Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 2751 to 2775 of 9351 from your search: P

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: P

Halifax (N.S.)

Estimates of income and expenditure for the civic year ... passed by the City Council Halifax : The City, 191--. 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F107 H13 C49i

Civic year ends April 30th. Library has: 1914/15- Title from cover. Description based on: 1914/15.

Halifax (N.S.) — Appropriations and expenditures.

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Council of Maritime Premiers (Canada)

Estimates of revenue and expenditure Halifax, Council of Maritime Premiers. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HJ2056 C855

Finance, Public — Maritime Provinces — Periodicals.

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Nova Scotia. Dept. of Lands and Forests

Estimating site potential from the early height growth of red spruce and balsam fir in Nova Scotia / Dept. of Lands and Forests.  1985. unp.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SD1 L263

In: Lands and Forests technical note, no. 39, Dec. 1985.

Forests and forestry — Nova Scotia — Periodicals

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Équipe Héritage d'herbages

Es-tu bâdré de tes vivres? : médecine traditionnelle en Acadie / Equipe Héritage d'herbages.  Moncton : Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1979. 204 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - R133 E74

Includes index.

Traditional medicine — Acadia
Materia medica, Vegetable — Acadia
Medicinal plants — Acadia.

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Université de Moncton. Centre d'études acadiennes

État général des collections de folklore du Centre d'études acadiennes / réalisé par Norbert Robichaud et Ginette Léger ; sous la direction de Ronald Labelle.  Moncton, N.-B. : Centre d'études acadiennes, Centre universitaire de Moncton, 1996. iv, 167 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z883 U44 1996

Université Laval. Division des archives

Etat général des fonds d'archives institutionnelles / par Hélène Bernier.  Québec : Université Laval, Bureau du secrétaire général, Divison des archives, 1987. ii, 253 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche U587 - Open Shelf

Bernier, Hélène, 1949-

Archives — Québec Province — Catalogs.

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Eudistes. Archives provinciales

État général des fonds et collections des archives provinciales des pères eudistes / par Sonial Chassé.  Charlesbourg Québec : Les Pères, 1987. 119 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CD3649 A673

Archives nationales du Québec

Etat général des petits fonds et collections d'archives manuscrites d'origine privée conservés au Centre d'archives de Montréal, de Laval, de Lanaudière, des Laurentides et de la Montérégie / Archives nationales du Québec.  Québec : Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère des affaires culturelles, 1992. 234 pages ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CD3645 Q3 E83 1992

Ethnic clout : the Canadian ethnic market report Montréal : Multifax Corp., 1982-. illustrations; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.257 #20 - Vertical File

Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.). International Education Centre

Ethnic directory - 1980 / Compiled by the staff of a Summer Youth Employment Program under the auspices of the International Education Centre.  Halifax, Saint Mary's University, 1980. unpaged

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 S146 - Open Shelf


Nova Scotia — Population — Ethnic Groups — Directories.

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Cosper, Ronald L.

Ethnicity and occupation in Atlantic Canada : the social and economic implications of cultural diversity / Ronald L. Cosper.  Halifax : International Education Centre, Saint Mary's University, 1984. x, 47 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 I61 #10 - Open Shelf

Palmer, Howard

Ethnicity and politics in Canada since Confederation / Howard Palmer.  Ottawa : Canadian Historical Association, 1991. 32 pages : 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.385 #15 - Vertical File

Ethnicity in Atlantic Canada Saint John : Division of Social Science, University of New Brunswick, 1985. vi, 117 pages : maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5028 E84 - Open Shelf

Ethnologie regionale :Regional Folklore : les provinces Maritimes = / the Maritime Provinces.  Folklore Studies Association of Canada, 1991. 156 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR1 C212 13(2)

Contains a series of articles on folklore in the Maritimes.

Folklore — Maritime Provinces
Ethnology — Maritime Provinces
Acadians — Folklore

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Durand, Nicole

Etude de la population de Louisbourg, 1713-1745 / par Nicole Durand.  Ottawa : Direction des Lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, 1970. 251 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #49 - Open Shelf

Louisbourg (N.S.) — Population — History

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Europe and America: Report of the Proceedings of an inauguration banquet given by Mr. Cyrus W. Field of New York at the Palace Hotel, Buckingham Gate, on Friday the 15th April, 1864 / in commemoration of the renewal by the Atlantic Telegraph Company.  London : Brown & Co., 1864-. 32 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.343 #30 - Vertical File

Field, Cyrus W.

Cables, Submarine

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Howison, John

European colonies, in varous parts of the world, viewed in their social, moral, and physical condition / by John Howison.  London : R. Bentley, 1834. 2 v.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DH8 - Akins

Colonies — Europe.

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European elegies : one hundred poems chosen and translated from European literatures in fifty languages / by Watson Kirkconnell.  Ottawa : Graphic Publishers, 1928. 166 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PN6099 K59

T.pages in blue and black. Carillon book club edition, numbered.

Kirkconnell, Watson, 1895-1977.

Graphic Publishers (Ottawa, Ont.)

Poetry — Collections.

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McDonald, R. H.

European settlement in Acadia, 1604-1632 / by R.H. McDonald.  Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1980. illustrations ; 11 x 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C212 84 - Open Shelf

Dunn, Brenda

European settlement of Minas to 1765 an overview. From pasture to posterity : the development of Grand Pré Park / by Brenda Dunn.  Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1981, 1982. illustrations ; 11 x 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C212 47 - Open Shelf

Lewis, Robert B.

Evaluation of a large scale thawing operation with recommendations for the future systems / prepared by Robert B. Lewis.  Halifax : Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries, 1993. 64 pages (1 folded) : illustrations (some col.) ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH224 N6 L48 1993

Bradfield, Michael

Evaluation of federal regional programs / Michael Bradfield.  Halifax : Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University, 1981. 72 pages ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LED15IPO15 #6

Evaluation of near surface coal : Point Aconi area Cape Breton, N.S. : proposal for technical services / Whitman Benn and Associates Limited in association with Intermin Consultants Limited.  Halifax : Department of Mines, 197-. 1 v. (unpaged) : illustrations ; 30 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TN271 C58 E93

Côté, Raymond P.

Evaluation of the management of contaminated sites by the Province of Nova Scotia / by Raymond P. Côté.  Halifax : Dept. of the Environment, 1995. 10 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.446 #26 - Vertical File

Wood, B. Anne -1937

Evangelical balance sheet: character, family, and business in mid-Victorian Nova Scotia / B. Anne Wood.  Waterloo, ON. : Wilfred Laurier University Press, 2006. xxix, 197 pages: illustrations, maps, portraits; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2322.1 R917 W873 2006 - Open Shelf


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