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Results 1 to 15 of 15 from your search: Porter, W.Y.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Porter, W.Y.

Porter, William Henry, 1840-1928

Canadian scenes and other poems Toronto : William Briggs, 1907. 122 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR2 .P83 .C16

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Porter, W.Y.

Christ and the Church : a sermon preached in the parish church of St. George, Sydney; in behalf of the Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia, on Sunday 8th January, 1843 / by the Rev. W. Y. Porter, visiting missionary.  Halifax : Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 2004. 21 pages : 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.540 #11 - Vertical File

Typed copy by Barbara Allan DiPetrillo from the original located at PANS, AK B13 P83.

Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia.

Sermons, Canadian (English)

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Porter, W. Y.

Christ and the church : a sermon, preached in the parish church of St. George, Sydney, in behalf of the Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia, on Sunday 8th January, 1843 / by W. Y. Porter.  Sydney : 1843. 24 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B13 P83 - Akins

Published by request--T.pages verso. Errata: pages 24. Includes bibliographical references. Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia. Sermons, English.!!Christianity. AK B13 P93 Akins Prince, Thomas, The salvations of God in 1746 : in part set forth in a sermon at the South Church in Boston, Nov. 27, 1746 / by Thomas Prince. Boston, Mass. : D. Henchman, 1746. 32 pages ; 19 cm. Bound with: Philosophie solitude. Salvation. AK B13 P93c Akins Prince, Thomas, Extraordinary events the doing of God, and marvellous in pious eyes : illustrated in a sermon at the South church in Boston, N.E. on the general thanksgiving, Thursday, July 18, 1745 : occasion'd by taking the city of Louisbourg on the isle of Cape-Breton by Thomas Prince. 2nd edition Boston, Mass. : D. Henchman, 1747. 32 pages ; 19 cm. Louisbourg (N.S. – History – Siege, 1745. AK B13 P95D Akins Pryor, W. Ferdinand. Farewell sermon preached at the parish church, Dartmouth on the morning of the 1st November, 1868 / by F.W. [i.e. W.F.] Pryor. Halifax, N.S. : W. Gossip, 1868. 16 pages ; 20 cm. Signed: W. Ferdinand Pryor. Sermons.!!Farewell sermons. AK B13 R15 Akins Pryor, W. Ferdinand. Sermon preached at the parish church, St. James', Pictou, on the morning of 30th July, 1865 / by W. Ferdinand Pryor. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes, 1865. 18 pages ; 21 cm. A farewell on leaving the Curacy of St. James's. Farewell sermons.!!Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 R15g Akins Randall, George M. A man of God : a commemorative discourse on the death of the late Hon. Edward A. Newton. Delivered in St. Stephen's Chapel, Boston / by George M. Maxwell. Boston, Mass. : E. pages Dutton & Co., 1862. 46 pages ; 21 cm. Funeral sermons. AK B13 R37 Akins Richey, Matthew. The internal witness of the spirit, the common privilege of Christian believers : a discourse, preached at Halifax, before the Wesleyan Ministers of the Nova-Scotia district, on the 24 th of May, 1829 / by Matthew Richey. Charlottetown, pagesE.I. : J.D. Haszard, 1829. 27 pages Religion – Christianity. AK B13 R39 Akins Richey, Matthew. A sermon on the death of Rev. William McDonald, late Wesleyan missionary : preached at Liverpool, Wednesday, March 19, and in substance at Halifax, on Sunday, March 30, 1834 / by Matthew Richey. Halifax, N.S. : [s.n.], 1834. 32 pages Funeral sermons. AK B13 R39be Akins Richey, Matthew. A sermon on the occassion of the death of the Rev. William Bennett, preached at Halifax, N.S., on Sunday, Dec. 27, 1857 / by Matthew Richey. Halifax, N.S. : Wesleyan Conference Steam Press, 1858. 19 pages ; 19 cm. Funeral sermons. AK B13 R39c Akins Richey, Matthew, A sermon occasioned by the death of the Rev. William Croscombe : preached in Windsor, 30th October, and in Halifax, 6th November, 1859 / by Matthew Richey. Halifax, N.S. : Wesleyan Conference Steam Press, 1859. 27 pages ; 17 cm. Methodist Church – Clergy.!!Christian life. AK B13 R54 Akins Robbins, Chandler, The ways of God vindicated : a sermon occasioned by the death of Mrs. Elisabeth Watson of Plimouth, late Boston, Mass. : Mein and Fleeming, 1767. 42 pages ; 20 cm. Congregational churches – Sermons.!!Funeral sermons.!!Sermons, American. AK B13 SA1 Akins Sabine, James, A sermon, in commemoration of the benevolence of the citizens of Boston, who, on occasion of the dreadful fires of the 7th and 21st of November, 1817 in St. John's, Newfoundland, sent down gratuitous supplies for the relief of the sufferers during the inc by James Sabine. Saint John's, [Nfld.] : Printed for the author, by John Ryan, 1818. 31 pages ; 23 cm. Ryan (J. & Son. Sermons, Canadian (English!!Charity – Sermons. AK B13 SA5 Akins Brown, Elijah. A sermon preached at the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Zedeziah Sanger, to the pastoral care of the church in Duxbury, July 3rd, 1776 / by Elijah Brown. Boston, Mass. : T. & J. Fleet, 1776. 34 pages Religion – Clergy. AK B13 Sco3 Akins Scott, John. The part of the religious service conducted by the Rev. John Scott at the laying of the corner stone of the new church of St. Matthew's, Halifax, N.S., on the 18th June, 1858. [Halifax, N.S.? : s.n., 1858?]. 11 pages ; 19cm. AK B13 SE2 Akins Seccombe, John, A sermon preached at Halifax, July 3d, [sic] 1770, at the ordination of the Rev. Bruin Romcas Camingoe to the Dutch Calvinistic Presbyterian Congregation at Lunenburg : by John Seccombe, of Chester, A.M., being the first preached in the province of Nova-S Halifax, N.S. : Printed by A. Henry, 1770. 16 pages ; 18 cm. Errata--pages [iii]. Ordination sermons. AK B13 SE6 Akins Sermon preached. Boston, Mass. : [s.n., 1686?]. (Author unknown. Sermons, American. AK B13 SE8 Akins Sewall, Joseph, Jehovah is the King and Savior of His people a sermon preach'd at the Boston lecture, August 17, 1727, upon the awful tidings of the death of His Late Majesty King George, June 11th / by Joseph Sewell. Boston, Mass. : D. Henchman, 1727. 25 pages ; 22 cm. AK B13 SH8 Akins Shreve, Charles J. A sermon preached in Christ church Guysboro' N.S. on behalf of the Bishopric endowment fund, in compliance with a request of the Venble. Archdeacon Willis, expressed in a circular addressed to the clergy of the Archdeaconry of Nova Scotia, on Sunday, Jan. Halifax, N.S. : W. Gossip, 1852. 15 pages Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 SM6 Akins Smith, William, Discourses on public occasions in America / by William Smith. London : Printed for A. Millar, D. Wilson, and T. Becket, and pagesA. de Hondt ... and G. Keith ., 1759. 246 pages Sermons, English.!!United States – History – French and Indian War, 1755-1763 – Sermons. AK B13 SO8 Akins Southgate, Horatio, The sermon preached at the consecration of Christ Church Cathedral, Fredericton, N.B., August 31, 1853 / by Horatio Southgate. Boston, Mass. : Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1853. 31 pages Published by request of the bishop and clergy of the Diocese of Fredericton. Sermons, English. AK B13 ST2 Akins Stannage, John. On dissent : a sermon preached in St. Paul's Church, St. Margaret's Bay, on Sunday, March 24th, and in St. Stephen's Church, Chester, on Sunday, June 24th, 1838 / by John Stannage. 2nd edition, corr., with additional notes. Halifax, N.S. : Gossip & Coade, 1840. 18 pages ; 18 cm. Especially intended for plain people, members of the Church of England. Christian union – Sermons.!!Christian life – Sermons.!!Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 ST3 Akins Steele, Howard. Discourse : delivered at Bridgewater, N.S. on Sabbath, the 6th March, 1859 / by Howard Steele. Halifax, N.S. : J. Barnes, 1859. 16 pages ; 18 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 T24 Akins Temple, Isaac. Two sermons preached in St. Matthews Church Halifax, N.S. on Sunday the 9th and Sunday the 16th of April, 1820 : on the death of His Late Most Gracious Majesty George III and the accession of His Most Gracious Majesty George IV / by the Rev. Isaac Temple. Halifax : Printed by John Munro, 1820. 24 pages ; 18 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 T29 Akins Teulon, W.F. The death of Christ ... a discourse ... preached at Halifax, November 18, 1838 / by W.F. Teulon. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1838?]. 