Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Macnab, W.
MacNabb, B.E., Fowler, J.H. and T.G.N
Geology, geochemistry and mineral occurrences of the northwest Margarie River drainage basin 1976.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE190 P214 M#76-4
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Sons of Temperance of North America. Grand Division of Nova Scotia. Mayflower Division, no. 9
Record of jubilee soiree : being newspaper notices and historical sketch : February 9, 1898 / Mayflower Division, No. 9, S. of T. Halifax : Macnab, 1898. 27 pages ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 24492 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Mayflower Division jubilee soiree, 1848-1898. With fraternal greetings from the Division to its members--Cover.
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