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Results 1 to 2 of 2 from your search: Robertson, James Harvey

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Robertson, James Harvey

Robertson, James Harvey

A brief history of the descendants of John Robertson to the year 1893, with a short account of the Clan Donnachaidh or Robertson U.S.A.- : 189-. 59 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS71 R65 - Open Shelf


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Dunphy, Clifford R.

St. John's Church, Truro, Nova Scotia / Clifford R. Dunphy, Harvey W. MacPhee, editors.  Truro : St. John's Centennial Committee, 1973. 38 pages : illustrations, ports.; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.181 #20 - Vertical File

Cover title. Caption title: The construction of St. John's Church, Truro, Nova Scotia. Includes material from the History of the parish of St. John's, Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia, by J.A. Kaulbach, edited by W.P. Robertson.

MacPhee, Harvey W., 1918-
Robertson, W. P. (William Pearson)
Kaulbach, James Albert, 1839-1913. The history of the parish of St. John's, Truro, Colchester, Nova Scotia / by James Albert Kaulbach ; edited by W.P. Robertson.

St. John's Church, Truro, N. S. Centennial Committee.

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