40 pages ; 17 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 T33 Akins Thayer, Ebenezer, Christ the great subject of Gospel preaching : and matter of great joy to all whom he is preach'd unto : being the substance of several sermons from Acts VIII. 5, 8 : whereunto are added, Practical reflections on the first and last days of the year, 1721 by Ebenezer Thayer. Boston, Mass. : D. Henchman, 1722. 46 pages ; 17 cm. Sermons, American – Early works to 1800. AK B13 T36 Akins Thomas, John, A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts : at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St. Mary-le-Bow / by John Thomas. London : E. Owen, 1751. 80 pages Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, London. Missions – Sermons. AK B13 T38 Akins Thomson, John, The prayer of Jesus for the oneness of his people : being the substance of discourses, delivered in St. Stephen's Hall, in the city of St. John / by John Thomson. Saint John, N.B. : H. Chubb, 1850. 28 pages ; 21 cm. Christian union. AK B13 T56 Akins Tocque, Philip, “If I say the truth why do ye not believe me?” : a sermon preached on Sunday afternoon, Nov. 21st, 1858, in St. Stephen's Church, Tusket, Nova Scotia / by Philip Tocque. Yarmouth, N.S. : A. Lawson, 1858. 16 pages ; 15 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 UN3 Akins Uniacke, Richard John, A sermon preached in St. George's Church, Sydney, C.B., on the 6th, December, 1860 / by Richard J. Uniacke. Sydney, N.S. : “Cape Breton News” Office, 1861. 15 pages ; 19 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 V67 Akins Viets, Roger, A sermon on the duty of attending the public worship of God : preached at Digby in Nova Scotia, April 19th, 1789 / by Roger Viets. Hartford : Printed by Hudson and Goodwin, 1789. 43 pages ; 20 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English!!God – Worship and love – Sermons. AK B13 W25 Akins Warren, John. An eulogy on the Honorable Thomas Russell, esq. late president of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and Others, In North America / by John Warren. Boston, Mass. : B. Sweetser, 1796. 31 pages Funeral sermons. AK B13 W46 Akins Welton, Daniel Morse, Christian baptism : a sermon in reply to Rev. Dr. Richey's two sermons on the same subject / by D.M. Welton. Halifax, N.S. : Christian Messinger, 1870. 77 pages ; 18 cm. Baptism – Sermons.!!Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B13 W51 Akins Wesley, John, A sermon preached on the occasion of the death of the Rev. Mr. John Fletcher, vicar, of Madely, Shropshire / by John Wesley, M.A. London : Halifax, [N.S.] : J. Paramore, re-printed by J. Howe, 1785. 1786. 22 pages Sermons, English. AK B13 W52 Akins West, Samuel, Greatness the result of goodness : a sermon, occasioned by the death of George Washington, late commander in chief of the armies, and first president, of the United States of America, who died December 14, 1799, aged 68 / by Samuel West, Pastor of the Church in Hollis Street, Boston. Boston, Mass. : Manning & Loring, 1799. 17 pages Washington, George, 1732-1799. AK B13 W63 Akins Wigglesworth, Edward, The blessedness of the dead who die in the Lord : a sermon preached at the Publick lecture ... April 6, 1731, in the hall of Harvard-College ... upon the death of Thomas Hollis, esq., of London / by Edward Wigglesworth. Boston, Mass. : S. Gerrish, 1731. 23 pages ; 21 cm. AK B13 W79d Akins Wix, Edward, Divine visitations : a sermon / by Edward Wix. St. John's, Nfld. : J. Ryan, 1832. 20 pages ; 20 cm. Cover title. Sermons, English. AK B13 W79g Akins Wix, Edward, The guilt of a denial of God's providence : a sermon on Zephaniah I, 12 / by Edward Wix. St. John's, [Nfld.] : J. Ryan. 1832. 23 pages ; 21 cm. Includes bibliographical references. Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B15 G78 Akins Gray, J. W. D. A sermon, preached at Trinity Church, Saint John, New-Brunswick / by I.W.D. Gray. Saint John, N.B. : H. Chubb, 1837. 24 pages ; 21 cm. Word of God (Theology – Sermons.!!Sermons, English. AK B15 M73 Akins Molyneux, Capel, Heaven : a farewell sermon ... preached in the Lock Chapel, Harrow road / by Capel Molyneux. Halifax, N.S. : Industrial School Printing Office, 1860. 15 pages ; 21 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English.!!Christianity. AK B15 SE9 Akins Sewall, Joseph, The Holy Spirit convincing the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment : considered in four sermons, the two former delivered at the Tuesday-evening lecture in Brattle-Street, January 20th & March 3, the other at the Old-South-Church in Boston, Ap by Joseph Sewall. Boston, Mass. : D. Henchman, 1741. 133 pages ; 15 cm. Sermons, American. AK B2 B7 Akins Nova Scotia Bible Society. Nova Scotia Bible Society : a brief view of the origin, object and progress of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Halifax : English and Blackadar, 1837. 16 pages : 22 cm. Public relations – Churches – Nova Scotia. AK B2 B77 Akins British American Book and Tract Society. Annual report of the British American Book and Tract Society / British American Book and Tract Society. Halifax, N.S. : [The Society], [18--?]- AK B2 B78 Akins British North American Wesleyan Methodist magazine. Saint John, N.B. : [s.n., 1840-1847] ports. ; 22 cm. Published by Connexional authority. Description based on: Volume 2 (1842. Canadian Wesleyan Methodist New Connexion Church. AK B2 B99 Akins Bytown United Church Branch Bible Society. First report of the Bytown United Church Branch Bible Society. Montreal : C. Campbell and Becket, 1839. AK B2 C16s Akins Canada Congregational Missionary Society. Annual report of the Canada Congregational Missionary Society. Montreal : John Lovell, [18--?]- Missions – Periodicals. AK B2 C28 Akins Halifax Catholic Institute. Constitution and by-laws of the Halifax Catholic Institute : founded January 6th, 1859. Halifax, N.S. : Compton and Bowden, 1859. 11p. Catholic institutions. AK B2 C46 Akins The late Rev. George Gilmore. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1860]. Bound with: Rest to the weary and heavy laden, a sermon. In the Christian Instructor, June 1860, pages 161-166; August 1860, pages 225-230; Sept. 1860, pages 257-264; Oct. 1860, pages 289-294; Nov. 1860, pages 321-324. AK B2 C46g Akins The Christian gem. Halifax, N.S. : W. Cunnabell and Jas. Belcher, [1845]. Christian life – Periodicals. AK B2 C46ol Akins Christian gleaner. [Halifax, N.S. : J.S. Cunnabell, 1833-1838] Christian life – Periodicals. AK B2 C47 Akins Colonial Church and School Society (Montreal, Quebec. Church of England French mission record and annual report of Colonial Church and School Society for year. Montreal : The Society, [18--]- AK B2 C47e Akins Church of England institute (N.S.. Report for 1875 : with constitution and by-laws. Halifax, N.S. : Nova Scotia Printing Co., 1876. Church of England Institute (N.S..!!Religious Institutions – Nova Scotia. AK B2 C47h Akins Church of England in Canada. Diocese of Huron. Synod. Journal of the Synod of the Church of England of the Diocese of Huron. [S.l., s.n.] 23 cm. Some issues called: Journal of a special meeting of the Synod of the Diocese of Huron. Bound with Church Society annual report. AK B2 C47h Akins United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Huron. Church Society. Annual report / Church Society of the Diocese of Huron. London, Ont. : Free Press, [18--?]- Bound with the Journal of the Synod. AK B2 C47m Akins United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Montreal. Church Society. Report of the incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Montreal, for the year. Montreal : [s.n., 18--?]- Church societies – Quebec (Province. AK B2 C47n Akins Church Society of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswick. Report [1st]-9th. Saint John, N.B. : Printed by Lewis W. Durant, 1837-1845. 9 v. in 1 ; 20 cm. First report has title : Abstract of the proceedings of the Church Sociey of the Archdeaconry of New Brunswick. Continued by : Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. Report. Church societies – New Brunswick AK B2 C47q Akins United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Quebec. Church Society. The ... annual report of the Incorporated Church Society of the Diocese of Quebec, for the year. [Quebec? : s.n.], 1842- 40 pages ; 21 cm. Description based on 1852. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 7 Victoria, Capages 68 and 15 Victoria, Capages 171. Established 7th July, 1842. Home missions.!!Missions intérieures. AK B2 C47t Akins United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Toronto. Church Society. The ... annual report of the Church Society of the Diocese of Toronto. Cobourg [Canada West] : The Society, [18--?]