Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 276 to 300 of 977 from your search: Genealogy.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Genealogy.

Eastern Counties Regional Library

Genealogical and local history materials in the collection of Eastern Counties Regional Library Mulgrave, N. S. : Eastern Counties Regional Library, 1986. [18] pages; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z5313 C3 N6 E13

Genealogy — Bibliography

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Stewart, Cameron Ralph

Genealogical classification by family group coding for descent from common ancestors / Cameron Ralph Stewart.  Long Beach, Calif. (P.O. Box 3011, Long Beach 90803) : C.R. Stewart, 1986. 2 v. (1888, 8, 363 pages) : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS71 S849 S849 - Open Shelf

Genealogy — Classification.

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Genealogical computing Fairfax, VA : Data Transfer Associates, 1981-. 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS1 G326 - Open Shelf

Imprint varies: Salt Lake City, Utah : Ancestry Inc., July 1986-

Genealogy — Data processing — Periodicals.

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Goodwin, Don

Genealogical gleaning of Shelburne, Nova Scotia, Canada / compiled by Don Goodwin.  Zephrhills (FL) : D. Goodwin, 1991. 202, 5 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS89 G656 - Open Shelf

Shelburne (N.S.) — Genealogy

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Waters, Henry F.

Genealogical gleanings in England / by Henry F. Waters.  Boston : New-England Historic Genealogical Society, 1885-89. 3 v. : front. (v. 2) ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS W29 - Open Shelf

Paged continuously; part 1: iv, 131 pages (index, pages [117-131 ; part 2: xii, 116-264 pages (index, pages [237]-264 ; part 3: 2 pages 1eaf., 237-346 pages (index, pages [329]-346 Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register, July, 1883-April, 1889. A much enlarged edition, including the material published in the New England historical and genealogical register, July, 1883-January, 1899, was published in two vols., Boston, 1901.

New England Historic Genealogical Society.

Great Britain — Genealogy.

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Carr, James A. Harris

Genealogical histories : the Samuel Harris family and the Percy Lee Carr family of Grand Bank, Newfoundland / James A. Harris Carr.  Toronto : 1996. viii, 238 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS90 H313 C311 - Open Shelf

Library's copy signed by author.

Grand Bank (Nfld.) — Genealogy.

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Genealogical history : St. Mary's Parish Glendale, Nova Scotia Glendale : The Parish, 1976-. 100 pages : illustrations; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.355 #11 - Vertical File

Glendale (N.S.) — Church history
Glendale (N.S.) — Genealogy

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St. Louis Public Library

Genealogical material and local histories in the St. Louis Public Library Rev. ed. St. Louis : n.p., 1953. 315 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS Sa3 G14 - Open Shelf

Nova Scotia Historical Society

Genealogical newsletter of the Nova Scotia Historical Society Halifax : The Society, 1972-1980. 36 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS80 N935 - Open Shelf

Genealogy — Periodicals

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Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Beaver Harbour & Bay of Islands : including the localities of Beaver Harbour, Port Dufferin, Dufferin Mines, Newdy Quoddy, East Quoddy, Harrigan Cove, Moose Head, Moser River, Nauglers Settlement, Necum Teuch, Smith's Cove, Ecum Secu / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints,2002, 2001. 319 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 B386 2001 - Open Shelf

Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Eastern Passage & Cole Harbour : including the localities of Eastern Passage, South East Passage, Cow Bay, Rainbow Heaven sic, Cole Harbour, Devils Island, McNab Island, Lawlors Island / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints,2002, 2001. 379 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 E13 2002 - Open Shelf

Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Lawrencetown & Seaforth : including the localities of Lawrencetown, West Lawrencetown, Upper Lawrencetown, Mineville, Three Fathom Harbour, Lower Three Fathom Harbour, Seaforth, Shut-In Island, Leslie Island / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints,1999. 197 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 L424 1999 - Open Shelf

Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Marie Joseph : including the localities of Marie Joseph, Turners Island, Spanish Ship Bay, Liscomb Harbour, Liscomb Mills, West Liscomb, Ecum Secum East / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints,2002. 105 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 M334 2002 - Open Shelf

Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Marie Joseph (N.S.) — Genealogy.

