Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Howard, T. W.
Anchorage northeast / by Howard T. Walden, 2d ; Illus. by Lydia Rosier. New York : Morrow, 1971. 254 pages : illus., map. ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8595 A358
Nova Scotia — Description and travel.
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John Howard Society of Nova Scotia
Annual report, 1951-1965 Halifax. 10 nos.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HV9309 .N85
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Atlantic bridgehead London : Gladstone Pr., 1968. 192 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HE7713 C212 C622
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Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Calendar of the papers of Martin Van Buren : prepared from the original manuscripts in the Library of Congress / by Elizabeth Howard West. Washington, D.C. : Government printing office, 1910. 757 pages illustrations ; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E827 V26
Manuscripts — United States — Catalogs
United States — Bibliography.
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Douglas, Sir Howard 3d bart., 1776-1861
Considerations on the value and importance of the British North American provinces, and the circumstances…
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.366 #1 - Vertical File
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Sons of Temperance of Nova Scotia. Howard Division, no. 26
Constitution, revised rules and bye-laws .. 1852.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.28 #22 - Vertical File
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Description of the patent reflecting semicircle London : Richard Taylor and co., 1811. 4 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK TJD45 - Akins
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Early agriculture in the Atlantic provinces Moncton : The Times printing company, 1907. 131 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - S.T76
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Ethnicity and politics in Canada since Confederation / Howard Palmer. Ottawa : Canadian Historical Association, 1991. 32 pages : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.385 #15 - Vertical File
Canadian Historical Association.
Minorities — Canada — Political activity — History
Ethnic relations — Political aspects — Canada — History
Canada — Politics and government — 1867-
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Fourth annual lecture and sermon delivered June, 1882 Saint John, N.B. : J. & A. McMillan, 1883. 40 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 29795 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
At head of title: Theological Union of Mount Allison Wesleyan College.
Sprague, Howard. Saint Paul's doctrine of the atonement
Morton, A. D. The incarnation and its lessons.
Mount Allison Wesleyan College. Theological Union.
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Granitoid and other plutonic rocks of Nova Scotia / by D. Barrie Clarke, Sandra M. Barr and Howard V. Donohoe. Halifax : Nova Scotia Dept. of Mines and Energy, 1980. 10 pages : map; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.69 #12 - Vertical File
Cover title. "Reprinted from proceedings: "the Caledonides in the U.S.A." I.G.C.P. project 27: Caledonide orogen". "A joint project with the Canada Department of Regional Economic Expansion".
Barr, S. M. (Sandra Marie), 1946-
Donohoe, Howard Vane, 1944-
Canada. Regional Economic Expansion
Nova Scotia. Dept. of Mines and Energy.
Instrusions (Geology) — Nova Scotia
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Hiking trails and canoe routes in Halifax County / edited by Howard Morris. Halifax : Canadian Hostelling Association-Nova Scotia, 1977. pages a-c, 44 pages : illustrations, fopages maps; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.50 #18 - Vertical File
Canadian Hostelling Association. Nova Scotia.
Trails — Nova Scotia — Halifax (County)
Hiking — Nova Scotia — Halifax (County)
Canoes and canoeing — Nova Scotia — Halifax (County)
Halifax, N.S. (County) — Description and travel — Guide-books.
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History of the Billtown Baptist Church Billtown : 195-. 18 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.365 #28 - Vertical File
Billtown (N.S.) — Church history
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Leppert, Coppel, Hohl, Kenty, Russell, Salmon, Smith, Summer and Kenty/Canty, Cummings, Fraser, Grant, Gould, McCulley, McMillan, McNeil, Pollack / compiled by Marjorie Kenty-Chamberlin and Howard Lee Kenty. Charleston, S.C. : The authors, 2003. 1 v. (various pagings) : illustrations ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS89 L598 K37 2003 - Open Shelf
Kenty-Chamberlin, Marjorie
Kenty, Howard Lee.
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Living descendants of blood royal / compiled and edited by Professor Arthur Adams and Count d'Angerville. London : World Nobility and Peerage, 1959-. 4 v. : illustrations ; 19 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS27 Ad1 - Open Shelf
Angerville, Howard Hoace, comte d', 1915- joint ed.
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Living with poetry Hantsport : Lancelot Pr. 154 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8279 T866
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Maine Rubicon : downeast settlers during the American Revolution / maps and illus. by Paula Whiting Butler. [1st ed.] Calais, Me : Calais Advertiser Press, 1966. xi, 224 pages : illustrations, maps. ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F36 S18
Based on thesis, Boston University.
Maine — History — Revolution, 1775-1783.
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New Brunswick journals of 1811 & 1813 / Joseph Gubbins ; now first published from the original manuscript, edited, with an introduction and notes, by Howard Temperley. Fredericton, N.B., Canada : Kings Landing Corp., 1980. xxviii, 92 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates : illustrations, m
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5256 G921 - Open Shelf
Gubbins' New Brunswick journals, 1811 & 1813.
New Brunswick — Description and travel
New Brunswick — History — To 1867 — Sources.
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John Howard Society of Nova Scotia
Newsletter / John Howard Society of Nova Scotia. Halifax : The Society, 1951-. 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.532 #3 - Vertical File
Criminal justice, Administration of — Periodicals.
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Northern Penninsula sic cemetery records : Great Brehat, Lance aux Meadows, Port aux Choix, Port Saunders, River of Ponds, St. Anthony, Shallow Bay / compiled by Mildred Howard, August 1982. St. John's : Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogical Society, 1986. 13 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.325 #17 - Vertical File
Cover title: Cemetery inscriptions, Northern Peninsula. Includes index.
Newfoundland and Labrador Genealogical Society.
Cemeteries — Newfoundland — Northern Peninsula
Registers of births, etc. — Newfoundland — North Peninsula
Inscriptions — Newfoundland — Northern Peninsula
Northern Peninsula (Nfld.) — Genealogy.
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Howard, Granby S vs. Montreal Star
Report of the trial of the libel suit of Dr. G. S. Howard, of Carleton Place, Ont., against the Montreal Star 1898. 134 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.132 #2 - Vertical File
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Role of Charles Tupper in Nova Scotian politics, 1855-1870 Halifax : Dalhousie University. 220 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F83 T83 T14
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Rythms of ball-bouncing and ball-bouncing rhymes - reprinted from Journal of American Folklore April-June 1949 1949. pages 166-172.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.330 #19 - Vertical File
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The bark canoes and skin boats of North America Edwin Tappan Adney and Howard I. Chapelle Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution, 1964. xiv, 242 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E98 B6 A23
At head of title: Museum of History and Technology.
Museum of History and Technology (U.S.)
First Nations of North America — Boats
Canoes and canoeing — North America
Skin boats — North America.
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The Chignecto Isthmus and its first settlers / by Howard Trueman. Toronto : W. Briggs, 1902. 268 pages, [2] pages of plates : illustrations ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5248 C53 T86 - Open Shelf
Chignecto Isthmus (N.B. and N.S.) — History
Chignecto Isthmus (N.B. and N.S.) — Biography
Chignecto Isthmus (N.B. and N.S.) — Genealogy.
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Nova Scotia Archives —
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