- 1 v. ; 17 cm. Church of England – Missions – Ontario. AK B2 C7 Akins Colonial and Continental Church Society. Occassional papers of the Colonial and Continental Church Society / Colonial and Continental Church Society. London : [The Society, 18--]- Church societies. AK B2 C71 Akins Colonial and Continental Church Society. Annual report of the Colonial and Continental Church Society / Colonial and Continental Church Society. London : [Colonial and Continental Church Society, 18--]- Church societies. AK B2 C71m Akins Colonial church and school society for the Diocese of Montréal ... Montréal : Pr. by J. Lovell, 1858. Volume 5 published in 1858. AK B2 C71p Akins Colonial Church Society. Prince Edward Island Branch. Report and proceedings of the Prince Edward Island branch of the Colonial Church Society. [S.l.: s.n., 18--?]- Church societies – Prince Edward Island. AK B2 C71r Akins The Colonial church chronicle, and missionary journal. London : F.J. Rivington, [1848-1874]. 28 v. Imprint varies. Colonial and Continental Church Society. Church societies. AK B2 C7L Akins Colonial Church Society (London, England Letters ... to the Bishop of Nova Scotia, [etc.] ... 1841-47 / Colonial Church Society (London, England. [London? : The Society, 1847?]. Church societies. AK B2 D62 Akins Report of the proceedings of the Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia. Halifax, N.S. : [s.n., 1839]- Diocesan Church Society of Nova Scotia. Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 D62n Akins Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. Report of the proceedings of the Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. [Saint John, N.B.? : s.n., 18--?]- 63 pages ; 22 cm. Tables. Diocesan Church Society of New Brunswick. Home missions. AK B2 D62NE Akins Diocesan Synod of Newfoundland. Proceedings of the Diocesan Synod of Newfoundland. St. John's, Nfld. : J.G. Withers, 1875. AK B2 EC2 Akins Presbyterian Church in Canada. The Ecclesiastical and missionary record for the Presbyterian Church of Canada. Toronto : [s.n.], 1844-1861. 30 cm. AK B2 EV1 Akins The Evangelical churchman. Toronto, [s.n.], 1876-1900. weekly. AK B2 F87 Akins French Canadian Missionary Society. Constitution of the French Canadian Missionary Society / French Canadian Missionary Society. Montreal : Campbell & Becket, 1839. 12 pages ; 18 cm. With a circular respecting its objects. Missions – Quebec (Province. AK B2 G46 Akins Glasgow Society (in connection with the Established Church of Scotland for Promoting the Religious Interests of Scottish Settlers in British North America. The ... annual report of the Glasgow Society (in connection with the Established Church of Scotland for Promoting the Religious Interests of the Scottish Settlers in North America. Glasgow : The Society, 1826-. Printed for the Society. Presbyterian Church – Canada. AK B2 H13 SA2L Akins St. George's Ladies Benevolent Society. Annual report of St. George's Ladies Benevolent Society. Halifax, N.S. : [S.n.], 1840- AK B2 H13 SP2 Akins St. Paul's Parochial District Visiting Society. Reports of St. Paul's Parochial District Visiting Society. Halifax, N.S. : The Society, [18--?]- Library has photocopies of the years 1854/5 ; 1858 at V/F V. 113 #8. Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 H13a Akins Halifax Auxiliary Naval and Military Bible Society. Report of the proceedings of the Halifax Auxiliary Naval and Military Bible Society. Halifax, N.S. : The Society, 1845- AK B2 H13c Akins Halifax City Mission. Report of the committee of the Halifax city mission. Halifax, N.S. : The Mission, [18--?]- Imprint varies. Missions – Nova Scotia. AK B2 H13r Akins Halifax City Mission. The constitution and report of the committee of the Halifax City Mission with treasurer's account and appendix for the year. Halifax, N.S. : The Mission, [18--?]- Missions – Nova Scotia – Halifax. AK B2 J87 Akins The Jubilee remembrancer. Halifax, N.S. : Published by the Jubilee Committee of the Nova Scotia Auxiliary of the British and Foreign Bible Society, [1853-1854]. British and Foreign Bible Society. Nova Scotia Auxiliary. Jubilee Committee. Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 M56A Akins Annual report. Toronto : Methodist Mission Rooms, [18--?]- Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 M56b Akins Report of the Halifax Methodist Female Benevolent Society. Halifax, N.S. : The Society, [1819?]- Halifax Methodist Female Benevolent Society. Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 M56l Akins The Metropolitan Catholic almanac and laity's directory. Baltimore : F. Lucas, 1838-1861. Almanacs, American – Periodicals. AK B2 M56n Akins Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America. Missionary Society for the Nova Scotia District. The first annual report, of the Methodist Missionary Society, for the Nova-Scotia district, including Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswick & Pr. Edw. Island, at a public meeting, held at the Methodist Chapel, Halifax, on the 2nd of June, 1818 : together with a short [Halifax? N.S.] : A.H. Holland, printer, [1818?] 32 pages ; 23 cm. Reference: Akins. Holland, A. H. AK B2 M56n Akins Wesleyan Methodist Church of Eastern British America. Missionary Society for the Nova Scotia District. A report of the formation of a Methodist missionary society, for the Nova-Scotia district, at a public meeting held at the Methodist Chapel, Halifax, on the third of June, 1817, with the resolutions which were proposed and carried : together with a short Halifax, N.S. : Printed by Edmund Ward, 1817. 22 pages ; 20 cm. To which are added, important and interesting extracts from a report recently published in England, and a list of the foreign stations of the Methodist missionaries, &c. References: Akins; TPL 1121. Ward, E. Missionaries – Nova Scotia AK B2 M56t Akins Metropolitan tabernacle pulpit. London : Passmore & Alabaster, [1877?]- Spurgeon, C. H. (Charles Haddon, 1834-1892. Sermons, English. AK B2 M69H Akins The Missionary herald / American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. [Boston : Samuel T. Armstrong, 1821-1934]. ill ; 22 cm. Title from caption. American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Congregational churches – Missions – Periodicals.!!Missions – Periodicals.!!Congregational churches – Periodicals. AK B2 N85a Akins Cooney, Robert, The judgment seat of Christ : a sermon preached in the Wesleyan Chapel at Guysborough on Sunday, 7th of January 1838 / by Robert Cooney. Halifax, N.S. : W. Cunnabell, 1838. 23 pages ; 21 cm. Cover title. Bound with Nova Scotia Bible Society's A brief view of the origin...of the British and Foreign Bible Society. Cunnabell, W. (Halifax, N.S. Sermons AK B2 N85n Akins Nova Scotia church chronicle. Windsor, [N.S. : King's College?, 1865-1868]. United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. AK B2 P92 Akins The Presbyterian record for the Dominion of Canada. Montreal : [By authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada], 1876-[189-?]. General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. AK B2 P93 Akins Prince Edward Island Auxiliary Bible Society. Annual report / Prince Edward Island Auxiliary Bible Society. Charlottetown : Excelsior Printing Office, 1870. AK B2 P94 Akins The Protestant : a weekly newspaper, on the principal points of controversy between the Church of Rome and the Reformed. Glasgow, Scotland : University Press, [18--?]- Protestant churches – Great Britain.!!Periodicals. AK B2 P943 Akins Sunday School Convention of the Maritime Provinces. Halifax : William Macnab, [18--?]- Sunday schools – Maritime Provinces. AK B2 R27 Akins Religious Tract Society. Abstract of the fiftieth annual report of the Religious Tract Society / Religious Tract Society. London : The Society, 1849. Tract societies – Great Britain. AK B2 SA1 Akins The Sabbath observer. [Halifax, N.S. : Committee of the Nova Scotia Sabbath Alliance, 1853-1854?]. The Sabbath was made for man. Nova-Scotia Sabbath Alliance. Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 SA1 Akins Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Montreal. Sabrevois Mission record. Montreal : [s.n., 18--?]- AK B2 SA1H Akins Committee of the Halifax Dartmouth Sabbath School Association. Programme, 1875 / Halifax Dartmouth Sabbath School Association. [Halifax, N.S.] : The Committee, 1875. Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 SA1M Akins Annual report of the general committee of the Nova-Scotia Sabbath Alliance / Nova Scotia Sabbath Alliance. [Halifax, N.S.] : The Alliance, [18--?]