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Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Fisheries Council of Canada

Fisheries Council of Canada

Building a fishery that works, a vision for the Atlantic fisheries / Fisheries Council of Canada.  Ottawa : The Council, 1994. xv, 45 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD9464 C33 M37 1994

Issued also in French under title: Pour une industrie de la pêche efficace, une vision d'avenir pour les pêches de l'Atlantique.

Fisheries — Economic aspects — Atlantic Provinces
Fishery management — Atlantic Provinces.

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Mi'kmaq fisheries, netukulimk : towards a better understanding Truro : Native Council of Nova Scotia, Language Program, 1993. 57 pages : illustrations; 18 x 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.386 #15 - Vertical File

The Mi'kmaq Grand Council, the Union of Nova Scotia Indians UNSI, the Native Council of Nova Scotia NCNS in cooperation with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans DFO produced this guide--p. 3.

Canada. Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans
Native Council of Nova Scotia
Native Council of Nova Scotia. Micmac Language Program
Union of Nova Scotia Indians
Mi'kmaq Grand Council.

Mi'kmaq — Fisheries.

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Fisheries Council of Canada

Submission to the Royal Commission on Canada's Economic Prospects / Fisheries Council of Canada.  Ottawa : 1956. viii, 47 pages.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HCC16 R80 G61

Fish trade — Canada.

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