Nova Scotia Archives

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Results 251 to 275 of 6953 from your search: H. & G. Moir

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: H. & G. Moir

Lavoie, Marc C.

A preliminary bibliography for historic artifact research in the Maritimes / by Marc C. Lavoie = Une bibliographie préliminaire sur les artéfacts historiques pour les Maritimes / par Marc C. Lavoie.  Fredericton, N.B. : Archaeology Branch, Department of Tourism, Recreation and Heritage = Section d'archéologie, Ministère du tourisme, des loisirs et du patrimoine, 1986. ii, 66 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5268 M294 16E/F - Open Shelf

Text in English and French.

New Brunswick. Archaeology Branch.

Maritime Provinces — Antiquities

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Conlin, Daniel George

A private war in the Caribbean : Nova Scotia privateering, 1793-1805 / by Dan Conlin.  Halifax : Saint Mary's University, 1996. 139 pages ; illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - JX5241 C66 1996

Hughes, Andrew S.

A proposal to establish a program to improve the program of studies conducted at Nova Scotia School for Boys / by Dr. Andrew S. Hughes.  Halifax : Atlantic Institute of Education, 1977. 19 pages; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.295 #4 - Vertical File

Submitted to the Nova Scotia. Dept. of Social Services on November 16, 1977.

Atlantic Institute of Education

Education — Nova Scotia — Curricula
Juvenile detention homes — Nova Scotia

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Matthew, G. F.

A quarry and workshop of the stone age in New Brunswick / by G.F. Matthew.  Canada : The Society, 1900. p. 61-69 : map ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 R81 1900

In Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Section II, 1900. Read May 29, 1900

Royal Society of Canada.

First Nations of North America — New Brunswick.

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A Reader's guide to Canadian history Toronto : University of Toronto Press, 1982. 2 v. (xv, 253; xiv, 329 pages) ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z1382 R286

Volume 2 previously published as: Canada since 1867 : a bibliographical guide. Includes indexes.

Granatstein, J. L., 1939-
Muise, D. A. (Delphin Andrew), 1941-
Stevens, Paul, 1938-

Canada — History — To 1763 (New France) — Bibliography
Canada — History — 1763- — Bibliography.

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Young, Deborah A.

A record for time / organized by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia; supported by Museum Assistance Programmes, National Museums of Canada; Deborah A. Young, exhibition curator.  1985. 14 pages; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.293 #24 - Vertical File

Young, Deborah A.

A record for time : an exhibition of decorated family and individual records, memorials, tokens of friendship and embroidered memorials and samplers produced in Nova Scotia prior to 1900 / Deborah A. Young ; Appendix A by Mora Dianne O'Neill, Appendix B by Laurie Hamilton ; genealogical entries by Mora Dianne O'Neill and Susan Foshay.  Halifax : Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 1985. 63 pages : illustrations some copies; 31 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.16 #1 - Vertical File

Organized by the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia; supported by Museum Assistance Programmes, National Museums of Canada.

Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.

Samplers — Nova Scotia — Exhibitions
Registers of births, etc. — Nova Scotia — Exhibitions
Marriage records — Nova Scotia — Exhibitions
Fraktur art — Nova Scotia — Exhibitions
Folk art — Nova Scotia 

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Cass-Beggs, Barbara

A reference list on Canadian folk music / prepared for the Canadian Folk Music Society by Barbara Cass-Beggs and Edith Fowke.  Rev. and updated. Montreal : Canadian Folk Music Society, 1973. 12 pages : 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.273 #8 - Vertical File

Henson, Guy

A regional city plans its future 1971.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.17 #12 - Vertical File

From Community Planning Review, V. 2, 1971

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Haliburton, Thomas Chandler

A reply to the report of the Earl of Durham / Thomas Chandler Haliburton ; with an introd. by A. G. Bailey.  Ottawa : Golden Dog Press, 1976. ii, 43 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC462 H35 1976 - Open Shelf

Canada — History — 1791-1841 — Sources.

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Henson, Guy

A report on provincial support of adult education in Nova Scotia Halifax : Dept of Education, 1946. 84 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LCH38

Appendix C to the Journal of Education

Nova Scotia. Council of Public Instruction.

Adult education.

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Lavigne, Pierre M.