- Church Societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 SO1h Akins Humphreys, David, An historical account of the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts : containing their foundation, proceedings, and the success of their missionaries in the British colonies, to the year 1728 / by David Humphreys ... London : Printed by Joseph Downing ., 1730. xxxi, [1], 356 pages, [2] folded leaves of plates ; 2 Errors in paging: page numbers 127-128 used twice in numbering, page numbers 175-176 omitted. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain Missions – North America. AK B2 SO1L Akins Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain. The results of 180 years of work as set forth in letters of colonial & missionary bishops, extracted chiefly from the Annual report for the year 188l : to which are added some historical notes of the growth of the Church and of the Society's labours in di London : The Society, [1882?]. AK B2 SO1m Akins Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain. The monthly record of the church missions : in connection with the Society for the Propogation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts / Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. London : [The Society, 18--?]. AK B2 SO1Q Akins Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain. Quarterly paper / Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. London : [The Society, 18--?]- AK B2 SO1R Akins Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Halifax Diocesan Committee. Report of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge / Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 18--?]- AK B2 ST9 Akins Student's monthly. [Lennoxville, Quebec? : s.n., 1867?] College student newspapers and periodicals – Quebec (Province. AK B2 T34 Akins The Theologue. [Halifax, N.S. : Students of the Presbyterian College, 1889-1919]. Presbyterian College (Pine Hill Religion – Periodicals. AK B2 UN3b Akins Moravian Church. Periodical accounts relating to the missions of the Church of the United Brethren : established among the heathen. London : [The Church, 18--?]- AK B2 W5 Akins Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. Report of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society / Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. London : The Society, [1818]- AK B2 W51B Akins Wesleyan Methodist Church in British North America. Missionary Society. Annual report of the Missionary Society of the Wesleyan Methodist Church in British North America / Wesleyan Methodist Church in British North America. York [Toronto] : The Society, [1825?]-1833. 8th annual report. AK B2 W52 Akins Halifax Wesleyan Missionary Branch Society. Report of the Halifax Wesleyan Missionary Branch Society / Halifax Wesleyan Missionary Branch Society. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1821]- Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 W52f Akins Halifax Wesleyan Female Benevolent Society. Annual report of the Halifax Wesleyan Female Benevolent Society / Halifax Wesleyan Female Benevolent Society. [Halifax, N.S.] : The Society, [1823?]- Church societies – Nova Scotia. AK B2 W52f Akins Halifax Wesleyan Missionary Female Association. Report of the Halifax Wesleyan Missionary Female Association. [Halifax, N.S.?] : The Society, [1823-18--] Bound with the reports of the Halifax Wesleyan Female Benevolent Society. AK B2 W53R Akins Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Missionary Society. Newfoundland Auxiliary. The report of the Wesleyan Methodist Auxiliary Missionary Society for the Newfoundland District / Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Missionary Society. Newfoundland Auxiliary. [St. John's, Nfld.?] : The Auxiliary, [18--?]- AK B2 W53R Akins Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Sabbath School Society for the Halifax Circuit. Report of the Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School Society, for the Halifax Circuit. Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Sabbath School Society for the Halifax Circuit. [Halifax, N.S. : Wesleyan Office, 18--?]- AK B2 W54 Akins The Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Wesleyan Methodist magazine. [Halifax, N.S. : J.S. Cunnabell, 1832? Cunnabell, J.S. AK B2 W55 Akins Wesleyan Methodist Church in Canada. Sabbath School Society for the Halifax Circuit. Constitution of the Wesleyan Methodist Sabbath School Society, for the Halifax Circuit, in connection with the British Wesleyan Conference as adopted at a public meeting, held in the Brunswick Street Chapel, on the 18th day of December, 1848. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes & son, 1849. 14 cm. AK B2 W58 Akins The Westminster teacher. Philadelphia, pagesa. : Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work, [18--?]- Presbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath School Work. Education – Periodicals. AK B3 B81 Akins Brown, William. History of the propagation of christianity among the heathen since the reformation / William Brown. 3rd edition Edinburgh : W. Blackwood & sons, 1854. 3 v. Christianity – Church history. AK B3 B85 Akins Buchanan, Claudius. Colonial ecclesiastical establishment : being a brief view of the state of the colonies of Great Britain, and of her Asiatic empire, in respect to religious instruction / Claudius Buchanan. London : Cadell & Davies, 1813. 212 pages Religious education. AK B3 K77 Akins Knox, John. The church and its creed : the address delivered before the annual assembly of the Prince Edward Island Association, on Monday, the 20th July / by John Knox. Charlottetown, [P.E.I.] : G.T. Hazard, 1857. 92 pages ; 17 cm. Baptists – Prince Edward Island. AK B3 M13 Akins McCulloch, Thomas, Calvinism, the doctrine of the scriptures : a scriptural account of the ruin and recovery of fallen man and a review of the principal objections which have been advanced against the Calvinistic system / by Thomas McCulloch. Glasgow : W. Collins, [18--?]. 270 pages ; 18 cm. 'After the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers ... --Acts xxiv, 14.' Calvinism.!!Presbyterianism. AK B3 M42 Akins Mather, Cotton, Magnalia Christi Americana : the ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting, in the year 1620, unto the year 1698 / Cotton Mather. Hartford, [Conn.] : S. Andrus & son, 1855. 2 v. New England – History – Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.!!New England – Church history. AK B3 P94 Akins A proposal for the conversion of the Popish natives of Ireland, to the established religion : with the reasons upon which it is grounded, and an answer to the objections made to it. Dublin : E. Waters, 1711. 47 pages (Author unknown. AK B3 T7 Akins Tucker, S. The rainbow in the North : a short account of the first establishment of Christianity in Rupert's Land by the Church Missionary Society / by S. Tucker. London : J. Nesbit, 1852. 222p. Indians of North America – Manitoba!!Missions. AK B4 B15 Akins Bartlet, William S. The frontier missionary : a memoir of the life of the Rev. Jacob Bailey, A.M., missionary at Pownalborough, Maine ; Cornwallis and Annapolis, N.S. / with illustrations, notes and an appendix, by William S. Bartlet ; with a preface by George Burgess. Boston : Ide and Dutton, 1853. xi, 365 pages, [6] leaves of plates : ill., facsim., Also published: New York: Stanford and Swords, 1853 (Collections of the Protestant Episcopal Historical Society ; v.2 Missionaries – Maine – Biography.!!Missions – Maine.!!Missions – Nova Scotia. AK B4 B29 Akins Basfield, Titus. An interesting history of the life of the Rev. Titus Basfield : a colored minister in the Associate Presbyterian Church, with reasons why he could not go in with the United Presbyterian Church of America / by Titus Basfield. Pittsburgh, J.S. Davison, 1858. 77 pages AK B4 B38 Akins Meille, J. pages General Beckwith : his life and labours among the Waldenses of Piedmont / by J.pages Meille ; with an introductory notice by William Arnot. London : T. Nelson, 1873. 312 pages ; 18 cm. Translation of: Le général Beckwith--Cf. Introd. and NUC pre-1956 imprints. Waldenses – Biography. AK B4 B56 Akins Richey, Matthew, A memoir of the late Rev. William Black, Wesleyan minister, Halifax, N.S. : including an account of the rise and progress of Methodism in Nova Scotia, characteristic notices of several individuals ; with copious extracts from the unpublished correspondenc by Matthew Richey. Halifax, N.S. : W. Cunnabell, 1839 370 pages : port. ; 18 cm. Methodism – Maritime Provinces – History. AK B4 C23 Akins Memoirs of Mrs. William Veitch, Mr. Thomas Hog of Kiltearn, Mr. Henry Erskine, and Mr. John Carstairs / issued by the committee of the General Assembly of the Free Church of Scotland for the publication of the works of Scottish Reformers and Divines. Edinburgh : Assembly's Committee, 1846. iv, 152 pages ; 19 cm. Veitch, Marion. Free Church of Scotland. General Assembly. AK B4 C64 Akins In memoriam James Cuppaidge Cochran, D.D., died June 20th, A.D. 1880, aet 82. