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Results 1 to 15 of 15 from your search: Fort Beausejour N.B.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Fort Beausejour N.B.

MacDonald, Patricia

1966 excavations in Prince Edward bastion and the officers' quarters Fort Beausejour, New Brunswick / Patricia MacDonald. Rapport preliminaire des recherches archéologiques dans les operations 2EII et 2E17 Fort Beausejour, Aulac, N.B., 1966 / par Denys Delage. 1967 excavations in the officers' quarters Fort Beausejour, New Brunswick / by Patricia MacDonal.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1966, 1967. 32, 24, 66 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #144 - Open Shelf

J. B.

An account of the present state of Nova-Scotia in two letters to a noble lord : one from a gentleman in the Navy lately arrived from thence, the other from a gentleman who long resided there London : Research Publications, 1985.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfilm 9696X - Open Shelf

First letter signed: J.B. Second letter signed: W.M. Made publick by his Lordship's Desire. Reproduction of: London : [s.n., 1756.

W. M.

Nova Scotia — Politics and government — 1713-1763
Great Britain — Colonies — America — Administration
Fort Beausejour N.B.

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Rahman, Fazlur

Boots and shoes from Fort Beausejour / by Fazlur Rahman.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1971. 53 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #13 - Open Shelf

MacLean, Alison

Clay pipes from Fort Beausejour / by Alison MacLean.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1971. 158 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #36 - Open Shelf

Cunningham, Ann

Coins from the excavations at Fort Beausejour, N.B / by Ann Cunningham.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1971. 88 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #24 - Open Shelf

Zeller, Anne

Excavation of drainage system at Fort Beausejour / Anne Zeller.  Ottawa : Parks Canada. Department of Indian & Northern Affairs, 1968. vi, 64 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #147 - Open Shelf

Under same cover: Steven Baker, Preliminary report on a 1755 British guardhouse: 2E25 Fort Beauséjour.

Excavations (Archaeological) — New Brunswick — Fort Beausejour
Fort Beausejour (N.B.) — Antiquities

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Gusset, Gérard

Les grès de type rhénan au Fort Beauséjour, Nouveau Brunswick. Les grès à corps sec au Fort Beauséjour, Nouveau Brunswick / par Gérard Gusset.  Ottawa : Parcs nationaux et lieux historiques, Ministère des affaires indiennes et du Nord, 1972-1973. vii, 100, v, 55 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #142 - Open Shelf

Wilson, A. E.

Notes, illustrations and plans for the partial restoration of the 1755 British entrance to Fort Beausejour / by A.E. Wilson.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1969. 19 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #6 - Open Shelf

Wilson, A. E.

Notes, illustrations and plans for the restoration of the remains of the French storehouse and British officers' barracks, Fort Beausejour / by A.E. Wilson.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1969. 17 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #4 - Open Shelf

Wilson, A. E.

Notes, illustrations and plans for the restoration of the remains of the men's barracks, Fort Beausejour / by A.E. Wilson.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1969. 33 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #5 - Open Shelf

Baker, Steven

Preliminary report on a 1755 British guardhouse : 2E25 Fort Beausejour / by Steven Baker. Excavation of a drainage system at Fort Beausejour / by Anne Zeller.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1968-1970. vii, 64 pages , vi, 75 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #147 - Open Shelf

Herst, DiAnn

Preliminary report on the excavation of the officers' quarters (2E19) and the French casemate (2E13) at Fort Beausejour, N.B / by DiAnn Herst.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1970. 223 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #14 - Open Shelf

Stryd, Arnoud H.

Report on the excavations of operations 2E13 and 2E19 at Fort Beausejour, N.B., 1967 / by A.H. Stryd. Report on the archaeological excavations at Fort Beausejour, New Brunswick, 1966 / by François Trudel. 1966 preliminary report of archaeological excavations at Fort Beausejour, N.B. / by K.A. Coleman.  Ottawa : National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Parks Canada, 1966-1967-. vii, 94, 30, iv, 105 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #145 - Open Shelf

McNally, Paul

Table glass excavated at Fort Beausejour (2E), New Brunswick / by Paul McNally.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1971.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #21 - Open Shelf

Frohn, Winnie

The 1967 excavation of the Prince Frederick bastion at Fort Beausejour / by Winnie Frohn. The 1967 excavation in the Prince Frederick bastion and men's barracks at Fort Beausejour / by Frank Korvemaker.  Ottawa : National Historic Sites Service, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, 1968-1972. ix, 90, vi, 77 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5015 C21 #127 - Open Shelf


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