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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1 to 13 of 13 from your search: Johnson, D W.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Johnson, D W.

Ontario Association of Art Galleries

Art Gallery handbook / Ontario Association of Art Galleries ; editors, W. McAllister Johnson and Frances K. Smith.  Toronto, ON. : Ontario Association of Art Galleries, 1982. 164 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - N910 O59

Johnson, E. Pauline

Flint and feather : the complete poems of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) / with introduction by Theodore Watts-Dunton and a biographical sketch of the author ; illustrated by J.R. Seavey.  17th ed. Toronto : Musson, 1943, 1931. xxxi, 166 pages, [8] pages of plates : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8469 O38 F62

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Johnson, D W.

History of Methodism in Eastern British America Sackville, N.B. : Tribune printing co. 454p.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - B8 .J62

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Rich, Edwin Ernest and Johnson, A. M.s

James Isham's observations on Hudsons Bay, 1743 and notes Toronto : The Champlain Society, 1949. 352 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C35 v.12 H.B.S.

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New Brunswick vital statistics from newspapers / by Vital Statistics Committee, New Brunswick Genealogical Society.  1st ed. Fredericton, N.B., Canada : The Society, 1982-1993 . 22-24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Reference - Open Shelf

Limited edition of 500 copies each Volume Vols. <6-34, 36-52, 54-55 > have title: Vital statistics from New Brunswick newspapers; compiled and published by D.F. Johnson. Includes indexes.

Johnson, Daniel F. (Daniel Fred), 1953-

New Brunswick Genealogical Society. Vital Statistics Committee.

Registers of births, etc. — New Brunswick
New Brunswick — Genealogy
Canada — Genealogy.

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Paqtatek / introduction by Murdena Marshall ; essays by Eleanor Johnson ; compiled by Stephanie Inglis, Loy Mannette, Stacey Sulewski ; drawings by Dozay ; photography by J. Peyton Chisholm.  Halifax : Garamond Press, 1991. ill., maps, ports. ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E99 M6 P218

Whitman, Dave

Premier Stephen McNeil : a Story of a Nova Scotian Family / by Dave and Paulette Whitman : forewords by S. Albert Johnson & Danny Graham.  Paradise : Bailey Chase Books, 2014. xiii, 140 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2327.1 M36 W45 2014 - Open Shelf

The McNeils and Mombourquettes established a joint heritage that first began in Cape Breton, then to Spryfield and it continues in Upper Granville in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley. Stephen, our present Premier and the twelfth of seventeen siblings, was a mere eight years old when his father died suddenly. It thrust the family, led by his mother, Theresa, into some challenging yet rewarding times. Older brothers and sisters took on new roles and created a bond that continues to this day. The twelve chapters of this book describe this story and Stephen's rise in provincial politics.

Whitman, Paulette
Johnson, S. Albert
Graham, Danny

McNeil, Stephen
McNeil family
Premiers (Canada) — Nova Scotia — Biography
Nova Scotia — Politics and Government
Nova Scotia — Biography

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Wile, Jane

The descendants of James Johnson / researched and compiled by Jane (Currie) Wile.  1st ed. Belmont : Jane Wile, 2002. 304 pages ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 J67 W676 2002 - Open Shelf

Includes index.

Johnson family.

Nova Scotia — Genealogy.

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Wile, Jane

The descendants of Ralph & Hannah Johnson / researched and compiled by Jane (Currie) Wile.  1st ed. Belmont : Jane Wile, 2002. 111 pages ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 J68 W676 2002 - Open Shelf

Includes index.

Johnson family.

Nova Scotia — Genealogy.

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Johnson, John

The North American Johnsons : a short story of triumph and tragedy / Sir John Johnson ; foreword by F.M. Cass.  1st ed. London : PRM Publishers, 1963. 92 pages, [4] pages of plates : illustrations ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 J68 J68 - Open Shelf

Crary, Catherine S.

The price of loyalty : Tory writings from the Revolutionary era / narrative and editing by Catherine S. Crary ; drawings by Cecile R. Johnson.  New York : McGraw-Hill, 1973. 481 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5069.1 C89 - Open Shelf

American loyalists
United States — History — Revolution — Sources.

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Williston, Floyd

Through footless halls of air : the stories of a few of the many who failed to return / Floyd Williston ; foreword by J.E. (Johnnie) Johnson.  Burnstown, ON. : General Store Publishing, 1996. xxvii, 310 pages : illustrations, maps

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - D792 C2 W54 1996

Dryden, Jean E.

Voices of Alberta : a survey of oral history completed in Alberta up to 1980 / edited by Jean E. Dryden ; compiled by Glen Johnson, Maryalice Stewart, Marlena Witschl.  Edmonton : Alberta Culture, Historical Resources Division, 1981. vi, 430 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5711 V889 - Open Shelf


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