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n., 1880?]. 12 pages A collection of obituary notices reprinted from newspapers and periodicals. Cover title. Printed by the pupils of the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb at Halifax N.S. in grateful remembrance of their friend and benefactor. Religious biography. AK B4 C85 Akins Johnston, J. W. The Crawley memorial address : delivered Tuesday evening, June 4, 1889, Wolfville / by J.W. Johnston. Halifax, N.S. : Holloway Bros., 1889. Baptists – Nova Scotia. AK B4 F32 Akins Tucker, H. W., Memoir of the life and episcopate of Edward Feild, D.D., bishop of Newfoundland, 1844-1876 / by H.W. Tucker. London : W.W. Gardner, 1877. 312 pages AK B4 G65 Akins J. D. G The last martyrs of Eromanga : being a memoir of the Rev. George N. Gordon and Ellen Catherine Powell, his wife. Halifax, N.S. : Macnab and Shaffer, 1863. 294 pages : ill. ; 20 cm. Presbyterian Church – Missions.!!Missions – Vanuatu. AK B4 H65 Akins Mcvickar, John. The early years of the late Bishop Hobart / John Mcvickar. New York : Protestant Episcopal Press, 1836. 245 pages Religion – Church history – Biography. AK B4 H65 Akins Berrian, William. The posthumous works of the late Rt. Rev. John Henry Hobart, D.D. : with a memoir of his life / William Berrian. New York : Swords, Stanford & Co., 1833. 423 pages Volume one. Religion – Church history – Biography. AK B4 H87 Akins Huestis, G. O. Memorials of Wesleyan missionaries & ministers, who have died within the bounds of the conference of eastern British America since the introduction of Methodism into these colonies / by the Rev. G.O. Huestis. Halifax, N.S. : W. Macnab, 1872. 147 pages ; 18 cm. Methodists – Canada – Biography AK B4 K74 Akins Knill, Richard, The life of the Rev. Richard Knill, of St. Petersburgh : being selections from his reminiscences, journals and correspondence / with a review of his character, by the late Rev. John Angell James ; [edited] by Charles M. Birrell. New York : American Tract Society, 1859. 358 pages Birrell, Charles M.!!James, John Angell. American Tract Society. Religion – Church history – Biography. AK B4 K74b Akins Cramp, J. M. A brief memoir of the Rev. William Knibb, late missionary in Jamaica : with an appendix, containing a sketch of the history of the Baptist Missionary Society / by J.M. Cramp. Montreal : R. Campbell, 1846. 36 pages ; 18 cm. Campbell, R. (Montréal, Québec. Missionaries – Biography. AK B4 L23 Akins Landers, Anthony, A narrative of the travels and voyages of Capt. Anthony Landers : including an account of his conversion to God, his progress in the divine life ; together with the various and uncommon difficulties which he had to encounter, and how he was enabled to sur written by himself. New York : Printed for the author, 1815. 59 pages Voyages and travel – Ocean travel. AK B4 L62 Akins Presbyterian Board of Publication. The life of Rev. James Hervey, M.A. / Presbyterian Board of Publication. Philadelphia : The Board, [18--?]. 240 pages Also contains: The life of Rev. Augustus M. Toplady, pages 163. AK B4 M22 Akins Leys, Peter. Memoir of the Rev. John Maclaren : including selections from his letters and sermons / with prefactory notice by John Eadie. Glasgow : M. Ogle and son, 1861. 307 pages Religion – Church history – Biography. AK B4 M22 B57 Akins Blaikie, A. Memoir of the late Rev. John McLean, A.M. / by A. Blaikie. Boston : [s.n., 1837?]. 16 pages ; 22 cm. Caption title. Clergy – Nova Scotia – Biography AK B4 M35 Akins Marshall, John G., Personal narratives : with reflections and remarks / by John G. Marshall. Halifax, N.S. : T. Chamberlain, 1866. 185 pages ; 20 cm. Judges – Personal narratives. AK B4 M81 Akins Moreton, Julian, Life and work in Newfoundland; reminiscences of thirteen years spent there / By the Rev. Julian Moreton. London : Rivingtons, 1863. 106 pages : ill. ; 20 cm. Newfoundland – Description and travel. AK B4 P95 Akins Bray, Thomas. Publick spirit : illustrated in the life and designs of the Rev. Thomas Bray, minister of St. Botolph without Aldgate / Thomas Bray. London : J. Brotherton, 1746. 54 pages Religion – Church history – Biography. AK B4 SM6 Akins Smith, Reuben. The pastoral office : embracing experiences and observations from a pastorate of forty years / Reuben Smith. Philadelphia : Presbyterian Board of Publications, [1859?]. 105 pages Religion – Clergy – Biography. AK B4 T21 Akins Taylor, John Fennings, The Last three bishops appointed by the crown for the Anglican Church in Canada by Fennings Taylor : the Right Rev. Francis Fulford, D.D., the Right Rev. George Jehosaphat Mountain, D.D., DC.L., the Hon and Right Rev. John Strachan, D.D. LL.D., : notices, John Fennings Taylor. Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1870. 281 pages Caption title. Review of Mr. Taylor's book. Taylor, Fennings, 1817-1882. Last three bishops appointed by the crown for the Anglican Church in Canada. AK B4 T39 Akins Thoresby, William. A narrative of God's love to William Thoresby / William Thoresby. 2nd edition Redruth, (England : J. Bennet, 1801. 150 p. Religion – Biography. AK B4 W58 Akins Wilson, Bird, Memoir of the life of the Rt. Rev. William White, D.D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the state of Pennsylvania / Bird Wilson. Philadephia : J. Kay jr. & bros., 1839. 430 p. AK B5 AR7 Akins Granville Street Baptist Church (Halifax, N.S.. Articles of belief and covenant, of the Baptist Church, in Granville Street, Halifax, which was constituted September 30, 1827 / Granville Street Baptist Church. Halifax, N.S. : J.H. White, [1827]. 8 p. Baptists – Nova Scotia. AK B5 B22 Akins Baptist Association of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. Minutes of the Baptist Association of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island / Baptist Association of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island. [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]- Baptists – Maritime Provinces. AK B5 B22c Akins Baptist Education Society of New Brunswick Committee of Management. Report of the Committee of Management of the Baptist Education Society of New-Brunswick / Committee of Management of the Baptist Education Society of New-Brunswick. [Saint John, N.B.?] : The Committee, [1835?]- Baptists – New Brunswick. AK B5 B43 Akins Benedict, David, A general history of the Baptist denomination in America and other parts of the world / by David Benedict. Boston : Manning & Loring, 1813. 2v. Baptists – History. AK B5 C33 Akins Central Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. Session. Minutes of the ... session of the Central Baptist Association of Nova Scotia : together with the circular letter / Central Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. [S.l. : s.n., 1851-1882?]- Tables. Baptists – Nova Scotia – Congresses AK B5 C54 Akins Clark, Thomas M. An historical discourse delivered in St. John's church, Providence, R.I., on St. Barabas's day, June 11, 1872 : in commemoration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the parish / Thomas M. Clark. Hartford, Conn. : The Church Press, 1872. 52 p. Religion – Church history – Rhode Island. AK B5 C81 Akins North United Baptist Church (Halifax, N.S.. A correspondence between a committee of the North Baptist Church and Granville St. Baptist Church, Halifax, respecting a member of the former church received by the latter without any letter of dismission from the North Church : also, the vote of the Nort North United Baptist Church. Halifax, N.S. : Nova Scotia Printing Co., 1872. 30 p. Baptists!!Nova Scotia!!Discipline. AK B5 G79 Akins Gray, J.B. A review of the Rev. Mr. Foshay's late pastoral to the Baptist churches of P.E. Island / J.B. Gray. [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]. 60 p. Baptists – Prince Edward Island. AK B5 H73 Akins Holman, James. Letter addressed to the Rev. J.D. Casewell / by a late member of his church [i.e. James Holman] Saint John, N.B. : [s.n.], 1835. 