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Results 1 to 13 of 13 from your search: Great Britain — Commerce

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Great Britain — Commerce

Great Britain

A collection of statutes now in force, relating to shipping, navigation, commerce .. / George III with a report from the select committee .  London : Printed by G. Eyre and A. Strahan, 1816-17. 1 v. : illustrations ; 31 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S HFG791

Great Britain — Colonies — Commerce.

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A Collection of the statutes now in force, relating to shipping, navigation, commerce, and revenue in the British colonies and plantations in America and the West Indies, from 12 Charles II to 57 George III, inclusive : with a copious index / compiled by William Earnshaw .  London : Printed by George Eyre and Andrew Strahan, 1818. vi, [6], 311, 256 pages ; 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HFG79

Haliburton, R. G.

A review of British diplomacy and its fruits : the dream of the United Empire Loyalists of 1776 / by Robt. Grant Haliburton.  London : S. Low, Marston, Low and Searle, 1872. 31 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F76 H13

From the St. James' Magazine and United Empire Review. Includes articles from The Times and The Daily Telegraph. 'This England never did, nor never shall, Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror ...'

United Empire loyalists
Great Britain — Colonies
Canada — Politics and government — 1867-1896
Great Britain — Foreign relations
Canada — Commerce.

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Irish Gentleman

Defence of opposition with respect to their conduct on Irish affairs, with explanatory notes / by an Irish gentleman, a member of the Whig club.  London : J. Stockdale, 1785. 60 pages ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DA3 K778 - Akins

Bliss, Henry

Letter to Sir Henry Parnell, Bart. M.P. on the New Colonial Trade Bill / by Henry Bliss.  London : C. Roworth, 1831. 37 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DA3 B61p - Akins

Elliott, Shirley B.

Nova Scotia in London : a history of its Agents General, 1762-1988 / Shirley B. Elliott.  London : Office of the Agent General of Nova Scotia, 1988. xiv, 62 pages : ports. ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - JX1730 A95 E33 1988

Chalmers, George

Opinions on interesting subjects of public law and commercial policy arising from American independence / by George Chalmers.  A new edition, corrected. London : Printed for J. Debrett . , 1785. 11 x 16 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 48698 - Open Shelf    Internet Archive

Nova Scotia. House of Assembly

Proceedings of the General Assembly upon the convention, concluded between His Majesty and the United States of America Halifax, Nova Scotia : From the Chronicle Printing Office, June 1819. [12], 29, [42] pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 N85 - Akins

At head of title: Province of N. Scotia. Published by order of both Houses, in general session at Halifax, in April 1819. Tables.

Chronicle (Halifax, N.S.)

Great Britain — Colonies — Commerce
United States — Commerce — Canada
Canada — Commerce — United States.

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Harris, Reginald V.

Step by step : the governance of empire / by Reginald V. Harris.  Halifax : 1911. 23 pages; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.153 #4 - Vertical File

Canada — Commerce — Great Britain

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Bliss, Henry

The colonial system : statistics of the trade, industry and resources of Canada, and other plantations in British America / by Henry Bliss.  2nd ed. London : J. Richardson, 1833. 170 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F76 B61 - Akins

Bennet, John

The national merchant : discourses on commerce and colonies ; being an essay for regulating and improving the trade and plantations of Great Britain, by uniting the national mercatorial interests ... in several letters to a friend / by John Bennet.  London : J. Walthoe, 1736. 143 pages ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK DA3 B43 - Akins

Great Britain — Commerce
Great Britain — Commercial policy.

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The present claims and complaints of America briefly and fairly considered London : Printed for J. Hatchard, 1806. xvi, 56 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 P92p - Akins

Letters ... written by two gentlemen at Halifax in Nova Scotia, in consequence of many loud complaints, which had been circulated throughout the whole of America, both British and foreign, by citizens of the United States, and their partisans.--pages [v].

United States — Foreign relations — Great Britain
Great Britain — Foreign relations — United States
United States — Commerce — Great Britain
Great Britain — Commerce — United States.

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Little, Otis

The state of trade in the northern colonies considered : with an account of their produce, and a particular description of Nova Scotia London : Printed by G. Woodfall ..., 1748. viii, [9]-84 pages ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F100 L72 - Akins

The state of the North-American trade, and settlements consideredition Preface signed; Otis Little.

Canada — Commerce
New England — Commerce
Nova Scotia — Description and travel
Great Britain — Colonies — Commerce
New France — Commerce.

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