Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: North America — Discovery and exploration
Algonquians, Hurons, and Iroquois : Champlain explores America, 1603-1616 : being The voyages and explorations of Samuel de Champlain (1604-1616) / narrated by himself ; translated by Annie Nettleton Bourne, together with The voyage of 1603, reprinted from Purchas his pilgrimes ; edited with introduction and notes by Edward Gaylord Bourne. Dartmouth : Brook House Press, 2000. xxvi, 238 pages : illustrations, map ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC332 A3 2000 - Open Shelf
Originally published in 2 v., New York : A.S. Barnes, 1906. Reformated into one unabridged volume. Translation of: Les voyages de la Nouvelle France.
Bourne, Edward Gaylord, 1860-1908
Bourne, Annie Nettleton.
First Nations of North America — Canada
America — Discovery and exploration — French
New France — Discovery and exploration — French
Canada — History — To 1663 (New France)
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Cabot to Cartier : sources for a historical ethnography of northeastern North America, 1497-1550 Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1961. xii, 287 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GN560 N81 H68
Ethnology — North America
First Nations of North America
America — Discovery and exploration
North America — Historical geography — Maps
North America — History — Sources — Bibliography.
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Divers voyages touching the discovery of America and the islands adjacent / collected and published by Richard Hakluyt ; edited, with notes and an introduction, by John Winter Jones. London : Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 1850. 171 pages : maps ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F8 H15 - Akins
Original issued in series: Works issued by the Hakluyt Society. Includes index. Includes bibliographical references.
Jones, John Winter, 1805-1881.
Voyages and travels
America — Discovery and exploration
Northwest Passage.
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Friend and foe : aspects of French-Amerindian cultural contact in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries / Cornelius J. Jaenen. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1976. 207 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5064 J22 - Open Shelf
Winner of the Sainte-Marie prize in History, 1973, Historical Sites Branch, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Includes index.
First Nations of North America
America — Discovery and exploration
Canada — History — To 1663 (New France)
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Historical account of discoveries and travels in North America : including the United States, Canada, the shores of the Polar Sea, and the voyages in search of a north-west passage ; with observations on emigration / by Hugh Murray. London : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green ; 1829. 2 v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5 M98
North America — History
America — Discovery and exploration.
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Letters from North America / by Father Antoine Silvy, S.J. ; translated from French by Ivy Alice Dickson. Belleville, ON. : Mika Publishing, 1980. 228 pages, 2 pages of plates (folded) : illustrations, maps.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5057 S586 - Open Shelf
First Nations of North America — History
First Nations of North America — Social life and customs
New France — Discovery and exploration
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Nova Francia : a description of Acadia, 1606 / Marc Lescarbot ; tr. by P. Erondelle ; with an introd. by H. P. Biggar. London : Routledge, 1928. xxxi, 346 pages : facsim., maps ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F40 L56
Includes reproduction of original t. pages of the translation.
Biggar, Henry Percival, 1872-1938.
First Nations of North America — Nova Scotia
New France — Discovery and exploration
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The dawn of Canadian history : a chronicle of aboriginal Canada and the coming of the white man / by Stephen Leacock. Toronto : Glasgow, Brook & company, 1914. xii, 112 pages : illustrations (part. colour) portraits ; 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F84 C46 v.1
First Nations of North America — Canada
America — Discovery and exploration.
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The explorers of North America, 1492-1806 / by John Bartlet Brebner. New York : Macmillan, 1933. xv, 502 pages, [4] folded pages : maps ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F14 B74
America — Discovery and exploration
North America — History.
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The Jesuit relations and allied documents : travels and explorations of the Jesuit missionaries in North America (1610-1791) / with an introduction by Reuben Gold Thwaites ; selected and edited by Edna Kenton. New York : Albert & Charles Boni, 1925. liv, 527 pages, [10] pages of plates : illustrations, ports,
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F40 J49
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Kenton, Edna, 1876-1954
Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 1853-1913.
First Nations of North America — Missions
First Nations of North America — Canada
New France — Discovery and exploration.
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The long journey to the country of the Hurons / by Father Gabriel Sagard ; edited with introduction and notes by George M. Wrong, and translated into English by H.H. George Langton. Toronto : Champlain Society, 1939. 1939. xlvii, 411, xii pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C35 Sa2
Number 87 of 550 copies. Presented by David and Kay Coutts from the collection of their father, George Coutts. Bibliographical description: pages xli-xliv. Canadian Collection.
Langton, H. H. (Hugh Hornby), 1862-1953
Wrong, George M. 1860-1948. (George McKinnon),
Huron Indians
First Nations of North America — Canada
New France — Discovery and exploration.
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The lost discovery ; uncovering the track of the Vikings in America / Illus. and maps by J. Warren Sheppard. [1st ed.] New York, Norton 1952. 346 pages illus., maps. 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F1 P75
North America — Discovery and exploration
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The Norse Atlantic saga London, New York, Oxford University Press, 1964. xiii, 246 pages illus., maps, facsim., plans. 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E105 J77
Iceland — Discovery and exploration
Greenland — Discovery and exploration
America — Discovery and exploration.
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The voyages of Jacques Cartier : published from the originals with translations, notes and appendices by H. P. Biggar Ottawa : F.A. Acland, 1924. 330 pages : maps (fold) ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C16P no.11
Text in French and English.
Biggar, H. P. (Henry Percival), 1872-1938.
First Nations of North America — Canada
New France — Discovery and exploration.
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The works of Samuel de Champlain Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1971. 6 v. : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm + portfolio.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C35 B592
Text in English and French. Reprinted, translated and annotated by six Canadian scholars under the general editorship of H.pages Biggar--v. 1, pages [v].
Biggar, H. P. (Henry Percival), 1872-1938.
Explorers — France — Biography
Explorers — Canada — Biography
First Nations of North America — Canada — History
America — Discovery and exploration — French
Canada — History — To 1663 (New France)
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Voyages de découverte au Canada, entre les années 1534 et 1542 : par Jacques Quartier sic, le sieur de Roberval, Jean Alphonse de Xanctoigne, etc. : suivis de la description de Quebec et de ses environs en 1608, et de divers extraits relativement au lie Québec : W. Cowan, 1843. 130 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F10 C24 - Akins
A part le récit des deux premiers voyages de Cartier, l'ouvrage est traduit de Hakluyt (Hakluyt's Collection of early voyages, travels and discoveries. London, 1810).
Cartier, Jacques, 1491-1557
Roberval, Jean François de La Roque, sieur de, 1501?-1560?
Alfonce, Jean, 1484-1544.
Société littéraire et historique de Québec.
First Nations of North America — Canada
New France — Discovery and exploration
America — Discovery and exploration — French.
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