A report on the Cape Breton risk factor survey / prepared by Pierre M. Lavigne.  Halifax : Nova Scotia Department of Health, 1987. iii, 21, [59] pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - RA407.5 C2 L38 1987

Miers, Henry Alexander

A report on the museums and art galleries of British Africa / by Henry A. Miers and S.F. Markham ; together with a report on the museums of Malta, Cyprus and Gibraltar by Clas. Squire and D.W. Herdman ; which is accompanied by a directory of the museums and art galleries of British Africa and the British Mediterrane.  Edinburgh : Constable, 1932. ix, 90 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM85 A1 M5

The directory forms a separate publication. At head of title: The Museums association survey of empire museums.

Herdman, D. W
Markham, S. F. (Sydney Frank), 1897-
Squire, Charles.

Carnegie Corporation of New York
Museums Association.

Museums — Malta
Museums — Cyprus
Museums — Africa
Gibraltar — Museums.

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Haliburton, R. G.

A review of British diplomacy and its fruits : the dream of the United Empire Loyalists of 1776 / by Robt. Grant Haliburton.  London : S. Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1872. 31 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F76 H13

From the St. James' Magazine and United Empire Review. Includes articles from The Times and The Daily Telegraph. 'This England never did, nor never shall, Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror ...'

United Empire loyalists
Great Britain — Colonies
Canada — Politics and government — 1867-1896
Great Britain — Foreign relations
Canada — Commerce.

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Community Planning Association of Canada. Nova Scotia Division

A review of the report of the Royal Commission on Education, Public Services and Provincial-Municipal Relations / Prepared by Starr Curry and others.  Halifax Jan. 1975. [3], 8, 125 l. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - L222 N93 R88 A2 C73

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A Review of the victim support service program of the framework for action against family violence / prepared for Nova Scotia Department of Justice ; prepared by Gardner Pinfold Consulting Economists Limited, Collins Management Consulting, Meltzer Research & Consulting.  Halifax : NS : Dept. of Justice, 1997. 44, 22 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.512 #26 - Vertical File

Rogers, Evan Benjamin

A Rogers family chronicle : emigration from Wales, settlement in Canada, dispersal / Evan Benjamin Rogers in collaboration with Claudia Hester Rogers.  Charlottetown : Rogers Hardware Co., 1991. 55 pages : illustrations, map ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 R725 - Open Shelf

Ward, Frederick

A room full of balloons / Frederick Ward ; with paintings by Jim Shirley.  Montreal : Tundra Books of Montreal, 1981. 154 pages, [8] pages of plates : col. illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8595 A676 R777

Shirley, James R., 1944-

Canadian fiction (English)

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Hodgson, Helen A.

A saga of Sable Island : 1800-1830 : the story of Edward Hodgson, a governor of Sable Island / Helen A. Hodgson.  Sault Ste. Marie, ON. : Tyro, 1997. xii, 214 pages ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2345 S22 Z49 1997 - Open Shelf

Library's copy signed by author.

Sable Island (N.S.) — History

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Baxter, M. D.

A sanitary and bacteriological survey Five Islands Parrsboro shellfish area #20 Nova Scotia / by M.D. Baxter and G.R. Julien.  Halifax : Fisheries and Environment Canada, Environmental Protection Service, Atlantic Region, 1977-. 29 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TD172 C3352 77-8

MacDonald, Hugh Martin

A Scottish ceilidh at the Gathering of the Clans in Nova Scotia / by H.M. MacDonald.  Antigonish : Casket Print. & Pub. Co, 1979. 59 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 S4 M135 - Open Shelf

Scots — Nova Scotia — Anecdotes, facetiae, satire, etc.

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Church of England. Diocese of Nova Scotia

A selection of psalms and hymns for the use of the diocese of Nova Scotia / Diocese of Nova Scotia.  4th ed. Halifax : William Gossip, 1863. 308 pages ; 13 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B63 C47 - Akins


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Bill, Ingraham E.

A sermon occassioned by the death of the rev. Samuel Robinson, late pastor of the Brussels Street Baptist Church, St. John, N.B / by Ingraham E. Bill.  Saint John, N.B. : 1866. 36 pages ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B13 B49 - Akins

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Hill, George W.

A sermon on the message and qualifications of the minister, with an address to the candidates for ordination : preached at St. Paul's Church, Halifax, N.S., on the 23rd December, 1860 / by George W. Hill.  Halifax : J. Bowes, 1861. 15 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B13 H55 - Akins

Sermons, Canadian (English).

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Bullock, R. H.

A sermon preached in St. Paul's Church, Halifax, before the St. George's Charitable Society, on the 23rd April, 1855 / Reginald Heber Bullock.  Halifax, N.S. : W. Gossip, 1855. 16 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK B13 B87 - Akins

Gossip, W.

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