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Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Musquodoboit Harbour : including the localities of Musquodoboit Harbour, Smith Settlement, Ostrea Lake, Pleasant Point / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints, 2002, 1998. 212 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 M988 2002 - Open Shelf

Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Musquodoboit Harbour (N.S.) — Genealogy.

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Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Petpeswick : including the localities of East Petpeswick, West Petpeswick, Bayer Settlement, Greenough Settlement, Martinique Beach / by Robert Kim Stevens.  2nd ed. rev. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints, 2005, 1998. 175 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 P492 2005 - Open Shelf

Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Petpeswick (N.S.) — Genealogy.

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Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Pope's Harbour & Spry Bay : including the localities of Pope's Harbour, Glawsons Island, Gerrards Island, Spry Bay, Spry Harbour, Taylors Head, Mushaboom, Mooseland / by Robert Kim Stevens.  2nd ed. rev. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints, 2005, 2001. 276 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 P825 2005 - Open Shelf

Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Porters Lake & Chezzetcook : including the localities of Porters Lake, Middle Porters Lake, East Chezzetcook, Lower East Chezzetcook, West Chezzetcook, Head of Chezzetcook, Conrod Settlement, Gaetz Brook / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints, 2001. 198 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 P844 2001 - Open Shelf

Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Sheet Harbour : including the localities of Sheet Harbour, Watt Section, East River, West River, Sheet Harbour, Lochaber Mines, Malay Falls, Marinette, Maylay Falls, Sober Island, Sheet Harbour Passage, Hardwood Island, Carroll Islan / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints,2001. 349 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 S541 2001 - Open Shelf

Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Sheet Harbour (N.S.) — Genealogy.

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Stevens, Robert Kim

Genealogical notes on Tangier & Shoal Bay : including the localities of Pleasant Harbour, Murphys Cove, Borgles Island, Phoenix Island, Tangier, Cooper's Point, Tangier Island, Glawsons Island / by Robert Kim Stevens.  1st ed. Lake Charlotte : Maritime Imprints,2002, 1998. 248 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 E13 T164 2002 - Open Shelf

Includes index.

Nova Scotia — Genealogy
Tangier (N.S.) — Genealogy
Shoal Bay (N.S.) — Genealogy.

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Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York

Genealogical record / Saint Nicholas Society of the City of New York.  New York, N.Y. : The Society, 1905-. 27 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS42 S147 - Open Shelf

New York (City) — Genealogy

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Jones, Vincent L.

Genealogical research : a jurisdictional approach / Vincent L. Jones, Arlene H. Eakle and Mildred H. Christensen.  Rev. ed. Salt Lake City, Printed by Publishers Press for Genealogical Copy Service, Woods Cross, Utah, 1972. xii, 326 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS16 J79 - Open Shelf

Previous edition published under title: The jurisdictional approach to genealogical research.

Eakle, Arlene H., joint author
Christensen, Mildred H., joint author.

Mormons — Genealogy.

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Genealogical research directory : a key work for worldwide family history research / edited by Keith A. Johnson and Malcolm R. Sainty.  London, Toronto : 1984-. 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS5 G326 - Open Shelf

Library has: 1984-

Johnson, Keith A
Sainty, Malcolm R.

Genealogy — Directories

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Punch, Terrence M.

Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia / Terrence M. Punch.  Halifax : Petheric Press, 1978. 132 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS82 P984 - Open Shelf

Punch, Terrence M.

Genealogical research in Nova Scotia / Terrence M. Punch.  3rd edition Halifax : Petheric Press, 1982. 136 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS82 P984 1983 - Open Shelf

Punch, Terrence M.

Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia / Terrence M. Punch.  4th edition Halifax : Nimbus, 1998. 169 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 N69 P85 1998 - Open Shelf


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