Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Maillard
Buch das gut, enthaltend den Katechismus Vienna : 1866. 146 pages : chiefly illustrations; 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.197 #35 - Vertical File
This catechism was translated into Micmac hieroglyphs by Father Pierre Maillard. Headings are in German. Contains a letter outlining its history.
Maillard, Pierre, ca. 1710-1762.
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Buch das gut, enthaltend den Katechismus, Betrachtung, Gesang Vienna : 1866. 209 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F17 C28 - Akins
This catechism was translated into Micmac hieroglyphs by Father Pierre Maillard. Headings and introduction are in German.
Maillard, Pierre, ca. 1710-1762.
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Le catéchisme micmac / R.P. Pacifique, capucin. 2e éd. Ristigouche, Québec : Frères mineurs capucins, 1913. 306, [2], 32 pages : illustrations ; 16 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX1966 M619
Half-title: Sigentatimgeoei. Cover title: Manuel d'instruction religieuse = Geginamatimgeoel. In Micmac, with some headings in French and English. ... catéchisme écrit en 1759 par ... abbé Maillard ... et complété en 1900 par le pages Pacifique ... Gtapegiemgeoel : [hymns]. - (Abbeville [France] : Impr. de F. Paillart: 32 pages at end.
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Lettre de M. l'abbe Maillard sur les missions de l'Acadie et particulierement sur les missions micmaques : a Madame de Drucourt [135] pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F95 M28 - Akins
Pages numbered 291-426.
Indians — Missions
Nova Scotia — History — 1604-1713.
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