Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia.
United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)
A charge delivered in Christ-Church Cathedral, Fredericton : July 4th, 1871, at the triennial visitation / by John, Bishop of Fredericton. Fredericton, N.B. : H.A. Cropley, 1871.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 M465 - Akins
Visitations, Ecclesiastical — New Brunswick. — Fredericton.
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)
A charge delivered in the cathedral of Christ-Church, Fredericton, to the clergy of the diocese assembled at the second triennial visitation of John, bishop of Fredericton / by John Medley. St. John, N.B. : W.L. Avery, 1850. 63 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 M464 - Akins
Visitations, Ecclesiastical — New Brunswick.
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)
A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in Cathedral Church of St. Luke at Halifax on the 6th day of July 1870 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Halifax : J. Bowes, 1870. 57 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1870 - Akins
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)
A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in Cathedral Church of St. Luke, at Halifax, on the 30th day of June 1874 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Halifax : J. Bowes, 1874. 40 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1874 - Akins
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)
A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke at Halifax on the 3rd day of July 1866 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Halifax : J. Bowes, 1866. 44 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1866 - Akins
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)
A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at Halifax, on the 20th day of October, 1858 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Halifax : W. Gossip, 1859. 48 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1858 - Akins
Published at the request of the clergy.
Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887
Gossip, W.
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)
A charge delivered to the clergy at the visitation held in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, at Halifax, on the 29th day of October, 1862 / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. Halifax : J. Bowes, 1862. 39 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 1862 - Akins
Published at the request of the Diocesan Assembly.
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)
A charge to the clergy of the diocese, by John Bishop of Fredericton, at his third triennial visitation holden in Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, 1853 / by John Medley. Fredericton, N.B. : J. Simpson, 1853.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 M462 - Akins
Simpson, J. (Fredericton, N.B.)
Visitations, Ecclesiastical — New Brunswick.
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)
A charge to the clergy of the diocese, by John, Bishop of Fredericton, at his fourth triennial visitation, holden in Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, 1856 / by John Medley. Fredericton, N.B. : J. Simpson, 1856. 29 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B61 B51 M46 - Akins
Simpson, J. (Fredericton, N.B.)
Visitations, Ecclesiastical — New Brunswick.
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United Church of England and Ireland
A form of prayer and thanksgiving, to Almighty God : to be used in all churches and chapels in Nova-Scotia, on Thursday the eighteenth day of December, 1834, being the day appointed by proclamation from His Excellency the lieutenant-governor, for a genera Halifax : Printed by John Howe & Son, printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty, 1834. 8 pages : 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.176 #10 - Vertical File
By His Excellency's special command.
Howe (J.) & Son
United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia.
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United Church of England and Ireland
A form of prayer, to be used in all churches, chapels and places of public worship, according to the usage of the Church of England, throughout His Majesty's province of Nova-Scotia, on Friday, the twelfth day of June, 1807 : being the day appointed by pr Halifax : Printed by John Howe and Son, 1807. 10 pages : 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.168 #1 - Vertical File
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United Church of England and Ireland
A form of prayer, to be used in all churches, chapels, and places of public worship, according to the usage of the Church of England, throughout His Majesty's province of Nova-Scotia, on Wednesday, the nineteenth day of Febrruary sic, 1812 : being the d Halifax : Printed by John Howe and Son, 1812. 16 pages : 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.168 #1 - Vertical File
By command of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor.
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney)
A pastoral letter including a correspondence between the Rev. Geo. W. Hill and himself / by Hibbert, Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia. 2nd ed. Halifax : J. Bowes & sons, 1866. 48 pages : 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.46 #7 - Vertical File
Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887
Hill, George W., (George William), 1824-1906.
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United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Fredericton. Bishop (1845-1868 : Medley)
Address of the Lord Bishop of Fredericton : at a meeting of clergy and lay delegates convened by the unanimous desire of the clergy present at the late visitation of this diocese and held at St. John, July 5th, 1866 / John Fredericton. Fredericton N.B. : 1866-. 8 pages : 14 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.256 #9 - Vertical File
Caption title. Signed: John Fredericton.
Bishops — New Brunswick — Fredericton
Church and state
Councils and synods (Canon law)
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United Church of England and Ireland
French mission record Montreal.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B2 .UN3 - Akins
AK B2 C47
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United Church of England and Ireland. Province of Canada. Synod
Journal of the proceedings of the Provincial Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada / Provincial Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada. Montreal : Provincial Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada, 18--.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B6 UN3 - Akins
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Journal of the Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Toronto / Synod of the United Church of England and Ireland in the Diocese of Toronto. Toronto : The Synod, 18--.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B6 UN3t - Akins
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Nova Scotia Church Chronicle Windsor 1865-1868.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Newspaper
Imprint varies: 1866- , Halifax, N.S. : James Bowes and Sons.
United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia.
United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Quebec. Church Society
The sixteenth report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, for twelve months, ending 31st Dec., 1857 Quebec : 1858. 47 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 43939 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Established 7th July, 1842. Tables.
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