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Results 1 to 11 of 11 from your search: Gesner, Abraham

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Gesner, Abraham

Taylor, Richard C.

Abraham Gesner vs. Halifax Gas-Light Company : deposition of Richard C. Taylor, respecting the asphaltum mine at Hillsborough in the county of Albert and province of New Brunswick Philadelphia : King & Baird, 1851. 40 pages : folded map ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F107 H13r

At head of title: Supreme Court, Halifax, N.S. Illustrated by a map and diagrams. Bound with a collection of other pamphlets.

Gesner, Abraham, 1797-1864.

Halifax Gas Light Company
Nova Scotia. Supreme Court.

Bituminous coal — New Brunswick.

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Gesner, Abraham, 1797-1864

Fourth report on the geological survey of the province of New-Brunswick Saint John : Henry Chubb, 1841. 88 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE.N42 .G76

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Gesner, Abraham

Gas monopoly : piracy of patents and farmers' rights, in which is contained a reply to the directors of the Halifax Gas Company ; and a brief account of the asphaltum mines of New Brunswick, by a patentee Halifax : James Bowes, 1851. 32 pages ; 20 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F107 H13r 1851


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Gesner, Abraham, 1747-1864

Gas monopoly: piracy of patents and farmers' rights Halifax, 1851. 32 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK KG33 - Akins

3 copies

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Gesner, Abraham, 1797-1864

Gold fields of Nova Scotia… New York : J.P. Prall, 1862. 12 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.88 #36 - Vertical File

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Gesner, Abraham

New Brunswick; with notes for emigrants London : Simmonds & Ward, 1847. 388 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F125 .G33 - Akins

2 copies

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Gesner, Abraham, 1797-1864

Prospectus of Gesner's patent kerosene gas, obtained from bitumen, asphaltum, or mineral pitch New York, 1850. 17 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK QG33 - Akins

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Gesner, Abraham, 1797-1864

Remarks on the geology and mineralogy of Nova Scotia Halifax : Gossip and Coade, 1836. 272 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QEG33

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Gesner, Abraham, 1797-1864

Report on the Londonderry iron and coal deposits Halifax : Gossip & Coade, 1846. 13 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK QE3 .R73 - Akins

4 copies

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Gesner, Abraham

The best of Abraham Gesner / selected and edited by Allison Mitcham.  Hantsport : Lancelot Press, 1995. 132 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2025.3 G48 1995 - Open Shelf

Gesner, Abraham

The industrial resources of Nova Scotia : comprehending the physical geography, topography, geology, agriculture, fisheries, mines, forests, wild lands, lumbering, manufactories, navigation, commerce, emigration, improvements, industry, contemplated railw / by Abraham Gesner.  Halifax : A. & W. MacKinlay, 1849. iv, iii, 341 [i.e. 337], 15, [3], 4 pages, [2] folded

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HCG33

Reference: TPL 2985. Error in paging: numbers 225-228 omittedition Exports from Nova Scotia proper ...: pages [17] at end.

A. & W. MacKinlay (Firm)

Nova Scotia — Economic conditions.

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