Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Pine, L. G.
A cartographic history of spruce budworm defoliation from 1967 to 1981 in eastern North America / by E.G. Kettela = Historique en cartes de la défoliation causée par la tordeuse des bourgeons de l'épinette dans l'est de l'Amérique du Nord de 1967 à 1981 / par E.G. Kettela. Ottawa : Canadian Forestry Service = Service canadien des forêts, 1983. iv, 8 pages : illustrations, maps some copies; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.294 #18 - Vertical File
Includes abstract in French. Text in English and French in parallel columns.
Spruce budworm — Control
Trees — Diseases and pests.
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A history of the United States for schools / by John Fiske ; with topical analysis, suggestive questions, and directions for teachers, by Frank Alpine Hill. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1899. xxi, 573 pages, [6] pages of plates : illustrations, maps (2
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F36 F54
Maps on lining papers. Topics and questions at end of each chapter. Includes index.
Hill, Frank Alpine, 1841-1901.
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Pines Hotel, Digby, Nova Scotia
Land of Evangeline Welcomes You U.S.A.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.122 #10 - Vertical File
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Lettres à Julie / Louis-Joseph Papineau ; texte établi et annoté par Georges Aubin et Renée Blanchet ; introduction par Yvan Lamonde. Sillery, Québec : Septentrion, 2000. 812 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC451 P36 A46 2000 - Open Shelf
Aubin, Georges
Blanchet, Renée, 1941-
Archives nationales du Québec.
Legislators — Canada Correspondence.
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Lyon of Scotland… London : Tatler & Bystander, 1951. 2 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.179 #24 - Vertical File
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Pinecrest-Highland Park Newsletter / Pinecrest-Highfield Park Neighbourhood Plan. Halifax : Griffiths Muecks Associates, 1990-.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HN49 C6 P649
Pinecrest-Highfield Park Neighbourhood Plan.
Community development, Urban — Nova Scotia — Halifax — Periodicals
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The gazetteer and guide to the lower provinces, for 1876-77 : containing routes for summer travel through the coast and inland towns of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, and P.E. Island / published by Charles D. McAlpine. Halifax : Herald Print. & Pub. Co., 1876. 188 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 05972 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Maritime provinces — Gazetteers.
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The story of surnames / by L. G. Pine. London- : David & Charles, 1969. 152 pages; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS2385 P649 - Open Shelf
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Trace your ancestors [2d ed., rev.] London : Evans Bros. 1954. 144 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS P65 T67 - Open Shelf
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