12 p. AK B5 N85 Akins Baptist Education Society of Nova Scotia. Report of the annual meeting of the Nova Scotia Baptist Education Society / Baptist Education Society of Nova Scotia. Halifax N.S.?] : The Society, 1843-[18--]. Church and education – Nova Scotia. AK B5 N85 Akins Cramp, J. M. The centenary of the Baptists in Nova Scotia : a discourse delivered at Hillsburgh, June 10, 1860 / by J.M. Cramp. Halifax, N.S. : Christian Messenger Office, 1860. 30 pages ; 19 cm. Published at the special request of the Western Baptist Association. Bound with the general report of the Baptist Education Society of Nova Scotia, 1845. Christian Messenger. Baptists – Nova Scotia. AK B5 N85r Akins Rand, Silas Tertius, The jubilee historical sketch of the Nova Scotia Baptist Association : read at Wolfville, June 25, 1849 / by S.T. Rand. Charlottetown, [P.E.I.] : J.D. Haszard, 1849. 31 p. Nova Scotia Baptist Association. Baptists – Nova Scotia. AK B5 P29 Akins Paysant, John Y. Church government : a letter to Rev. E.M. Saunders, pastor of Granville Street church, Halifax / John Y Paysant. Halifax, N.S. : Halifax Citizen, 1868. 34 p. Church management – Nova Scotia – Halifax. AK B5 P93 Akins Prince Edward Island Baptist Association, and P.E.I. Baptist Home Missionary Society. Report of the Prince Edward Island Baptist Association, and P.E.I. Baptist Home Missionary Society / Prince Edward Island Baptist Association, and P.E.I. Baptist Home Missionary Society. [S.l. : s.n., 18--?]- Baptists – Prince Edward Island. AK B5 T83 Akins Tupper, Charles, Baptist principles vindicated : in reply to the Revd. J.W.D. Gray's work on baptism / by Charles Tupper. Halifax, N.S. : Christian Messenger, 1844. 190pages ; 19 cm. Includes index. Infant baptism.!!Baptism. AK B5 W52 Akins Western Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. Minutes of the ... session of the Western Baptist Association of Nova Scotia / Western Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. Halifax, [N.S.] : Christian Messenger, [18--?]- Baptists – Nova Scotia. AK B5 W52 Akins Western New Brunswick Baptist Association. Minutes of the ... session of the Western New Brunswick Baptist Association / Western New Brunswick Baptist Association. [Fredericton, N.B.?] : The Association, [18--?]- Baptists – New Brunswick. AK B6 C47 Akins Mountain, George J. A journal of visitation to a part of the Diocese of Quebec by the Lord Bishop of Montreal in the spring of 1843.... London : Printed for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1845- map ; 16 cm. Running title: Bishop of Montreal's Visitation journal, 1843. Volume 2 has title: A journal of visitation to parts of the Diocese of Quebec by the Lord Bishop of Montreal in 1843 and 1844. Volume 2 lacks number following series statement. Refer Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain Visitations, Ecclesiastical – Quebec (Province AK B6 AC2 Akins An account of the designs of the associates of the late Dr. Bray : with an abstract of their proceedings. London : [s.n., 1770]. 40 p. Author unknown. AK B6 AN2 Akins Anderson, James S.M. The history of the Church of England in the colonies and foreign dependencies of the British Empire / by James S.M. Anderson. London : F. & J. Rivington, 1845-1856. 3v. AK B6 AN2n Akins Anderson, David, The net in the bay : journal of a visit to Moose and Albany / by the Bishop of Rupert's Land [i.e. David Anderson]. London : T. Hatchard, 1854. 276 p. Rupert's Land.!!Canada – Description and travel – 1764-1867. AK B6 AP4 Akins Appeal for a fisherman's church. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n.], 1853. 11 p. Author unknown. Churches – Nova Scotia. AK B6 B46 Akins Bettridge, William Craddock, A brief history of the Church in Upper Canada : containing the acts of Parliament, imperial and provincial, royal instructions, proceedings of the deputation, correspondence with the government, clergy reserves' question / by William Bettridge. London : W.E. Painter, 1838. 143 p. Ontario – Church history. AK B6 B51 Akins Binney, Hibbert, Letter to the majority at the Easter meeting of the parishioners of St. Paul's / by Hibbert Binney. Halifax, [N.S. : s.n.], 1856. AK B6 B51 Akins United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Bishop (1851-1869 : Binney. Remarks on diocesan synods : addressed to the clergy and laity of his diocese / by Hibbert, Bishop of Nova Scotia. Halifax, N.S. : J.Bowes, 1864. 15 pages ; 19 cm. Includes bibliographical references. Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887. Councils and synods, Diocesan – Nova Scotia. AK B6 C47 Akins Church in the colonies. [London : S.P.C.K.], 1843-51. (Author unknown. Religion.!!Colonialism. AK B6 C47 Akins O'Meara, Frederick Augustus, Report of a mission to the Ottahwahs and Ojibwas on Lake Huron / by F. O'Meara. London : Printed for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel : Sold by Rivington's [and 3 others] ., 1845. 35 pages ; 16 cm. Bound with Church in the colonies, v.1. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain Indians of North America!!Missions – Canada AK B6 C47 Akins An Account of the laying of the foundation stone of the cathedral in Fredericton, October 15, 1845. London : Printed for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 1846. 16 pages ; 17 cm. At head of title: Diocese of Fredericton. Church of England. Diocese of Fredericton. Cornerstone laying. AK B6 C64 Akins Cochran, J. C. A New Year's address to the congregation of the Bishop's Chapel, Halifax, N.S. / J.C. Cochran. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes & Sons, 1863. 15 p. Bowes (J. & Sons. New Year sermons.!!Sermons, Canadian (English AK B6 C64n Akins Cochran, J. C. A New Year's address to the congregation of “Trinity Church”, Halifax, N.S. / J.C. Cochran. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes & Sons, 1867. 15 p. Bowes (J. & Sons. New Year sermons.!!Sermons, Canadian (English AK B6 C76 Akins Convocation of the clergy and certain lay delegates of the diocese of Nova Scotia held in Halifax on Thursday, 12th day of October, 1854. [Halifax, N.S. : s.n.], 1854. [8] p. Church of England and Ireland Diocese of Nova Scotia Church Society. AK B6 C81 Akins Binney, Hibbert, Correspondence between the Bishop of Nova Scotia and the Reverend Canon Cochran, M.A., touching the dismissal of the latter from the pastoral charge of Salem Chapel, Halifax, N.S. Halifax, N.S. : Macnab & Schaffer, 1866. 20 p. The Bishop of Nova Scotia was Hibbert Binney at the time. Cochran, J. C. (James Cuppaidge, 1798-1880. AK B6 C83 Akins Coughlan, L. An account of the work of God in Newfoundland, North America, in a series of letters : to which are prefixed a few choice experiences / by the Rev. L. Coughlan. London : W. Gilbert, 1776. 192 p. Missions – Newfoundland. AK B6 C88 Akins Cronyn, Benjamin, Bishop of Huron's objections to the theological teaching of Trinity College [London, Ont.?] : T. Evans, 1862. 15 p. Universities and colleges – Ontario – Toronto.!!Theology – Study and teaching – Ontario. AK B6 C91 Akins The Cummin's controversy : the concluding letters of a series addressed to the New York Tribune on the question “whether the Church of England ever admitted to parishes under its jurisdiction, ministers who had not recieved Episcopal ordination” / reprinted with a few notes by Rev. John H. Drumm, D.D., rector of St. James Church, Bristol, Pa. [Bristol, Pa.] : John H. Drumm, [18--?]. Drumm, John H. AK B6 D32 Akins Dawson, Samuel Edward, Episcopal elections ancient and modern : a study in ecclesiastical polity / by S.E. Dawson. Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1877. 53 p. AK B6 D32A Akins Lewis, John Travers, Episcopal elections : a letter to the Ven. Archdeacon Whitaker, M.A., prolocutor of the Provincial Synod of Canada by John Travers Lewis, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Ontario ; being an answer to “A study in ecclesiastical polity” by S. Dawson, Esq., delegate t Ottawa : A.S. Woodburn, [1877?]. [Letter dated December 1st, 1877]. Whitaker, George, 1811-1882.!!Dawson, Samuel Edward, 1833-1916. Study in ecclesiastical polity. Bishops – Appointment, call, and election. AK B6 D39 Akins DeMill, James The early English church : a paper read before the Church of England institute / [by James Demill]. Halifax, N.S. : Nova Scotia Printing Co., 1877. 32 p. AK B6 D62 Akins Church of England. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Board of Home Missions. Annual report of the Boards of Home and Foreign Missions ... to the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia. Halifax, N.S. : The Boards, 1877-1893. 20 cm. Title varies slightly: Annual report of the Boards of Home and Foreign Missions and of the Church Endowment Fund ... to the Diocesan Synod of Nova Scotia. Imprint varies. Church of England. Diocese of Nova Scotia. Board of Foreign Missions. AK B6 F95 Akins Fulford, Francis, A letter to the bishops and clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada / from Francis Fulford. Montreal : J. Lovell, 1862. 