Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Louisbourg (N.S.)
Fortress security and military justice at Louisbourg, 1720-45 / by Margaret Fortier. Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1980. 11 x 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C212 66 - Open Shelf
Courts martial and courts of inquiry — Nova Scotia — Fortress of Louisbourg — History
Fortress of Louisbourg N.S. — Security measures — History.
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French stoneware from the Fortress of Louisbourg / by Kathy Lynch. Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1968. illustrations ; 11 x 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C212 25 - Open Shelf
Pottery, French — History
Pottery — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg — History
Louisbourg N.S. — Antiquities.
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From the hearth : recipes from the world of 18th-century Louisbourg / Hope Dunton with A.J.B. Johnston ; illustration, Terry MacDonald. Sydney : University College of Cape Breton Press, 1986. 115 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TX703 D85 1986
Cookery, Canadian — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg
Cookery, French-Canadian
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Guide book to Cape Breton royal province of Nova Scotia or New Scotland, Dominion of Canada : with an original map, and a plan of Louisburg Halifax : G.E. Morton, 1883. 32 frames : plan.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 06932 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
Louisbourg N.S
Cape Breton Island N.S. — History
Cape Breton Island N.S. — Description and travel.
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Heritage notes Louisbourg : Louisbourg Heritage Society, 1991-1996. 8 v. : illustrations; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.170 #37 - Vertical File
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Periodicals.
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Historic Louisbourg, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia : where the destiny of the New World was determined / compiled by Bureau of Information, Government of Nova Scotia. Halifax : The Bureau, 1935. 15 pages : illustrations, map; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.515 #38 - Vertical File
Published by Authority of Hon. A.S. MacMillan, Minister of Highways, Nova Scotia.
Nova Scotia Bureau of Information.
Monuments — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg
Louisbourg (N.S.) — Antiquities
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History.
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La chute de Louisbourg : le journal du 1er siège de Louisbourg du 25 mars au 17 juillet 1745 / par Gilles Lacroix-Girard ; présenté et annoté par Julian Gwyn et Christopher Moore. Ottawa : Editions de l'Université d'Ottawa, 1978. 123 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5060.5 C564 - Open Shelf
Gwyn, Julian, 1937-
Moore, Christopher.
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1745.
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Lartigue house Fortress of Louisbourg / by William A. Westbury. Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1968. illustrations ; 11 x 15 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C212 123 - Open Shelf
Excavations Archaeology — Nova Scotia — Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park N.S. — Antiquities.
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Le costume civil à Louisbourg : 1713-1758 le costume feminin / par Monique La Grenade. Ottawa : Direction des Lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, Parcs Canada, 1971. 119 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #38 - Open Shelf
Costume — History
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History
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Les bibliothèques de Louisbourg, Forteresse de Louisbourg / par Gilles Proulx. Family life in 18th century Louisbourg / by Kenneth Donovan. Ottawa : National Historic Parks and Sites Branch = Direction des lieux et des parcs historiques nationaux, 1978-. iii, 80 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #271 - Open Shelf
Text written in 1977. Some text in French.
Parks Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
Family — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg.
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L'ile du Quai de Louisbourg / par Christian Pouyez et Gilles Proulx. Ottawa : Direction des parcs et des lieux historiques nationaux, 1972. 239 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #149 - Open Shelf
Travail inédit numéro 149.
Pouyez, Christian, 1942-
Proulx, Gilles.
Parcs Canada. Direction des parcs et des lieux historiques nationaux.
Land use — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — 1713-1768
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L'îlot 17 de Louisbourg (1713-1768) / par H. Paul Thibault. Ottawa : Service des lieux historiques nationaux, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien, 1972. 361 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #99 - Open Shelf
Canada. Service des lieux historiques nationaux.
Land use — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History.
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Louisbourg / by Grace McLeod Rogers. Toronto : Ryerson Press, 1928. 32 pages : illustrations.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.64 #15 - Vertical File
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1745
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1758.
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Louisbourg : a living history colourguide / Susan Biagi ; photography by Norman Munroe. Halifax : Formac, 1997. 72 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2349 L6 A3 1997 - Open Shelf
Issued also in French under title: Louisbourg : un guide en couleurs d'histoire vivante.
Historic sites — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg.
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Louisbourg : an 18th-century town / A.J.B. Johnston. Halifax : Nimbus, 1991. 143 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5060.5 J66 - Open Shelf
For use in grade 5.
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Juvenile literature.
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Louisbourg : an historical sketch / by Joseph Plimsoll Edwards. Halifax : Nova Scotia Printing Co., 1895. 62 pages : map, plan ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F107 L93 ED9
Read before the Nova Scotia Historical Society, 27th November, 1894.
Nova Scotia Historical Society.
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1745
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1758.
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48. Louisbourg : Atlantic fortress and seaport / Terry Crowley.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C16a B64 #48
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Louisbourg : from its foundation to its fall, 1713-1758 / by J.S. McLennan. London : Macmillan, 1918. xi, 454 pages, [19] pages of plates : illustrations ; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F108 L93 M13
Six folded maps in pocket. Includes index.
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History. — Siege, 1745
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1758.
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Louisbourg : key to a continent / Fairfax Downey. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, 1965. xii, 255 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5249 L88 D74 - Open Shelf
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1745
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Siege, 1758
Canada — History — 1713-1763 (New France)
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Louisbourg : Le Terrain a de L'ilot 4 / par Christian Pouyez. Ottawa : Direction des parcs nationaux et des lieux historiques, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien, 1972. 102 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #57 - Open Shelf
Canada. Service des lieux historiques nationaux.
Land use — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History
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Louisbourg : Past, Present, and Future / A.J.B. Johnston. Halifax : Nimbus, 2013. 122 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour), maps, portraits ; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2349 L888 J72 2013 - Open Shelf
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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Louisbourg : the chimaera, 1745-48 / by Peter John Bower. 1974 1976. xii, 362 pages : illustrations, maps.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche B786 - Open Shelf
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Louisbourg : the phoenix fortress / photographs, Chris Reardon ; text, A.J.B. Johnston. Halifax : Nimbus, 1990. [83] pages : colour illustrations ; 23 x 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5060.5 R288 - Open Shelf
Fortification — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park (N.S.) — Pictorial works.
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Louisbourg ; Growing up in Louisbourg : two plays / Patrick Walsh. 1st ed. Toronto : Playwrights Canada, 1985, 1984. 99 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.295 #32 - Vertical File
Walsh, Patrick F., 1937- Growing up in Louisbourg.
Frontier and pioneer life — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg — Drama
Louisbourg (N.S.) — History — Drama.
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Louisbourg heritage : from ruins to reconstruction / Terry MacLean. Sydney : University College of Cape Breton Press, 1995. 170 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2314 L68 M33 1995 - Open Shelf
Historic sites — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg — Conservation and restoration
Historic preservation — Nova Scotia — Louisbourg
Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Park (N.S.) — History.
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