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Results 1 to 2 of 2 from your search: France — Foreign relations — Great Britain

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: France — Foreign relations — Great Britain

Commissioners for Adjusting the Boundaries for the British and French Possessions in America

The memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia London : 1755. 2 v. : map ; 27 cm. (4to)

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F96 G79

Volume 2 has title: The memorials of the English & French commissaries concerning St. Lucia. Half title, v. l: Mémoires des commissaires anglais & français au sujet des limites de la Nouvelle Écosse ou l'Acadie, &c. = The Memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia, &c.; v. 2: Mémoires des commissaires anglais & français sur l'isle de St. Lucie = Memorials of the English and French commissaries cocerning St. Lucia. References: Sabin 47741-47742; TPL 236 v. 1 only

Nova Scotia — Boundaries
Saint Lucia
Great Britain — Foreign relations — France
France — Foreign relations — Great Britain.

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Great Britain. Commissioners For Adjusting the Boundaries For the British and French Possessions In America

The memorials of the English and French commissaries concerning the limits of Nova Scotia or Acadia London : 1755. 2 v. : fold. map ; 26 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 3788 - Open Shelf


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