Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Labelle, Ronald.
Chansons acadiennes de Pubnico et Grand-{83}tang: tir{nonjoin}es de la collection Helen Creighton = Acadian songs from Pubnico and Grand-{83}tang: from the Helen Creighton Collection / sous la direction de/ edited by Ronald Labelle. Dartmouth : Helen Creighton Folklore Society, 2008. 96 pages: ports.; 23 cm. +1 compact disc (12 cm.)
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR113.7 F73 C914 2008
Compact disc includes original versions of songs. Includes bibliographical references.
Folk songs, French — Maritime Provinces
Folk songs, French — Nova Scotia
Acadians — Nova Scotia — Folklore
French Canadians — Nova Scotia — Folklore.
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Université de Moncton. Centre d'études acadiennes
État général des collections de folklore du Centre d'études acadiennes / réalisé par Norbert Robichaud et Ginette Léger ; sous la direction de Ronald Labelle. Moncton, N.-B. : Centre d'études acadiennes, Centre universitaire de Moncton, 1996. iv, 167 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z883 U44 1996
Includes indexes.
Labelle, Ronald
Robichaud, Norbert, 1966-
Léger, Ginette.
Acadians — Folklore — Archival resources
Folklore — Maritime Provinces — Archival resources
Maritime Provinces — Folklore — Archival resources.
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Histoire orale : communications du 2e Colloque d'histoire orale en Atlantique, Memramcook, Nouveau-Brunswick, du 17 au 19 octobre 1980 / rédacteur, Ronald Labelle = Oral history : papers from the 2nd Atlantic Oral History Conference, Memramcook, New Brunswick, 17-19 October 1980 / editor, Ronald Labelle. Moncton, N.-B. : Centre d'études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 1981. iii, 72 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - D16.14 A879
Text in French and English.
Université de Moncton. Centre d'études acadiennes.
Oral history — Congresses
Oral tradition — Maritime Provinces — Congresses.
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La Fleur du rosier : chansons folkloriques d'Acadie = Acadian folk songs / recueillies par Helen Creighton ; sous la direction de Ronald Labelle. Sydney : Ottawa : University College of Cape Breton Press ; Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1988. xiii, 262 pages : illustrations, music ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - M1678 F53 1988
Text in English and French. Includes bibliographical references.
Creighton, Helen, 1899-
Labelle, Ronald.
Folk songs, French — Maritime Provinces
Folk music — Maritime Provinces
Acadians — Music.
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The Acadians of Chezzetcook / Ronald Labelle. Porter's Lake : Pottersfield Press, 1995. 96 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2350.5 L32 1995 - Open Shelf
Acadian life in Chezzetcook.
Acadians — Nova Scotia — Chezzetcook Inlet Region — History.
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