Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1 to 17 of 17 from your search: Historic sites — Canada.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Historic sites — Canada.

Karklins, Karlis

An analysis of the beads recovered from five national historic sites / by Karlis Karklins.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1970-1971. iii, 118 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #37 - Open Shelf

Héritage Canada

Annual report Ottawa : Heritage Canada, 1974--. ill.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5000 H548 - Open Shelf

Canadian Conservation Institute

Annual reviews of conservation research projects / Canadian Conservation Institute.  Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1983--198--. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM141 C212R

McConnell, David

British smooth-bore artillery : a technological study to support identification, acquisition, restoration, reproduction, and interpretation of artillery at national historic parks in Canada / David McConnell.  Ottawa : National Historic Parks and Sites, Environment Canada, Parks, 1988. 595 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - UF57 M35 1988

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

Catalogue : extant buildings, gardens, canals, engineering structures, vessels and military forts with positive HSMBC recommendations 1919-1992 / compiled by Canadian Inventory of Historic Building, Architectural History Branch, Parks Canada.  Ottawa : Parks Canada, 1993. 5 v. : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC215.9 H573 1993 - Open Shelf

CCI journal / Canadian Conservation Institute, National Museums of Canada.  Ottawa : The Institute, 1976-. ill. (some col.) ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM141 C212

Conservation Canada Ottawa : Indian and Northern Affairs, Parks Canada, 1974-1980. 20 v. illustrations some copies 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.148 #16 - Vertical File

Ward, E. Neville

Heritage conservation : the built environment / E. Neville Ward ; Land Use Policy and Research Branch, Lands Directorate, Environment Canada.  Ottawa : Lands Directorate, Environment Canada, 1986. 156 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - NA108 C212 W257

Denhez, Marc

Heritage fights back : legal, financial and promotional aspects of Canada's efforts to save its architecture and historic sites / Marc C. Denhez ; with an introduction by Pierre Berton.  Ottawa : Heritage Canada, 1978. 286 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 D393 - Open Shelf

Heritage of Canada Montreal : Ottawa : Reader's Digest Association (Canada) ; Canadian Automobile Association, 1978. 376 pages : illustrations (some colour), colour maps, portraits (some

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5011 H548 - Open Shelf

Canadian heritage prints, by Frances Anne Hopkins: ([4] pages insertedition Includes index.

Canadian Automobile Association
Reader's Digest Association (Canada)

Historic sites — Canada
Canada — History.

  search Internet Archive
please note : not all titles are available on the Internet Archive

Historic : guide to Canada's national historic parks Ottawa : Ont. : Parks Canada, 1982. 68 pages : illustrations some copies; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.198 #11 - Vertical File

Impact, a publication of Heritage Canada Ottawa : Heritage Canada, 1988--1990. ill. ; 28 cm

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 H54 I34 - Open Shelf

McConnell, David

Military history and the Parks Service, 1960-85 / by David McConnell.  Ottawa : Environment Canada, Parks, 1986. 11 x 15 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche C212 267 - Open Shelf

Newsletter / Canadian Conservation Institute.  Ottawa : The Institute, 1973-1991. 8 no : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM141 C212n

Denhez, Marc

Protecting the built environment : a survey of legal techniques at the international and national level for the protection of architecture and historic sites / Marc Denhez.  2d ed. Ottawa : Heritage Canada, 1978-. 2 v.; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.199 #15 - Vertical File

The Canadian Register of Heritage Properties, ... annual report Ottawa : Environment Canada, 1992-. ill. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5004 C212 1992 - Open Shelf

The Heritage directory Ottawa : Heritage Canada, 1989-. 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC215 H4815 - Open Shelf


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