargent. Philadelphia : Lippincot, Grambo & Co., 1855. 423 p. Sargent, Winthrop, ed. Seven Years' War, 1756-1763.!!Canada – History – To 1763. AK F45 SM6 Akins Smith, William, Discourses on public occasions in America / by William Smith. The second edition. London : printed for A. Millar, D. Wilson, etc., 1762. 224 p. ; 21 cm. Containing: I. Sundry discourses during the ravages of the French and Indians ...--II. A Thanksgiving-discourse from Exod. xv. 1. on the reduction of Louisbourg and success of the campaign 1758.--III. A discourse in two parts from Ps. ii. 8. concerning t

Sermons, English
United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Sermons.

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Church, Thomas

The history of the great Indian war of 1675 and 1676, commonly called Philip's War : also, the old French and Indian wars, from 1689 to 1704 / by Thomas Church ; with numerous notes and an appendix by Samuel G. Drake.  Rev. ed. New York : H. Dayton, 1859. 360 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

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'The unexampled achievements of our fathers should not be forgotten.--Washington.' Tables. Includes index.

Drake, Samuel G. Samuel Gardner, 1798-1875.

King Philip's War, 1675-1676
United States — History — Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775
United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763.

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Virginia (Colony). Lieutenant-Governor (1751-1758 : Dinwiddie)

The official records of Robert Dinwiddie, Lieutenant-Governor of the Colony of Virginia, 1751-1758 / now first printed from the manuscript in the collections of the Virginia Historical Society, with an introduction and notes by R.A. Brock.  Richmond, Va. : The Society, 1883-1884. 2 v. : illustrations ; 25 cm

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F35.3 D61

McLennan, William

The span o' life : a tale of Louisbourg & Quebec / by William McLennan and J.N. McIlwraith ; illustrations by F. de Myrbach.  New York ; London : Toronto : Harper & Bros. ; Copp, Clark Co., 1899. [8], 308 pages, [29] pages of plates : illustrations ; 19 cm.

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