Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: James, J. A.
Canadian history / by James L. Hughes. Toronto : W. J. Gage & Co., 1881. viii, 9-80 pages : illustrations, map; 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.118 #13 - Vertical File
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Morgan, Henry James, 1842-1913
Canadian legal directory: a guide to the bench and bar of the Dominion of Canada Toronto : R. Carswell, 1878. 279 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - KM82
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Canadian nationality: a glance at the present & future. In National Club Addresses Toronto. p. 101-136
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5012 N277 T686 - Open Shelf
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Careless, James Maurice Stockford, 1919-
Canadians, 1867-1967 Toronto : Macmillan co., 1967. 856 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5011 C18 C16 - Open Shelf
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Canso Islands marine archaeological survey (1985) : a preliminary report / R. James Ringer. Ottawa : Environment Canada, Parks, 1988. 17 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 R432 no.259 - Open Shelf
Issued also in French under title: Prospection archéologique sous-marine aux Iles Canso (1985.
Underwater archaeology — Nova Scotia — Canso Islands
Canso Islands (N.S.) — Antiquities.
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Canso Islands marine archaeological survey (1985): a preliminary report Parks Canada, 1988. 17 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 R432 no.259 - Open Shelf
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Cape Breton giant, a truthful memoir Halifax : Allen print & stationary co., 1926. 92 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.262 #32 - Vertical File
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Cape Breton illustrated : historic, picturesque and descriptive / by John M. Gow ; illustrated by James A. Stubbert. Toronto : W. Briggs, 1893. 423 pages, [31] pages of plates : illustrations, maps ; 19 x
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F108 G74
Cape Breton Island (N.S.) — Description and travel
Cape Breton Island (N.S.) — History.
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Cape Breton tales / by Harry James Smith with illustrations by Oliver M. Wiard. Boston : The Atlantic monthly press, 1920. 6 pages l., [3]-140 pages, 1 l. : front., plates. ; 21 c
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F108 S5
Reprinted from various sources.
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Care and identification of 19th-century photographic prints Rochester : Eastman Kodak Co. 116 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TR465 R45 1986
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Catalogue of garden and grass seeds, for the year 1851 for sale by R.G. Fraser, No. 139 Granville St., Halifax, N.S / pr. by James Bowes & son. [2] pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK SBF86 - Akins
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Catechism of agricultural chemistry and geology / intro by John P. Norton. 8th Eng. ed. Albany : Erastus H. Pease, 1845. 78 pages : illus. ; 14 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTG293 J6
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Catechism of agricultural chemistry and geology8th Eng. Ed Albany : Erastus H. Pease, 1845. 78 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTG293 J6
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Celebrating our heritage : a history of St. James Presbyterian Church, Truro, N.S / Worship Committee, St. James Kirk Session. Truro : St. James Presbyterian Church, 2001. 115 pages : illustrations (some col.), ports. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX9215 T78 C44 2001
St. James Presbyterian Church (Truro, N.S.)
St. James Presbyterian Church (Truro, N.S.). Worship Committee.
Truro (N.S.) — Church history.
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Century of industry the story of Canada's pioneer steel producer Trenton : Trenton Centennial Commission, 1983. 33 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.284 #7 - Vertical File
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Charts to Captain Cook's voyages 17--. 1 atlas (34 pages) : illustrations, maps (some folded); 30
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G1059 C66 17?? - Map
Formerly MG 1, v.678a #10 Miller collection.
LeMoine, Sir James Macpherson, 1825-1912
Chateau-Bigot, history and romance… Quebec, 1874. 21 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.122 #15 - Vertical File
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Foster, Joshua James, 1847-1923
Chats on old miniatureswith 117 illustrations London : T.F. Unwin ltd., 1908. 9-374 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - NDF81
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Oxley, James Macdonald, 1855-1907
Chore-boy of Camp Kippewa Philadelphia : American Baptist publication society, 1891. 144 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 OX4 C45
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Christian fellowship: or the church members' guide 10th ed., enl. London, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 1841. xxxii, 235 pages 18 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BV4510 J28 C4
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Chronicles of the Frasers, the Wardlaw manuscript Edinburgh : University press, 1905. 557 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - DA758.3 F8 F84
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Armitage, William James, 1860-1929
Church year; studies for the Sundays, sacred seasons and Saints' days of the Christian year London, New York : Oxford University Press, 1908. 229p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BV30 A73
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Churches of New Glasgow, Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.358 #10 - Vertical File
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Armitage, William James, 1860-1929
Cities of refuge, pictures of Gospel-principles, Gospel-promises, and Gospel-privileges2d ed London : Marshall brothers. 88 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 Ar5 C49
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Irvine, Sir James Colquhoun, 1877-
Citizenship in a scientific age Sackville : Mount Allison University. 77 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LC.Ir8 -
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