Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Treaties and Historical Research Centre (PRE Group) (Canada)
Maritime indian treaties in historical perspective / by W.E. Daugherty. 2nd ed. Ottawa : Treaties and Historical Research Centre, 1983. 98 pages : maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5191 I3 D238 1983 - Open Shelf
On cover: Research Branch, Corporate Policy.
Canada. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Corporate Policy. Research Branch
Treaties and Historical Research Centre (Canada)
First Nations of North America — Maritime Provinces — Treaties
First Nations of North America — Maritime Provinces — History.
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Native studies in Canada : a research guide / by Robert S. Allen ; for Research Branch, Corporate Policy, Indian and Northern Affairs, Canada. Ottawa : Treaties and Historical Research Centre, 1982. iii, 185 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CD3620 A429
Issued also in French under title: Les études autochtones au Canada.
Treaties and Historical Research Centre (Canada)
First Nations of North America — Study and teaching — Canada — Directories
First Nations of North America — Canada — Societies, etc. — Directories.
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Native studies in Canada : a research guide / by Robert S. Allen and Mary A.T. Tobin ; Treaties and Historical Research Centre, Comprehensive Claims Branch, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. 3rd ed., Feb. 1989. Ottawa : The Branch, 1989. iii, 195 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 I3 A428 1989 - Open Shelf
Issued also in French under title: Les études autochtones au Canada. QS-5173-000-EE-A4--T.pages verso.
Canada. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Comprehensive Claims Branch
Treaties and Historical Research Centre (Canada)
First Nations of North America — Study and teaching (Higher) — Canada — Directories
First Nations of North America — Canada — Societies, etc. — Directories.
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Select bibliography on Canadian Indian treaties and related subjects = Bibliographie speciale sur les traites Indiens Canadiens et des autre sujets allies / Treaties and Historical Research Centre (PRE Group), Indian and Northern Affairs. Ottawa : Treaties and Historical Research Centre (PRE Group), Indian and Northern Affairs, 1979. 37 pages in various pagings; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.347 #21 - Vertical File
Treaties and Historical Research Centre (PRE Group) (Canada)
First Nations of North America — Canada — Treaties — Bibliography
First Nations of North America — Canada — Government relations — Bibliography.
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Treaties and Historical Research Centre (Canada)
Survey of documents available for research in the Treaties and Historical Research Centre / prepared by Helen Ryan = Catalogue des documents au Centre de recherches historiques et d'étude des traités / préparé par Helen Ryan. Rev. Feb. 1981 Ottawa : The Centre = Le Centre, 1981-. 105 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5033 I3 R988 - Open Shelf
First Nations of North America — Treaties
First Nations of North America — Government relations
First Nations of North America — Canada
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Nova Scotia Archives —
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