Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: National Museum of Man (Canada)
Abstracts for a colloquium on Maritime provinces history Ottawa : History Division, National Museum of Man, 1972. 95 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5180.5 A164 C212 - Open Shelf
Compiled for the Canadian Historical Association annual meeting June 7, 1972.
Canadian Historical Association
National Museum of Man (Canada). History Division
National Museums of Canada.
Maritime Provinces — History
Maritime Provinces — History.
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National Museum of Man (Canada)
Bo'jou, Neejee! : profiles of Canadian Indian art / Ted J. Brasser, National Museum of Man. Ottawa : National Museum of Man, 1976. 204 pages : illustrations (some col.), col. maps (on lining pa
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E59 A7 C212 B823
Issued also in French under title: Bo'jou, Neejee!: regards sur l'art indien du Canada.
First Nations of North America — Canada — Art — Exhibitions.
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Changing economic roles for Micmac men and women : an ethnohistorical analysis / Ellice B. Gonzalez. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1981. x, 157 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E99 M6 G642 1981
Includes abstract in French. At head of title: National Museum of Man. A Diamond Jenness Memorial Volume.
Canadian Ethnology Service
National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museums of Canada.
Mi'kmaq — Economic conditions
Mi'kmaq — Social conditions
Sex role — Nova Scotia — History
First Nations of North America — Nova Scotia — Economic conditions
First Nations of North America — Nova Scotia —
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Many voices : a study of folklore activities in Canada and their role in Canadian culture / Carole Henderson Carpenter. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1979. x, 484 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR113 C295
Spine title: A study of folklore activities in Canada. Summary in French. A Diamond Jenness memorial volume. Includes index. At head of title: National Museum of Man.
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies
National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museums of Canada.
Folklore — Canada
Canada — Social life and customs.
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Micmac lexicon / Albert D. DeBlois, Alphonse Metallic. Ottawa : National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada, 1984. xvii, 392 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E99 M6 D287
Includes abstract in French. Includes some text in Micmac.
Canadian Ethnology Service
National Museum of Man (Canada)
Mi'kmaq language — Dictionaries — English.
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Military uniforms in Canada, 1665-1970 / Jack L. Summers, René Chartrand ; illustrated by R.J. Marrion. Ottawa : National Museum of Man, National Museums of Canada, 1981. 192 pages : col. illustrations ; 31 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - UC485 C212 S955
Issued in French under title: L'uniforme militaire au Canada, 1665-1970. Includes index.
Canadian War Museum
National Museum of Man (Canada)
Military uniforms
Canada — Armed Forces — Uniforms.
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The History of Atlantic Canada : museum interpretations / edited by Peter E. Rider. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1981. vii, 180 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM313 A881 H673
Includes some text in French. At head of title: National Museum of Man. Includes abstracts in French.
National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museum of Man (Canada). History Division
National Museums of Canada.
Historical museums — Atlantic Provinces
Atlantic Provinces — History.
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The Loyal Americans : the military role of the Loyalist provincial corps and their settlement in British North America, 1775-1784 : a travelling exhibition of the Canadian War Museum in collaboration with the New Brunswick Museum / Robert S. Allen, general editor ; Bernard Pothier, coordinator of the exhibition ; Victor Suthren, exhibition designer. Ottawa : National Museum of Man/National Museums of Canada, 1983. x, 126 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.1 L923 - Open Shelf
Issued also in French under title: Les Loyalistes. Includes index.
Canadian War Museum
National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museums of Canada
New Brunswick Museum.
United Empire loyalists — History
American loyalists
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Regimental histories
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — Participation, Canadian
Canada —
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Urbanization in the Americas : the background in comparative perspective : proceedings of section VII, the process of urbanization, International Congress of Americanists, Vancouver, August 11-17, 1979 / edited by Woodrow Borah, Jorge Hardoy, and Gilbert A. Stelter. Ottawa : History Division, National Museum of Man, 1980. viii, 155 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HT55 U72
Includes abstracts in French. A special issue of Urban history review--p.i.
Borah, Woodrow, 1912-
Hardoy, Jorge E., 1926-
Stelter, Gilbert A., 1933-
National Museum of Man (Canada). History Division.
Urbanization — Latin America — History — Congresses
Urbanization — United States — History — Congresses
Urbanization — Canada — History — Congresses.
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