Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Lee, D.M.
Joleen Gordon, The Upstairs Gallery, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 21 October - 13 November, 1983 Art Gallery, The University, 1983. 4 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.285 #45 - Vertical File
Mount Saint Vincent University. Art Gallery.
Basket making — Nova Scotia — Exhibitions
Basket work — Nova Scotia — Exhibitions
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Kejimkujik National Park : a guide / by John Leefe ; maps by Goldie Gibson. 1st ed., June 1981. Tantallon : Four East Publications, 1981. 111 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5216.2 K28 L484 - Open Shelf
Includes index.
Kejimkujik National Park (N.S.) — Description
Kejimkujik National Park (N.S.) — Guide-books.
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Dalton, Kathleen Ellen, (Sister Mary Katherine)
Language for wonder : a totally integrated approach to the language arts according to Zoltán Kodály's philosophy of education / by Kathleen Dalton ; musical arrangements and adaptation by Vernon Ellis ; consultant Mary Alice Hein. Oakland, Calif. : Holy Names College, 1973. 106 pages : illustrations, music, ports.; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.302 #36a-b - Vertical File
Library also has the pilot ed. 1972 at this number.
Music — Instruction and study
School song-books
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Leppert, Coppel, Hohl, Kenty, Russell, Salmon, Smith, Summer and Kenty/Canty, Cummings, Fraser, Grant, Gould, McCulley, McMillan, McNeil, Pollack / compiled by Marjorie Kenty-Chamberlin and Howard Lee Kenty. Charleston, S.C. : The authors, 2003. 1 v. (various pagings) : illustrations ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS89 L598 K37 2003 - Open Shelf
Kenty-Chamberlin, Marjorie
Kenty, Howard Lee.
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Saskatchewan golden jubilee committee
Letter to the people of Saskatchewan, a report on historic sites…1905-1955 Saskatoon, 1954. 11 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.179 #11 - Vertical File
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Liberty : manual for group facilitators and survivors of woman abuse / created by Diane Kays and Denise Taylor ; written by Barbara Cottrell in collaboration with Diane Kays and Denise Taylor ; edited by donalee sic Moulton ; designed by Ariella Pahlke & Doug Porter ; sketches by Susan Vitale. Halifax : Family Services Association of Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford and Halifax County, 1992. 102 pages : illustrations, forms ; 30 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV6626 C68 1992
Sponsored by Family Service Association of Halifax. Dartmouth, Bedford and Halifax County ...
Family Services Association of Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford and Halifax County.
Abused women — Life skills guides
Abused women — Counseling of — Handbooks, manuals, etc
Victims of family violence — Life skills guides
Victims of family violence — Counseling of — Handbooks, manuals, etc
\6 — C
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Lore of our land: a book of American folklore / by Hector H. Lee and Donald Roberson; illustrated by Don Madden. Evanston, Ill. : Harper and Row, 1963. xxiii, 328 pages: illustrations, maps; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR46 L868 L478
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Memoir of Captain Edward Pelham Brenton, R.N., C.B. : with sketches of his professional life, and exertions in the cause of humanity, as connected with the Children's Friend Society, &c., observations upon his Naval history, and Life of the Earl of S / by his brother, Vice-Admiral Sir Jahleel Brenton, Bart., K.C.B. London : James Nisbet and Co., 1842. vii, 359 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DAB7 - Akins
Philanthropists — Great Britain — Biography.
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Metasomatic-hydrothermal mineral deposits of the New Ross-Mahone Bay area, Nova Scotia / G.A. O'Reilly, E.J. Farley, M.H. Charest. iv, 96 pages : illustrations, maps, charts, plates.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE190 P214 M#82-2
Charest, M. (Marc)
Farley, Eileen J.
Canada. Regional Economic Expansion
Nova Scotia. Dept. of Mines and Energy.
Hydrothermal deposits — Nova Scotia — New Ross Region
Metasomatism (Mineralogy)
Geology — Nova Scotia — New Ross Region.
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Mi'kmaq textiles : sewn-cattail matting : BkCp-1 site, Pictou, Nova Scotia / by Joleen Gordon. Halifax : Nova Scotia Museum, 1995. 51 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM1 N935 C975 no.80
Nova Scotia Museum. Museum Services Division.
Mi'kmaq — Nova Scotia
Indian textile fabrics — North America
Typha — Social aspects — Nova Scotia.
