Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: James, C. C.
Jeremy Gates and the magic key / Janet Craig James. Moonbeam, ON. : Penumbra Press, 1986. 101 pages : port. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8569 A513 J55
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John Geddie, hero of the New Hebrides Toronto : Board of Foreign Missions, 1915. 121p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - B4 .G26 .F18
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John James Keefe (1887-1953) & Georgina Mary Mulcahy (1887-1962) and their descendants / Claire M. Keefe; edited by Thomas R. Mulcahy. St. Paul, Minn. : The author, 2011. 35 pages : illustrations, ports.; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.545 #4 - Vertical File
Mulcahy family.;--Keefe, John James,--1887-1953.;--Keefe, Georgina Mary (Mulcahy),--1887-1962.
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Joseph Howe: opportunist or empire-builder Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1960. 18 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.264 #34 - Vertical File
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Journal of Captain James Colnett aboard the Argonaut from April 26, 1789 - Toronto : The Champlain Society, 1940. 328 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C35 C71
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Journal of the Margaret Rait, 1840-1844 Hantsport : Lancelot Press, 1984. 81 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.239 #21 - Vertical File
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Journal of whaling voyage to the Pacific Ocean / by James Doane Coffin, commander of barque Margaret Rait, St. John, N.B. Oct.15, 1840 to Feb. 25, 1842. Truro. 54 pages 28cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 C66 J82
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Kejimkujik National Park : we've held our own : an oral & documentary history of Northern Queens & Southern Annapolis Counties, Nova Scotia / by James Morrison ; with the assistance of L. M. B. Friend. Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1977. vi, 299 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #238 - Open Shelf
Parks Canada. National Historic Parks and Sites Branch.
Kejimkujik National Park (N.S.)
Queens (N.S. : County) — Economic condtions
Annapolis (N.S. : County) — Economic conditions.
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Land Registration and Information Service : the structure and operations of surveying, mapping, computer programming and land titles under the Council of Maritime Premiers, 1973-1994 / James F. Doig and Barbara Patton. Halifax : Council of Maritime Premiers, 1994. xi, 180 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD319 N8 D65 1994
The LRIS story.
Council of Maritime Premiers (Canada).
Land titles — Registration and transfer — Maritime Provinces
Land — Maritime Provinces
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LeMoine, Sir James MacPherson, 1825-1912
Le premier gouverneur anglais du Quebec Ottawa : RoyalSociety of Canada, 1890.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F53 M96 L54
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Leadership and management of volunteer programs : a guide for volunteer administrators / James C. Fisher, Kathleen M. Cole. 1st ed. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1993. xviii, 208 pages ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV35 F57 1993
Volunteers — United States — Management
Volunteers — Management.
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Leaves for the way-side. April, 1857 / Pr. under the direction of a committee of the Sons of temperance, by James Barnes, at his office. Halifax : 19--. 4 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK HVL48 - Akins
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LeMoine, Sir James MacPherson, 1825-1912
Legendary lore of the Lower St. Lawrence Quebec : Mercury newspaper off., 1862. 32 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK PR.L54a - Akins
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Letter on free trade and navigation of the St. Lawrence Toronto : Scobie & Balfour, 1846. 31 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK HG5 .B85 - Akins
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Letter to the commissioners for transports, and sick and wounded seamen, on the non-contagious nature of the yellow fever London : pr. For T. and G. Underwood etc., 1818. 173 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK RAV53 - Akins
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Letters from America, 1773-1780 : being letters of a Scots officer, Sir James Murray, to his home during the War of American Independence / edited by Eric Robson. Manchester, Eng. : Manchester University Press, 1951. xxvi, 90 pages : front. ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E267 M96
Consists of 20 letters written to the author's sister and 4 to her husband.
United States — History — Sources
United States — History — Revolution, 1775-1783 — British forces.
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Oxley, James Macdonald, 1855-1907
L'Hasa at last Philadelphia : American Baptist publication society, 1900. 269 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F92 OX4 L61
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Lost mariners of Shelburne County / editor, Eleanor Robertson Smith ; compiler/writer Joanna Hyde Haeghaert ; cover, maps, James Colbeck. Yarmouth : Stoneycroft, 1991-. 2 v. : illustrations, maps, ports. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH224 S544 L879
A project of the Shelburne County Genealogical Society. Library has: v.1- v.2.
Shelburne County Genealogical Society (N.S.)
Fishers — Nova Scotia — Shelburne (County) — Biography — Dictionaries
Drowning victims — Nova Scotia — Shelburne (County) — Biography — Dictionaries
Shelburne (N.S. : County) — Biography — Dictionaries
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Longley, James Wilberforce, 1849-1922
Love Toronto : Copp, Clark co., ltd., 1898. 158 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PRL86 L94
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Lumber production in Nova Scotia 1943. v, 102 l.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SD146 D552
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Manitoba and North West Territories : letters / by James Trow ; together with information relative to acquiring Dominion lands, cost of outfit, &c. Ottawa : Department of Agriculture, 1878. 100 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates : map ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC18 C36 - Open Shelf
Reference: Peel (2nd edition 487. Bound with other pamphlets.
Northwest Territories — Description and travel
Manitoba — Description and travel
Canada — Emigration and immigration
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Manual of heraldry Edinburgh : J. Grant, 1937.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CRG76
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Map of the county of Cornwall, in the island of Jamaica / laid down from the papers, under the direction of, Henry Moore, Esqr., His Majesty's Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in Chief of that island, in the years 1756, 57, 58, 59, 60 & 61, & from a great number of actual surveys performed by the publishers is. London : D. Fournier, 1763. 1 map on 4 sheets ; colour, illustrations ; 98 x 123 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G4963 C6 C73 1763 - Map
Copy 1 is incomplete. Hand coloredition D. Fournier, invt. et delin. Inscribed To the Right Honorable Robert, Earl of Holdernesse.
Moore, Henry, Sir, 1713-1769
Simpson, James, surveyor
Fournier, Daniel, 1710-1766
Map of the county of Middlesex in the island of Jamaica / laid down from the papers, and under the direction of Henry Moore, Esqr., His Majesty's Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of that island, in the years 1756, 57, 58, 60, & 61 and from a great number of actual surveys performed by the publishers is. London : D. Fournier, 1763. 1 map on 4 sheets : colour, illustrations ; 98 x 123 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G4963 M5 C73 1763 - Map
Hand coloredition Inscribed To the Right Honorable Wills, Earl of Hillsborough, first lord commissioner of trade & plantations.
Moore, Henry, Sir, 1713-1769
Simpson, James, surveyor
Fournier, Daniel, 1710-1766
Map of the county of Surry in the island of Jamaica / laid down from the papers and under the direction of Henry Moore, Esqr., His Majesty's Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of that island, in the years 1756, 57, 58, 59, 60 & 61, & from a great number of actual surveys performed by the publishers i. London : D. Fournier, 1763. 1 map on 4 sheets : colour, illustrations ; 97 x 122 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S G4963 S9 C73 1763 - Map
Copy 2 is incomplete. Hand coloredition Inscribed To the right honorable George Grenville, Esq., first lord commissioner of the treasury, chancellor & under treasurer of the exchequer, &c. &c.
Moore, Henry, Sir, 1713-1769
Simpson, James, surveyor
Fournier, Daniel, 1710-1766
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