Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Thomas, R.
Foster, Cecil Patrick Thomas, 1887-
1700 miles in open boats London : Martin Hopkinson, 1924. 173 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - G.F81 .Sc8
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Thomas, Giffen, Seaton Associates
18 schooners of Nova Scotia / written by Thomas, Giffen, Seaton Associates Ltd. Halifax : Studio 2 Publishing, 1975-. 41 pages : illustrations; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.274 #22 - Vertical File
Shipbuilding — Nova Scotia — History
Schooners — History.
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McGee, Thomas D'Arcy, 1825-1868
1825 D'Arcy McGee-1925, a collection of speeches Toronto : Macmillan, 1937. 366 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F66 M17
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A Boates family history 1750-1997 / compiled and edited by Tilbury Thomas Boates. Foxborough, Mass. : The Author, 1997. ii, 127 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 B662 B662 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
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A catalogue of the Akins collection of books and pamphlets / Compiled by Shelia I. Stewart, under the direction of D.C. Harvey, archivist. Published by the authority of the Board of Trustees of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia. Halifax : Imperial Pub. Co., 1933. 206 pages ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F90 N85 AR2P no.1
Canada — Bibliography
Nova Scotia — Bibliography.
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A chart of the harbour of Halifax, in Nova Scotia with Jebucto Bay and Cape Sambro, also the islands, ledges of rocks, shoals & soundings / Survey'd, by order of His Excellency Brigadier General Lawrence, Governour of the Province of Nova Scotia; by Charles Morris, chief surveyor, 1759. London : Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, 1768-. 1 map ; 40 x 61 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3424 H3 M67 1759 - Map
Oriented with north to the right. Depths shown by soundings. Published by command of the Right Honourable the Lords of Trade & Plantations, for the benefit of the trade and navigation of Great Britain and its colonies. Includes inscription to George Dunk, Earl of Halifax and navigational text.
Harbors — Nova Scotia — Halifax Maps Early works to 1800
Nautical charts — Nova Scotia — Halifax Early works to 1800
A compleat sic history of the late war in the Netherlands together with an abstract of the Treaty at Utrecht London : Thomas Ward, 1713.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - D283.5 B78 C73
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A descriptive and plaintive elegy, on the death of the late Reverend John Wesley / by Thomas Olivers. Lunenburg : E.A. Moody, 1837. 12 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 OL4 - Akins
Republished from the English edition.
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A draught of Torrington Harbour formerly called by the Indians Chibucto in the latt'd. of 44d:31m: Nth on the coast of Acadia in Nova Scotia in the year 1732 / T. Durell. 1732. 1 map ; 45 x 58 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3422 H3 D73 1732 - Map
Includes key to names of points, bays, etc.
A Fragile stability : definition and redefinition of Maritime Baptist identity / edited by David T. Priestley. Hantsport : Published by Lancelot Press for Acadia Divinity College and the Baptist Historical Committee of the United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces, 1994. xiv, 169 pages ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX6252 M37 F72 1994
Priestley, David T. (David Thomas)
Acadia Divinity College
United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces. Baptist Historical Committee.
Baptists — Maritime Provinces — History
Maritime Provinces — Church history.
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Haliburton, Thomas Chandler, 1796-1865
A general description of Nova Scotia : illustrated by a new and correct map Halifax, N.S. : 1823. 208 pages : map ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 H13g - Akins
Nova Scotia — Description and travel
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Memorial University of Newfoundland. Maritime History Archive
A guide to the holdings of the Maritime History Archive / editors, Roberta Thomas, Heather Wareham. St. John's : Maritime History Archive, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1991. 112 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.364 #20 - Vertical File
Thomas, Roberta
Wareham, Heather.
Navigation — North Atlantic Region — History — Catalogs
Newfoundland — Genealogy — Archives — Catalogs.
