Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Thomas, John J.
A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies / by the Abbé Raynal ; newly translated from the French by J.O. Justamond. 2nd ed. London : A. Strahan, 1798. 6 v. : front. ( port.) 7 fold. maps ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F30 R21
Justamond, J. O. (John Obadiah), d. 1786.
Colonization — History
Commerce — History
East Indies
America — Discovery and exploration.
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Answer to doctrinal and historical errors in Archbishop Connolly's recent lectures / by John G. Marshall. Halifax : W. MacNab, 1872. 38 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 M35c - Akins
Bound with The scriptural test of who is and who is not a Christian.
Connolly, Thomas Louis, 1814 or 15-1876.
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Controlling vetebrate pests in museums / by Thomas J. K. Strang and John E. Dawson. Ottawa : Canadian Conservation Institute, 1991. 9, 11 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM141 C212Tno.13
Text in English and French with French text on inverted pages.
Canadian Conservation Institute.
Pests — Control
Museum conservation methods
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Criminal justice in the old world and the new : essays in honour of J.M. Beattie / edited by Greg T. Smith, Allyson N. May, Simon Devereaux. Toronto : Centre of Criminology, University of Toronto, 1998. xviii, 311 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV9960 G72 E523 1998
Devereaux, Simon, 1966-
Smith, Greg T. (Greg Thomas), 1967-
May, Allyson N. (Allyson Nancy), 1961-
Beattie, J. M. (John Maurice), 1932-
University of Toronto. Centre of Criminology.
Criminal justice, Administration of — Canada — History — 18th century
Criminal justice, Administration of — England — History — 18th century
Jury — Nova Scotia — Halifax
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Dr. Bell's flying machine - From the Canadian Magazine, vol. XX, 1903 1903. pages 343-344.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.295 #20 - Vertical File
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Chalmers, Thomas. Balmer, Robert
Essays on Christian Union / by Thomas Chalmers. London : Adams & Co., 1845. 522 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 C35E - Akins
Balmer, Robert
Candlish, Robert S
James, John Angell
King, David
Wardlaw, Ralph
Struthers, Gavin
Symington, Andrew.
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Farm implements and farm machinery, and the principles of their construction and usenew ed. Rev. and enl New York : Orange Judd, 1879. 312 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - S675 T36
missing /84
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Frank John Mulcahy (1885-1947) & Corinne Anne Ryan (1883-1945) / Thomas Ryan Mulcahy. Minneapolis, Minn. : The author, 2010. 51 pages : illustrations, ports.; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.545 #3 - Vertical File
Mulcahy family.;--Mulcahy, Frank John,--1885-1947.;--Mulcahy, Corinne Ann (Ryan),--1883-1945.
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John James Keefe (1887-1953) & Georgina Mary Mulcahy (1887-1962) and their descendants / Claire M. Keefe; edited by Thomas R. Mulcahy. St. Paul, Minn. : The author, 2011. 35 pages : illustrations, ports.; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.545 #4 - Vertical File
Mulcahy family.;--Keefe, John James,--1887-1953.;--Keefe, Georgina Mary (Mulcahy),--1887-1962.
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Journals of Beausejour : Diary of John Thomas, Journal of Louis de Courville / edited by John Clarence Webster. Halifax : Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1937. 54 pages, [2] pages of plates : illustrations, map ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F100 W39
Journal of Louis de Courville from his Mémoires sur le Canada, Quebec, 1838, (pages 42-51, translated by Pierre A. Landry.
Courville, Louis-Léonard Aumasson, sieur de, b. 1722 or 1723
Thomas, John, 1724-1776
Webster, John Clarence, 1863-1950.
Public Archives of Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia — History — 1713-1775
Fort Cumberland (N.S.)
United States — History — French and Indian War, 1755-1763 — Personal narratives.
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Journey through Nova-Scotia / by John Robinson and Thomas Rispin. Sackville, N.B. : Ralph Pickard Bell Library, Mount Allison University, 1981. viii, 34 pages : 1 map; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.197 #13 - Vertical File
Subtitle: containing a particular account of the country and its inhabitants with observations on their management in husbandry, the breed of horses and other cattle, and every thing material relating to farming, to which is added an account of sever
Nova Scotia — Description and travel — To 1784.
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Presbyterian church in Canada, 1875-1925 Toronto : General board Presbyterian church in Canada, 1925. 276p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - B9 M23
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Solving museum insect problems : chemical control / by John E. Dawson ; revised by Thomas J.K. Strang. Ottawa : Canadian Conservation Institute, 1992. 26, 30 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM141 C212Tno.15
La lutte contre les insectes dans les musées, les méthodes chimiques.
Canadian Conservation Institute.
Insect pests — Control — Canada.
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The coming struggle among the nations of the earth, or, The political events of the next thirteen years, described in accordance with prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Apocalypse : shewing also the important position Britain will occupy during and at [New ed.] / Toronto : T. MacLear, 1853. 36 pages ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 T36 - Akins
Author's preface signed: John Thomas.
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The coming struggle among the nations of the earth, or, The political events of the next twelve years : described in accordance with prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Apocalypse, foretelling and showing the result of the present difficulties between A new and enl. ed. Toronto : Maclear & Co., 1854. 118 pages ; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B12 T36c - Akins
Preface signed by the author John Thomas. Includes publisher's list.
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The coming struggle among the nations of the earth, or, The political events of the next twelve years described in accordance with prophecies in Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Apocalypse, foretelling and showing the result of the present difficulties between Ru A new and enlarged edition. Toronto : MacLear, 1854. 68 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 48702 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Preface signed by the author John Thomas. Includes publishers list.
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The dreamers / Thomas H. Raddall ; with an introduction by John Bell. Porters Lake : Pottersfield Press, 1986. 141 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8535 A44 D74 1986
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The Gaelic bards, and original poems / by Thomas Pattison. Ed., with biographical sketch and notes, by the Rev. John George Macneill . 2nd ed. Glasgow, A. Sinclair, 1890. xxviii, 278 pages : front. (port.) ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PB1695 P321
Macneill, John George, 1844- , ed.
Gaelic poetry — Translation into English
English poetry — Translations from Gaelic
Gaelic language — Texts and translations
Gaelic poetry — Collections.
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The intrigues of Archbishop John T. McNally and the rise of Saint Mary's University / Peter McGuigan. Halifax : Fernwood Publishing, 2012. ix, 164 pages: illustrations, map, ports.; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LE3 S59 M148 2012
Includes bibliographical references and index.
McNally, John T. — (John Thomas), — 1871-1952.
Catholic universities and colleges — Nova Scotia — Halifax — History.
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Fiedmont, Louis Thomas Jacau, sieur de
The siege of Beauséjour in 1755 : a journal of the attack on Beauséjour / written by Jacau de Fiedmont ; translated by Alice Webster ; edited by J.C. Webster. Saint John, N.B. : New Brunswick Museum, 1936. 42 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F100 W39 B38
Webster, John Clarence, 1863-1950.
Nova Scotia — History — To 1784
Fort Beauséjour (N.B.) — Capture, 1755.
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Martin, John Patrick, 1886-1969
The story of Dartmouth / by John Patrick Martin; with a foreword by Thomas H. Raddall. Dartmouth : J.P. Martin, 1957. 550 pages: illustrations; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5249 D22 M38
Includes index.; NSARM's copy signed and annotated by author, with various clippings inserted.
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Thomas Chandler Haliburton / by John Daniel Logan. Toronto : The Ryerson Press 1923-. 5 pages, 1, 176 pages 1 l. : front. ; 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F93 H13 L82
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