Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Hollingsworth, S.
Present state of Nova Scotia, with a brief account of Canada and the British islands in the coast of North America. 2d ed., corr. And enl Edinburgh, 1787. 221 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F5208 H74
stored in AK vault, use micro H741; map missing
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The present state of Nova Scotia : with a brief account of Canada, and the British islands on the coast of North America The second edition, corrected and enlarged, illustrated with a map. Edinburgh : Printed for William Creech and sold by T. Cadell, and G. Robinson & Co., London, 1787. xii, 221, [1 pages, [1 folded leaf of plates : map
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3814 - Open Shelf
Attributed to S. Hollingsworth TPL, Gagnon. Errata: pages 221. References: Gagnon 2802; Sabin 32544; TPL 592.
Nova Scotia — Description and travel — 1785-1850
Canada — Description and travel — 1764-1867
Nova Scotia — Description and travel — 1785-1850
Nova Scotia — Economic conditions — To 1867
Canada — Descrip
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