Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Quebec (Province) — Politics and government — Catalogs
Centre d'archives de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches
Archives écrites d'origine gouvernementale conservées au Centre d'archives de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches 2e éd. rev. et corr. Québec : Archives nationales du Québec, 1992. xv, 90 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CD3645 Q33 C453 1992
Le contenu de cette publication a été produit par le Centre d'archives de Québec et de Chaudière-Appalaches--T.pages verso. Includes index.
Archives nationales du Québec.
Quebec (Province) — Politics and government — Catalogs
Public records — Quebec (Province) — Catalogs
Public records — Quebec (Province) — Québec Region — Catalogs.
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35. Duplessis and the Union Nationale administration / Richard Jones. Ottawa : Canadian Historical Association, 1983. 23 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C16a B64 #35
Canadian Historical Association.
Québec (Province) — Politics and government
Quebec (Province) — History — 1936-1960
Quebec (Province) — Politics and government — 1936-1960
Québec (Province) — Politics and government.
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Le Canada reconquis par la France : suivi de Pièces justificatives sur les relations entre l'Institut canadien de Montréal et l'Institut de France à Paris en 1854 / par J.-G. Barthe. Paris : Ledoyen, 1855. 416 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F70 B28 - Akins
Canada — Politics and government — 1763-1867
Quebec (Province) — History.
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Letter from Delta to Senex : containing some observations and strictures on a late manifesto published in the newspapers in a sinister form of an address from a junto of members of the provincial Parliament of Lower Canada to their constituents : to which Montreal : Montreal Gazette, 1827. 130 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F55 L56 - Akins
'I hate when vice can bolt her arguments, and virtue has no tongue to check her.'
Nationalism — Quebec (Province)
Quebec (Province) — Politics and government — 1791-1841.
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Memoirs of the administration of the colonial government of Lower-Canada by Sir James Henry Craig, and Sir George Prevost : from the year 1807 until the year 1815 : comprehending the military and naval operations in the Canadas during the late war with th / Robert Christie. Quebec : 1818. 150 pages ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F55 C46m - Akins
Issued also in 1818 under title: Military and naval operations in the Canadas, during the late war with the United States ... Errata--pages [4].
Quebec (Province) — Politics and government — 1791-1841.
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Papineau / textes choisis et présentés par Fernand Ouellet. Québec : Presses universitaires Laval, 1958. [104] pages : port. ; 26 cm
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC451 P36 P37 - Open Shelf
Nationalism — Quebec (Province) — History — 19th century — Sources
Canada — Politics and government — 1763-1867
Québec (Province) — Politics and government — 1791-1841
Québec (Province) — Politics and gov
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The military and naval operations in the Canadas, during the late war with the United States : including also, the political history of Lower Canada during the administration of Sir James Henry Craig and Sir George Prevost, from the year 1807 until the ye / by Robert Christie. New-York : Quebec printed, New-York re-printed by Oram and Mott, 1818. 232 pages ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F55 C46Mi - Akins
Canada — History — War of 1812
Quebec (Province) — Politics and government — 1791-1841.
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Nova Scotia Archives —
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