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Results 1 to 1 of 1 from your search: Fullerton, Gordon W., 1925-. Fullerton's of North America.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Fullerton, Gordon W., 1925-. Fullerton's of North America.

Fullerton, Gordon W.

The Fullertons, Fullingtons, Fullartons, (and other spelling variations) of North America : an attempt to trace all of the immigrants of these names to present day / by Gordon W. Fullerton, Jr..  1985 ed. Honolulu, Hawaii : Polynesian Dynamics, 1985. 3 v. : illustrations ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS71 F971 1985 - Open Shelf

The Fullartons, Fullertons, Fulletons and Fullingtons of North America.

Fullerton, Gordon W., 1925-. Fullerton's of North America.

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