16 p. AK B6 F95A Akins United Church of England and Ireland. Diocese of Montreal. Bishop (1850-1868 : Fulford A pastoral letter addressed to the clergy of his diocese / by Francis Fulford. Montreal : J. Lovell, 1851. 16 pages ; 21 cm. Fulford, Francis, 1803-1868. AK B6 G79s Akins Gray, J. W. D., A reply to the statement of the Rev. Mr. Wiggins, A.M. : showing the causes which have led to his retirement from the curacy of Saint John / by I. [i.e. J.] W.D. Gray. Saint John, N.B. : J. & A. McMillan, 1851. 48 p. AK B6 H31 Akins Hawkins, Ernest, Annals of the Diocese of Quebec / by Ernest Hawkins. London : Printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1849. xiv, 335 pages : ill., map ; 17 cm. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Tables. Includes index. Includes bibliographical references. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain. AK B6 H31a Akins Hawkins, Ernest, Annals of the Diocese of Fredericton / by Ernest Hawkins. London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1847. 74 pages : ill., map ; 17 cm. Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Tables. Includes bibliographical references. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain. AK B6 H31t Akins Hawkins, Ernest, Annals of the Diocese of Toronto / by Ernest Hawkins. London : Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1848. xv, 246 pages , [4] leaves : ill. ; 17 cm. Published under the direction of the committee of general literature and education appointed by the society for promoting Christian knowledge. Spine title: Annals of the colonial church. AK B6 H36 Akins Hellmuth, I. Reply to a second letter of the Right Revd. the Lord Bishop of Montreal, and Metropolitan of Canada : addressed to the bishops and clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada / by I. Hellmuth. Quebec, (Prov. : Canada Gazette Office, 1862. Hellmuth, I. (Isaac, 1817-1901 Reply to a second letter of the Right Revd. the Lord Bishop of Montreal, and Metropolitan of Canada : addressed to the bishops and clergy of the United Church of England and Ireland in Canada / by I. Hellmuth. To which is Libel and slander – Canada. AK B6 H55 Akins Hill, George W. Records of the Church of England in Rawdon : from its origin until the present date / by George W. Hill. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes and Sons, 1858. 28 pages ; 15 cm. Reference: Morgan, H.J. Bibliotheca canadensis, pages 185. Bowes (J. & Sons. AK B6 H55 R32 Akins Hill, George W., Review of the rise and progress of the Church of England in Nova-Scotia : being a sermon preached before the honorable, the board of governors and the members of the University of King's College, Windsor, on the 24th June 1858 / by George W. Hill. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes and Sons, 1858. 33 pages ; 19 cm. Sermons, Canadian (English. AK B6 H55b Akins Hill, George W., A pastoral letter addressed to the candidates for confirmation, in the parish of St. George / by George W. Hill. Halifax, N.S. : W. Gossip, 1849. 7 p. AK B6 H55c Akins Hill, James J. The liturgy of the Church of England / James J. Hill. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes and Sons, 1861. 21 p. AK B6 H55F Akins Hill, George W., Farewell to his parishioners of St. George parish, Sept. 18, 1854 / by George W. Hill. [S.l. : s.n., 1854]. 3 p. Churches – Nova Scotia – Halifax. AK B6 H65 Akins Hobart, John Henry, The Christian bishop approving himself unto God : a sermon preached on the 25th October, 1827, at the consecration of the Right Rev. Henry U. Onderdonk, D.D., as assistant bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania / by John Henry Hobart. Halifax, N.S. : C.H. Belcher, 1828. 23 p. Sermons, (English. AK B6 H67 Akins Hoffman, Murray, A treatise on the law of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States / by Murray Hoffman. New York : Stanford and Swords, 1850. 480 p. AK B6 M46 Akins Medley, John, The Episcopal form of church government, its antiquity, its expediency, and its conformity to the word of God / by John Medley. St. John, N.B. : W.L. Avery, 1845. 46 p. Church polity. AK B6 N79 Akins North-West America mission. Report of the North-West America mission / North-West America mission. [S.l. : s.n., 18--]- Missions – Northwest, Canadian.!!Northwest, Canadian – Description and travel – To 1870. AK B6 P83 Akins Portland Episcopal Sabbath School. Report of the Portland Episcopal Sabbath School / Portland Episcopal Sabbath School. Saint John, [N.B.] : Henry Chubb, [18--] AK B6 P94 Akins Proceedings and discussions connected with the introduction of a bill into the legislature of this province, by Bishop Binney, for the establishment of a Church of England Synod, in the diocese of Nova Scotia, and other papers relating thereto. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes & sons, 1864. 144 p. Binney, Hibbert, 1819-1887. Councils and synods – Nova Scotia. AK B6 P94 Akins Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Board of Missions. Reception of the delegates from the Society for the promotion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts / Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. New York : Publication for Board of Missions, 1854. Missions – United States. AK B6 P94p Akins Onderdonk, Benjamin T. The proceedings of the court convened under the third canon of 1844, in the city of New York ... December 10, 1844, for the trial of the Right Rev. Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D.D., bishop of New York; on a presentment made by the bishops of Virginia, Tennesse by Benjamin T. Onderdonk. New York : Appleton & Co., 1845. 333 p. AK B6 R29 Akins Ex-M. P. The reports presented to the Lambeth Conference proved to be unconstitutional, and opposed both to the laws of England, and to the safety and unity of the Church of England in four letters addressed to His Grace the Archibishop of Canterbury / by an ex-M.P. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes, 1868. 22 p. AK B6 R39 Akins Richardson, Cavie. A letter to the Rt. Rev. the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia / by Cavie Richardson, general agent of the Colonial Church Society, for Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island & c. Halifax, N.S. : [s.n.], 1847. 19 p. Church societies – Prince Edward Island. AK B6 R39A Akins Richings, Benjamin An anti-ritualistic catechism : ritualism in its rise, progress, and design; with historical refutation of its popish dogmas and worship / Benjamin Richings. London : Seeley, Jackson and Halliday, 1871. 151 pages 14 cm. Ritualism. AK B6 R54 Akins Robertson, James, A letter to the Rt. Rev. Dr. Binney, Bishop of Nova Scotia : containing observations on the origin of the synodical movement and a defence of the position and action of its opponents / by James Robertson. Halifax, N.S. : J. Bowes & sons, 1866. 38 p. AK B6 SA2 Akins The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry of the parish of St. George (Halifax, N.S.. Petition of the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry of the parish of St. George, Halifax, N.S. [Halifax, N.S. : The Church, 18--?]. Church polity. AK B6 SA2A Akins St. George's Parish (Halifax, N.S.. Account and estimate / by St. George's Parish. Halifax, N.S. : The Parish, 1872. 2 p. Church polity. AK B6 SA2J Akins St. John Cemetery (Halifax, N.S.. Rules and regulations for government of St. John cemetery in parish of St. Mark and St. John / St. John Cemetery. Halifax, N.S. : The Cemetery, 1883. 11 p. Church polity. AK B6 SA2S Akins St. John Episcopal Sunday School Library. Catalog of books of the St. John Episcopal Sunday School Library / St. John Episcopal Sunday School Library. [S.l.] : The School, 1841. 39 pages ; 18 cm. AK B6 SE2 Akins Secker, Thomas, A letter to the Right Honourable Horatio Walpole, esq ; written Jan. 9, 1750-1, by the Right Reverend Thomas Secker : concerning bishops in America / by Thomas Secker. London : J. & F. Rivington, 1769. 28 p. Bound with A critical commentary on Archbishop Secker's letter to the Right Honourable Horatio Walpole, concerning bishops in America. AK B6 SE3 Akins A critical commentary on Archbishop Secker's letter to the Right Honourable Horatio Walpole, concerning bishops in America / London : Dilly, 1770. 111 p. Bound with A letter to the Right Honourable Horatio Walpole, esq ; written Jan. 9, 1750-1, by the Right Reverend Thomas Secker : (Unknown Author.

