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Results 1 to 5 of 5 from your search: Education, Higher — Canada

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Education, Higher — Canada

Cameron, John R.

A study of provisions for financing higher education under the Federal-provincial fiscal arrangements act, 1967 / John R. Cameron under the direction of John F. Graham.  Halifax : Department of Economics, Dalhousie University, 1968. vi, 115 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LB2342 C182

Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission (Canada)

Balancing needs and resources : 1978 update of the M P H E C's evolving three year regional planning for higher education in the Maritime Provinces = Equilibre entre les besoins et les ressources : mise à jour de 1978 de la planification triennale dévelo / Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission.  Fredericton, N.B. : Maritime Provinces Higher Education Commission, 1978. iii, 42, iii, 52 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.299 #6 - Vertical File

Cover title. Text in English and French, each with special t.p. and separate paging. French text on inverted pages.

Education, Higher — Maritime Provinces, Canada
Higher education and state — Maritime Provinces, Canada.

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Public purse, public purpose : autonomy and accountability in the groves of academe / edited by James Cutt and Rodney Dobell.  Halifax : Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1992. xv, 300 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LC67.68 C3 P82 1992

Proceedings of a conference held in Ottawa, Ont., in November 1990. Co-published by: Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation. Prefatory material in English and French.

Cutt, James, 1937-
Dobell, Rodney, 1937-

Institute for Research on Public Policy
Canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation.

Educational accountability — Canada — Congresses
University autonomy — Canada — Congresses
Universities and colleges — Canada — Finance — Congresses
Higher education and state — Canada — Congresses.

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Page, James E.

Reflections on the Symons report : the state of Canadian studies in 1980 : a report prepared for the Department of the Secretary of State of Canada / by James E. Page.  Ottawa : Secretary of State, 1981. x, 236 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC95.4 P3413 1981 - Open Shelf

West, Edwin G.

Reforming the universities : the coming upheaval in higher education in Nova Scotia and elsewhere / by Edwin G. West.  Halifax : Atlantic Institute for Market Studies, 1995. 47 pages : 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.518 #14 - Vertical File

Atlantic Institute for Market Studies.

Education, Higher — Canada

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