Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Nova Scotia — Boundaries
A Fair representation of His Majesty's right to Nova-Scotia or Acadie : briefly stated from the memorials of the English commissaries : with an answer to the objections contained in the French memorials, and in a treatise entitled Discussion sommaire sur London : Printed by E. Owen, 1756. 64 pages ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F100 G28
Commissioners for Adjusting the Boundaries for the British and French Possessions in America. The memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia
Commissaires sur les possessions et les droits de la Grande-Bretagne et de la France en Amérique. Mémoires des Commissaires du Roi et de ceux de Sa Majesté britannique, sur les possessions & les droits respectifs des deux couronnes en Amérique : avec les actes publics & pièces justificatives.
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Sir Francis Bernard and his grant of Mount Desert Cambridge : J. Wilson and Son, 1922. 1 prelim. leaf, [197]-254 pages ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F35.3 Sa9s
Mount Desert Island (Me.)
Nova Scotia — Boundaries.
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Public Archives of Nova Scotia
The Boundaries of Nova Scotia and its Counties : The Public Archives of Nova Scotia Bulletin No. 22 / by Charles Bruce Fergusson. Halifax : Public Archives of Nova Scotia, 1966. 57 pages ; 25 cm.
download this itemNova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F90 N85 Ar2b no. 22
Series : The Public Archives of Nova Scotia Bulletin No. 22.
Archives — Nova Scotia — Periodicals
Historical geography — Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia — Boundaries
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Commissioners for Adjusting the Boundaries for the British and French Possessions in America
The memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia London : 1755. 2 v. : map ; 27 cm. (4to)
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F96 G79
Volume 2 has title: The memorials of the English & French commissaries concerning St. Lucia. Half title, v. l: Mémoires des commissaires anglais & français au sujet des limites de la Nouvelle Écosse ou l'Acadie, &c. = The Memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia, &c.; v. 2: Mémoires des commissaires anglais & français sur l'isle de St. Lucie = Memorials of the English and French commissaries cocerning St. Lucia. References: Sabin 47741-47742; TPL 236 v. 1 only
Nova Scotia — Boundaries
Saint Lucia
Great Britain — Foreign relations — France
France — Foreign relations — Great Britain.
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The memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia London : 1755. 2 v. : fold. map ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3788 - Open Shelf
Volume 2 has title: The memorials of the English and French commissaries conerning St. Lucia.
Nova Scotia — Boundaries
St. Luica
Great Britain — Foreign relations — France
France — Foreign relations — Great Britain
Canada — History — To 1763 New France
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