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Porter, Owen E.

Diary of Owen E. Porter .. / copied out by Harold Porter.  1984. [304] l.: ports.; illustrations; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - S451.5 N935 P847

Porter, William Hamilton

Diary of William Hamilton Porter, Centreville, Kings Co., N.S / diary typed out by son (Harold).  1985. 427 l.: ports, illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - S451.5 N935 P848

Diary covers periods from 1895 to 1911 and 1974 to 1979.

Agriculture — History — 20th century
Centreville (N.S.) — Social life and customs

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Porter, William Henry, 1840-1928

Gathered lilies, poems of sympathy and comfort for the bereaved… Brantford : Expositor print. 16 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.167 #6 - Vertical File

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Cottrell, Barbara

Liberty : manual for group facilitators and survivors of woman abuse / created by Diane Kays and Denise Taylor ; written by Barbara Cottrell in collaboration with Diane Kays and Denise Taylor ; edited by donalee sic Moulton ; designed by Ariella Pahlke & Doug Porter ; sketches by Susan Vitale.  Halifax : Family Services Association of Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford and Halifax County, 1992. 102 pages : illustrations, forms ; 30 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV6626 C68 1992

Porter, Joseph Whitcomb

Memoir of Col. Jonathan Eddy of Eddington, Me. : with some account of the Eddy family and of the early settlers on Penobscot River / by Joseph W. Porter.  Augusta, Me. : 1877. 72 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F36 Ed2 P83

United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Biography.

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Porter, William Henry, 1840-1928

Our Lord's prayer in Gethsemane 32 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.167 #7 - Vertical File

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Murphy, Peter

Peter Murphy, photogravures Art Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University, 1985. 1 sheet.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.309 #11 - Vertical File

Catalogue essay by Ed Porter.

Porter, Edward, 1935-

Mount Saint Vincent University. Art Gallery.

Photography — Nova Scotia — Exhibitions

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Porter, Edward G.

Report of the Cabot proceedings at the Halifax meeting of the Royal Society of Canada, June 21-25, 1897 / by Edward G. Porter.  Cambridge Mass. : J. Wilson, 1897. 9 frames.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 12093 - Open Shelf    Internet Archive

Howe, Joseph

Speech delivered in the House of Assembly of Nova-Scotia, March 20, 1850 / by Joseph Howe ; reported by Otto Weeks, Junr., reporter to the Assembly.  Halifax : 1850. 22 pages ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 N85h - Akins

Speech of the Hon. Provincial Secretary on the Hon. J.W. Johnston's resolutions. Text in double columns.

Johnston, J. W. (James William), 1824-1900
Weeks, Otto.

Nova Scotia. House of Assembly.

Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1763-1867.

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The Justin Edwin Porter file pertaining to Nicholas James Brown at the marble & limestone deposits located at Marble Mountain, Inverness County, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada / collated and introductory explanation written by Leroy Porter Hall.  La Canada, Calif. : Leroy Porter Hall, 1986. vi, [120 pages]: facsims., map; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TN967 J96

The originals of these documents are to be found in the Archives of Beaton Institute at the University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S., Canada.

Hall, Leroy Porter.

Marble industry and trade

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Cokie, Charles

Vessels, cargoes at Pugwash dock : 1929 & on / Charles Cokie; Walter Porter; John MacQuarrie.  Pugwash: The North Cumberland Historical Society, 1984. 120 pages : illustrations; 30 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.300 #26 - Vertical File

Yarmouth's 175th anniversary, 1936 / pen and ink drawings by Mrs. A.O.K. and Marguerite Porter ; photos. by Doris Day, M.C. Allen and W.R. Rozee.  1936. 94 pages, 10 pages of plates : illustrations

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 Y28 1936 - Open Shelf

Yarmouth (N.S.) — Description and travel
Yarmouth (N.S.) — History.

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