Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: MacMillan, A. S.
A Sustainable approach to plastics recovery : a background paper / MacMillan & Associates/Walsh Worden Lee Business Consultants. Canada : MacMillan & Associates, 1998. vii, 63 pages + appendices : illustrations; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.516 #25 - Vertical File
MacMillan & Associates
Walsh Worden Lee Business Consultants.
Plastics — Recycling — Nova Scotia.
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Address on the speech from the throne and on the budget (1941: Feb. 27: Halifax) / by Premier A. S. MacMillan. Halifax : 1941. 60 pages : port.; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.93 #12 - Vertical File
Finance, Public — Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1933-1956
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Addresses delivered before the Nova Scotia Liberal Association on November 25, 1943 / by Hon. A. S. MacMillan, Premier of Nova Scotia and Hon. J. L. Isley, K. C., M. P., Minister of Finance. Halifax : Nova Scotia Liberal Association, 1943-. 25 pages; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.93 #7 - Vertical File
Cabinet officers — Canada
World War, 1939-1945 — Canada
Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1933-1956
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Bygone Lochaber, historical and traditional Glasgow : Printers, K & R. Davidson, 1971. 284 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - DA880 L8
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Canadian fairy tales / by Cyrus Macmillan ; with an introduction by John Grier Hibben. Toronto : Macmillan, 1928. xiv, 234 pages ; 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8377 M167
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Canadian wonder tales / by Cyrus Macmillan ; with illustrations in colour by George Sheringham and a foreword by Sir William Peterson. London : John Lane, 1918. xvi, 199 pages : colour front., colour plates ; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F15 M22 C16
Folklore — Canada
First Nations of North America — Folklore.
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Descendents of Michael Kowalski (Kowolski) and Antonette (Soltysiak) Kowalski, from 1901 to 2007 / produced by Judith Rose (Dudka) Haggerty ; assisted by Susan Chickness, Tosha MacMillan. Merigomish : Judith Haggerty, 2007-. 9, A-P, 242 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 K88 H145 2007 - Open Shelf
Featuring surnames: Kowalski, Dudka, Gillingwater/Gladney, Kontuk, Bellick, MacLeod, Terris, Cormier — from t.p.; Publication information from preliminary pages.; Includes index.
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Glooskap's country, and other Indian tales / illustrated by John A. Hall. Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1955. 273 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F15 M22 G51
First Nations of North America — Legends
First Nations of North America — Canada.
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History of hobby crafters : 1974 - 2005 / resource person, Elisabeth Macmillan ; scribe, Majorie Mott. Kentville : Hobby Crafters, 2006-. 63 pages : illustrations some copies; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.540 #15 - Vertical File
Presented to Nova Scotia Archives by Hobby Crafters, Kentville, N.S. May 2, 2006. Title from cover. Publication details from preliminary pages.
Macmillan, Elisabeth
Mott, Majorie.
Hobbyists — Nova Scotia — Kentville — History
Women artisans — Nova Scotia — Kentville — History.
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Macmillan and company. Publishers
House of Macmillan, a century of publishing… 2 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.169 #21 - Vertical File
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Jongleur songs of old Quebec / Interpreted into English by Sir Harold Boulton and Sir Ernest Macmillan. Decorations by Arthur Price. New Brunswick, N.J., Rutgers University Press 1962. 202 pages illus. 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - M1678 J79 B233
Folk-songs, French-Canadian — History and criticism
Folk-songs, French-Canadian.
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Miller, Bessie (MacMillan), 1880-1948
Jumble jar. by E. Marguerite Cary pseud Halifax : The royal print and litho ltd., 1928. 236 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 M62 J95
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McGill and its story 1821-1921 London : Lane, 1921. 304 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LE.M17 .M22
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Miller's Swinton's language lessons : an elementary grammar and composition / by J. Macmillan. 8th rev. ed. Toronto : W.J. Gage & Co., 1881. p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTSw6
Adapted to the requirements of the public schools. Cf. NUC pe-1956 imprints, v. 353, pages 192.
English language — Grammar
English language — Grammar — Juvenile literature
English language — Examinations, questions, etc.
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Mother / Bessie MacMillan Miller. Halifax, N. S. : 1937-. 118 pages [1] leaf of plates: port; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8526 I29 M918
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Music in Canada Toronto : Univ. pr., 1955. 232 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - ML.M22
ML205 M
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Reminiscences of the Reverend Alexander Ross: May 12, 1830 - December 18, 1919 / edited by Keith and Pat MacMillan. the Editors-, 1988. iv, (various pagings); 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5204.9 R6 R823 M167 - Open Shelf
MacMillan, Keith
MacMillan, Pat
Presbyterian Church in Canada — Nova Scotia — Pictou
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The boy from Port Hood : the autobiography of John Francis Lofty MacMillan / byLofty MacMillan ; with Emery Hyslop & Peter McGahan. Fredricton, N.B. : New Ireland Press, 1996. 193 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2497.26 M33 A3 1996 - Open Shelf
Saint John (N.B.) — Biography.
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The proceedings of the Sir Charles G.D. Roberts Symposium, Mount Allison University / edited by Carrie MacMillan. Sackville, N.B. : Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University, 1984. 129 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8485 Z87 1982
Papers presented at a symposium sponsored by the Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University, Oct. 29-31, 1982.
Mount Allison University. Centre for Canadian Studies.
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