Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Stewart, K.J.
Atlantic Provinces, a chronicle of mineral development 1969.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TN26 A3 MR96
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The economic effects of the war on the Maritime provinces of Canada / by B.S. Keirstead. With a chapter on the fisheries by Professor Stewart Bates. And a section on agriculture by Professor J.H.i.e. E. Lattimer. Halifax, 1944. 224 pages 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HCK26
On cover: Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University. Reproduced from typewritten copy. Bibliographical foot-notes.
Bates, Stewart
Lattimer, J. E. (John Ernest), 1884-
Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S.
Maritime Provinces — Economic conditions
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The hazards of tuberculosis in the general hospital / C.B. Stewart and C.J.W. Beckwith. Toronto : Canadian Public Health Journal, 1949-. pages 483-490; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.534 #29 - Vertical File
Reprinted from the Canadian Public Health Journal, December, 1949--cover. Title from cover.
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