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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1 to 9 of 9 from your search: Fisheries — Management

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Fisheries — Management

Fisheries Council of Canada

Building a fishery that works, a vision for the Atlantic fisheries / Fisheries Council of Canada.  Ottawa : The Council, 1994. xv, 45 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HD9464 C33 M37 1994

Issued also in French under title: Pour une industrie de la pêche efficace, une vision d'avenir pour les pêches de l'Atlantique.

Fisheries — Economic aspects — Atlantic Provinces
Fishery management — Atlantic Provinces.

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Barrett, Gene

Floundering in troubled waters : the political economy of the Atlantic fishery and the Task Force on Atlantic Fisheries / Gene Barrett and Anthony Davis.  Halifax : Gorsebrook Research Institute, Saint Mary's University, 1983. 19 pages. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5175 A881 O15 1-0783 - Open Shelf

Jentoft, Svein

Models of fishery development : the co-operative approach / by Svein Jentoft.  Halifax : Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Studies, 1985. 32 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.231 #26 - Vertical File

Nova Scotia position paper : the Atlantic Groundfish Strategy (TAGS) Halifax : Government of Nova Scotia, 1998. 7 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.519 #12 - Vertical File

Kearney, John F.

Ouvre commune :, Une étude de la réaction des pêcheurs au mode de gestion mis en place par le gouvernement dans l'arrondissement de pêche du homard no 4A / John F. Kearney.  Pointe-de-l'Église, N.-É. : Université Sainte-Anne, 1984. i, 95 pages : cartes.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.303 #20 - Vertical File

Lobster fisheries — Nova Scotia
Fishery management — Nova Scotia

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Canada. Fisheries and Marine Service

Policy for Canada's commercial fisheries Ottawa, Canada : Fisheries and Marine Service, Department of the Environment, 1976. 70, 7, 20 pages : illustrations ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH328 C212 P766

Fishery policy — Canada
Fishery management — Canada
Fisheries — Canada.

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The Canadian fisheries and ocean industries directory Halifax : Maritime Ocean Resources, 1981-. ill. ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH1 C36

Davis, Anthony

The organizations of production and market relations in a Nova Scotia inshore fishing community / by Adam Francis Anthony Davis.  Winnipeg : University of Manitoba, 1975. viii, 186 pages: maps; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SH224 N935 D261

Fisheries — Management
Fisheries — Economic aspects — Nova Scotia

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Kearney, John F.

Working together: a study of fishermen's response to government management of the District 4A lobster fishery / John F. Kearney.  Pointe-de-l'Eglise, N.E. : Universite Sainte-Anne, 1984. i, 85 pages; illustrations : map, tables; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.303 #19 - Vertical File

Published in French under title: Une Oeuvre Commune.

Lobster fisheries — Nova Scotia
Fishery management — Nova Scotia

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