Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Folklore — Canada
Canadian folklore . New York, The French Folklore Society, 1946. 16 pages front., illus. 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.330 #4 - Vertical File
French-Canadians — Folklore
Folklore — Canada.
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Canadian folklore = Folklore canadien Nepean, ON. : Folklore Studies Association of Canada, 1979-. 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR1 C212
Each issue has a distinctive title. Journal of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada Title from cover.
Folklore Studies Association of Canada.
Folklore — Canada — Periodicals
Folklore — Periodicals
Manners and customs — Periodicals
Canada — Social life and customs — Periodicals.
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Canadian wonder tales / by Cyrus Macmillan ; with illustrations in colour by George Sheringham and a foreword by Sir William Peterson. London : John Lane, 1918. xvi, 199 pages : colour front., colour plates ; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F15 M22 C16
Folklore — Canada
First Nations of North America — Folklore.
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Explorations in Canadian folklore / compiled by Edith Fowke, Carole H. Carpenter. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1985. 400 pages ; 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR113 E96 1985
Carpenter, Carole Henderson, 1944-
Fowke, Edith, 1913-
Folklore — Canada
Folk music — Canada
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Exploring the supernatural : the weird in Canadian Folklore / R.S. Lambert. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1955. 198 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR500 Ex96 L222
Folklore — Canada
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Folktales of French Canada Toronto : NC Press, 1979. 144 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR113 F666 F784
French-Canadians — Folklore
Tales — Canada
Tales, French-Canadian
Canadians, French-speaking — Folklore.
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Ghost tracks : surprising stories of the supernatural on rails / Jay Underwood. Montreal : Railfare DC Books, 2009. 128 pages : illustrations, maps ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BF1472 C212 U56 2009
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Ghost stories, Canadian (English)
Railroads — Canada — Folklore.
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Helen Creighton : Canada's first lady of folklore / Clary Croft. Halifax : Nimbus, 1999. iv, 297 pages : illustrations
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR55 C74 C76 1999
Folklorists — Canada — Biography
Women folklorists — Canada Biography
Folklore — Maritime Provinces
Folk songs — Maritime Provinces.
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How summer came to Canada / retold by William Toye ; pictures by Elizabeth Cleaver. Toronto : Oxford University Press, 1969. 32 pages : col. illustrations ; 27 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - E99 M6 T75
This retelling was freely based in part on the version in Canadian wonder tales by Cyrus MacMillan.
Cleaver, Elizabeth, 1939-1985.
Folklore — Canada
First Nations of North America — Folklore
Seasons — Folklore.
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Le conte populaire Francais en Amerique du Nord / Luc Lacourciere. Quebec : Les Archives des Folklore, Université Laval, 1959. 12 pages; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.331 #29 - Vertical File
Communication presente de 21 aout au Congrès international des Investigateurs des Contes populaires.
Tales — Canada
Folklore — Canada.
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Many voices : a study of folklore activities in Canada and their role in Canadian culture / Carole Henderson Carpenter. Ottawa : National Museums of Canada, 1979. x, 484 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GR113 C295
Spine title: A study of folklore activities in Canada. Summary in French. A Diamond Jenness memorial volume. Includes index. At head of title: National Museum of Man.
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies
National Museum of Man (Canada)
National Museums of Canada.
Folklore — Canada
Canada — Social life and customs.
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Myths and folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa / by F.G. Speck. Ottawa : Government Printing Bureau, 1915. iii, 87 pages, [1] leaf of plates : illustrations, map ; 26 cm
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE185 A2 no.71
No. 147 Folded map in pocket. Issued with: Family hunting territories and social life of various Algonkian bands of the Ottawa Valley
Algonquian Indians — Folklore
First Nations of North America — Folklore
First Nations of North America — Canada — Folklore
Ojibwa Indians — Folklore
Algonquian Indians
Ojibwa Indians.
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Some myths and tales of the Ojibwa of southeastern Ontario / collected by Paul Radin. Ottawa, ON. : GSC, 1914. vi, 83 p ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE185 A2 no.48
First Nations of North America — Canada — Legends
Ojibwa Indians — Legends
Legends — Canada
First Nations of North America — Canada — Folklore
Ojibwa Indians — Folklore.
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Tall tales and true tales from down east : eerie experiences, heroic exploits, extraordinary personalities, ancient legends and folklore from New Brunswick and elsewhere in the Maritimes / Stuart Trueman. Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1979. 171 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5255 T866 - Open Shelf
Folklore — New Brunswick — Miscellanea
Folklore — Maritime Provinces — Miscellanea
New Brunswick — Miscellanea
Maritime Provinces, Canada — Miscellanea
Maritime Provinces — Miscellanea.
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The corn goddess : and other tales from Indian Canada / Diamond Jenness ; illustrated by Winnifred K. Bentley. 2nd ed. Ottawa : National Museum of Canada, 1960. 111 pages : illustrations, map ; 25 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QH1 C13 1960
First Nations of North America — Legends
First Nations of North America — Canada — Folklore.
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