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Results 1 to 11 of 11 from your search: Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Underwriters' Survey Board

Insurance plan for the city of Sydney, N.S / Underwriters' Survey Bureau.  Toronto : Underwriters' Survey Bureau, 1957. 1 atlas (33 pages) : 38 col. maps ; 34 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - G1129 S98 U53 1957 - Map

Plan dated June, 1957. Acc.# 2005-037. Housed with Truro 1955 and Halifax 1952 insurance plans.

Sydney (N.S.) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of Nova Scotia towns / Underwriters' Survey Bureau.  Toronto : Underwriters' Survey Bureau, 1951-1964. colour maps ; 35 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1128 N6 U53 1951 v.1 - Map

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of the town of Inverness, N.S / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Rev. to Aug. 1940. Toronto : Underwriters Survey Bureau Ltd., 1940. 1 atlas (3 pages) : 3 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 I5 U53 1940 - Map

Cannot be photocopiedition Plan dated May 1924, rev. to Aug. 1940.

Cape Breton Island (N.S.) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of the town of Liverpool, N.S / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Rev. to Aug. 1947. Montreal : Underwriters Survey Bureau Ltd., 1947. 1 atlas (6 pages) : 6 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 L5 U53 1947 - Map

Cannot be photocopiedition Plan dated June 1941, rev. to Aug. 1947.

Liverpool (N.S.) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of the town of Lunenburg, N.S / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Montreal : Underwriters Survey Bureau Ltd., 1939. 1 atlas (6 pages) : 6 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 L8 U53 1939 - Map

Cannot be photocopied.

Lunenburg (N.S.) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of the town of New Glasgow, N.S / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Rev. to July 1947. Montreal : Underwriters survey Bureau Ltd., 1947. 1 atlas (23 pages) : 22 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 N4 U53 1947 - Map

Plan dated June 1941, rev. to July 1947. Cannot be photocopied.

New Glasgow (N.S.) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of the town of North Sydney, N.S / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Rev. to July 1947. Toronto : Underwriters Survey Bureau, 1947. 1 atlas (15 pages) : 15 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 N6 U53 1947 - Map

Plan dated Mar. 1928, rev. to Jul. 1947. Cannot be photocopied.

Cape Breton (N.S. : County) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Board

Insurance plan of the town of Truro, N.S / Underwriters' Survey Bureau.  Toronto : Underwriters' Survey Bureau, 1955. 1 atlas (21 pages) : 37 col. maps ; 34 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - G1129 S98 U53 1957

Housed with Sydney 1957 and Halifax 1952 insurance plans. Acc. # 2005-037. Plan dated August, 1955.

Truro (N.S.) — Atlases.

  search Internet Archive
please note : not all titles are available on the Internet Archive

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of the town of Truro, N.S. Including village of Bible Hill / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Rev. July 1947. Toronto : Underwriters Survey Bureau, 1947. 1 atlas (18 pages) : 17 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 T7 U53 1947 - Map

Plan dated May 1931, rev. July 1947. Do not photocopy. Includes index.

Truro (N.S.) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of the town of Wolfville, N.S / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Toronto : Underwriters Survey Bureau, 1938. 1 atlas (8 pages) : 8 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 W6 U53 1938 - Map

Includes index. Do not photocopy.

Wolfville (N.S.) — Atlases.

Underwriters' Survey Bureau

Insurance plan of Truro, N.S. Including the village of Bible Hill / Underwriters Survey Bureau.  Toronto : Underwriters Survey Bureau, 1921. 1 atlas (13 pages) : 13 col. maps ; 57 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1129 T7 U53 1921 - Map

Includes index. Do not photocopy.

Truro (N.S.) — Atlases.


Nova Scotia Archives —

Crown copyright © 2025, Province of Nova Scotia.