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Mi'kmaq textiles twining : rush and other fibres, BkCp-1 site, Pictou, Nova Scotia / by Joleen Gordon. Halifax : Nova Scotia Museum, 1997. 139 pages : illustrations, map. ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM1 N935 C975 no.82
Mi'kmaq baskets
Mi'kmaq — Antiquities.
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Montross : a family history ; Pierre Montras and his descendants, a record of 300 years of the Montras, Montross, Montrose, Montress family in the United States and Canada / by John Wilson Taylor and Eva Mills (Lee) Taylor. Staunton Va., 1958. 861 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS M76 T21 - Open Shelf
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Music for wonder: book 1 / Sr. Mary Alice Hein, Sr. Kathleen Dalton. Oakland, CA : Holy Names College, 1973. 58 pages : music; illustrations; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.302 #7 - Vertical File
Dalton, Kathleen Ellen, (Sister Mary Katherine) 1911-
Music — Instruction and study
School song-books
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Music for wonder: book one: teacher's guide / by Sister Mary Alice Hein, Sister Kathleen Dalton. Oakland, CA : Holy Names College, 1973. 42 pages : music; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.302 #8 - Vertical File
Dalton, Kathleen Ellen, (Sister Mary Katherine) 1911-
Music — Instruction and study
School song-books
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No need to wait : a manual or resource material for personal and visitation evangelism / by Thomas Bruce McDormand ; foreword by Arthur Paterson Lee. Amherst : T.B. McDormand, 1982. 88 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BV3783 M134
Witness bearing (Christianity)
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Diamond Jubilee of Confederation
Order of Proceedings programme National Thanksgiving by the People of Canada July 3, 1927. 11 pages : illustrations; 20 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.261 #5 - Vertical File
Canada — History — Confederation, 1867
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Political unrest in Upper Canada, 1815-1836 London : Longmans, Green, 1927. 210 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5476 D92 P75 - Open Shelf
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Prevention and treatment of mold in library collections with an emphasis on tropical climates : a RAMP study / prepared by Mary Wood Lee. Paris : General Information Programme and UNISIST : United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1988. iv, 81 pages : illustrations; 30 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.339 #4 - Vertical File
PGI-88/WS/9. Bibliography: p. 74-81.
Library materials — Conservation and restoration — Tropical conditions
Books — Conservation and restoration — Tropical conditions
Molds (Fungi) — Control.
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Procedure for the Ceremony of the decoration of the graves of the Fathers of Confederation by members of the Boy Scouts Association on the Diamond Jubilee Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada, July 1, 1867--July 1, 1927 Ottawa : National Committee for the Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee, The Boy Scouts Sub-Committee, 1927. 4 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.371 #3 - Vertical File
Canada. National Committee for the Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation.
Boy Scouts — Canada
Canada — Anniversaries, etc.
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RCMP vs. the people : inside Canada's Security Service / by Edward Mann and John Alan Lee ; with a historical chapter by Norman Penner. Don Mills, ON. : General Pub. Co., 1979. 290 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV8157 L478
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Canada. National committee for the celebration of the diamond jubilee of confederation
Report of executive committee… Ottawa : F.A. Acland, 1928. 122 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.249 #2 - Vertical File
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Sable Island : journals 1801-1804 / James Rainstorpe Morris ; transcribed by Rosalee Stilwell. Halifax : Sable Island Preservation Trust, 2001. x, 166 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - VK1430 M876 M876 2001
Morris, James Rainstorpe, — 1750-1809 — Diaries.
Lifesaving stations — Nova Scotia — Sable Island — History — 19th century
Sable Island (N.S.) — History — 19th century.
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Canada. Dominion Bureau of Statistics
Sixty years of Canadian progress, 1867-1927 Ottawa : Acland, 1927. viii, 167 1 pages front., plates, ports, maps, tabl.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.371 #1 - Vertical File
Canada. Diamond Jubilee of Confederation.
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Sons of Cumberland County, Nova Scotia & pioneers of the west : / Dr. John Gibson Campbell, and son, Lorne, a history of their lives . Rothesay, N.B. : the Author, 1991. [90] pages : illustrations, portraits, gen. tables ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 C969 M175 - Open Shelf
Cumberland (N.S. : County) — Genealogy
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Stories, poems & essays from Colchester : an anthology of work written by residents of Colchester County, Nova Scotia / editor, Kathleen Crober. Truro : Produced by Colchester Recreation Department under authority of Colchester Recreation Committee, 1980. 110 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8255 C687
Colchester (N.S. : County). Recreation Committee.
Canadian literature (English) — Nova Scotia — Colchester (County)
Canadian literature (English) — 20th century.
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