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A history of the attempts to establish the Protestant Reformation in Ireland, and the successful resistance of that people : (time, 1540-1830) / by Thomas Darcy M'Gee. 2nd ed. Boston : P. Donahoe, 1853. 426 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BR380 M145
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A history of the Base Construction Engineering Branch of CFB Halifax : 1946-1991 / Thomas Henderson. [iv], 59, [6] pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - UC405 N935 H173
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A large and particular plan of Shegnekto Bay, in Nova Scotia and the circumjacent country with the forts and settlements of the French 'till dispos'd by the English in June 1755 / drawn on the spot by an officer. London : Thomas Jefferys, 1755. 1 map : col. illustrations ; 34 x 58 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3415 L37 1755 - Map
A map of the south part of Nova Scotia and its fishing banks / engraved by T. Jefferys. London : T. Jefferys, 1750. 2 maps on 1 sheet : illustrations ; 32 x 42 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G3420 M37 1771 - Map
Includes a plan of Halifax and a view of Halifax from the harbour.
A matter of memory Yarmouth : Law Society of Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School, 1998. 48 pages : illustrations, ports.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.197 #33 - Vertical File
True stories of tragedy, murder and crime from Yarmouth County--Cover. Researched, illustrated, writen and edited by our Grade 12 students in the Law and Journalism programs at YCMHS--Cover. Teacher advisor: Kenneth T. Langille.
Langille, Kenneth Thomas, 1953-
Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School.
Crime — Nova Scotia — Yarmouth (County) — Case studies
Murder — Nova Scotia — Yarmouth (County) — Case studies
School prose, Canadian (English) — Nova Scotia — Yarmouth.
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A matter of mischief Yarmouth : Law Society of Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School, 1995. 64 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.196 #29 - Vertical File
researched, written, edited and designed by the grade twelve students enrolled in the law programme at Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School--back cover. Teacher advisor: Kenneth T. Langille.
Langille, Kenneth Thomas, 1953-
Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School.
Crime — Nova Scotia — Case studies
Murder — Nova Scotia — Case studies.
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A matter of misfortune Yarmouth : Law Society of Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School, 1996. 45 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.351 #22 - Vertical File
annual book publishing project of the law students at Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School. This collection of stories has been researched, illustrated, written and edited our grade twelve students--back cover. Teacher advisor: Kenneth T.
Langille, Kenneth Thomas, 1953-
Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School.
Crime — Nova Scotia — Case studies
Murder — Nova Scotia — Case studies
Ghosts — Nova Scotia — Case studies.
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A matter of mortality Yarmouth : Law Society of Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School, 1999. 48 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.197 #32 - Vertical File
researched, illustrated, written and edited by our Grade 12 students enrolled in the Law and Journalism programs at YCMHS--p. [4 of cover. Teacher advisor: Kenneth T. Langille.
Langille, Kenneth Thomas, 1953-
Yarmouth Consolidated Memorial High School.
Crime — Nova Scotia — Yarmouth (County) — Case studies
Murder — Nova Scotia — Yarmouth (County) — Case studies.
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A philosophical and political history of the British settlements and trade in North America / from the French of Abbé Raynal. Edinburgh : Printed by C. MacFarquhar, 1776. 2 v. ; 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F30 R21
Pages 48-103 of Volume 1 and pages 9-135 of Volume 2 related to the description and history of the colonies in Canada.
United States — Description and travel
United States — Economic conditions
United States — History — Colonial period, ca.1600-1775
Canada — History — To 1763 (New France)
Canada — Description and travel — To
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A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies / by the Abbé Raynal ; newly translated from the French by J.O. Justamond. 2nd ed. London : A. Strahan, 1798. 6 v. : front. ( port.) 7 fold. maps ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F30 R21
Justamond, J. O. (John Obadiah), d. 1786.
Colonization — History
Commerce — History
East Indies
America — Discovery and exploration.
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A popular history of Ireland : from the earliest period to the emancipation of the Catholics / by Thomas D'Arcy McGee. New York : Boston etc. : D. & J. Sadlier & Co., 1864. 2 v. ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - DA25 M17
Ireland — History — 17th century
Ireland — History — 1691-
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A primary history of the United States / by Thomas Bonaventure Lawler. Boston : Ginn and Co., c. 1905. [277 pages]: illustrations, maps (some coll.), parts.; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTH62 U5 L3
United States — History — Study and teaching
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A reply to the report of the Earl of Durham / by a colonist. London : R. Bentley, 1839. 91 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F74 R29 - Akins
Canada — Politics and government. — 1837-1838.
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