Nova Scotia Archives

Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1976 to 2000 of 4478 from your search: E. K. R.

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: E. K. R.

Stewart, Freeman Kenneth

Interprovincial co-operation in education; the story of the Canadian Education Association Toronto : Gage, 1957. [6], 176 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - L13 C21

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Interview on the development of the Atlantic Institute of Education / Archie MacKinnon.  Halifax : The Institute, 1970. 26 pages; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.290 #7 - Vertical File

MacKinnon, Archie.

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Kroll, Robert E.

Intimate fragments: an irreverent chronicle of early Halifax Halifax : Nimbus Pub. Ltd., 1985. 135 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8571 R749 I61

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Faulkner, Leigh

Into nests, each perfect as an inner ear! : poems / by Leigh Faulkner.  1st ed. Riverview, N.B. : Owl's Head Press, 1985. 48 pages : 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.386 #6 - Vertical File

Limited ed. of 500 numbered copies.

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Parker, Mike, -1952

Into the deep unknown: land of the tent dwellers--a trip through the wilds of Nova Scotia / Mike Parker.  East Lawrencetown : Pottersfield Press, 2013. 280 pages: illustrations (some col.); 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - GV776 N935 P242 2013

Into the future on the preservation of knowledge in the electronic age / a film by Terry Sanders ; written, produced and directed by Terry Sanders.  Santa Monica, Calif. : Commission on Preservation & Access American Film Foundation, 1997. 1 videocassette : 30 minutes.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HF5736 I58 1997 - Video

Woodcock, George

Introducing Hugh MacLennan's Barometer Rising : a reader's guide / by George Woodcock.  Toronto : ECW Press, 1988. 75 pages : port. ; 24 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PS8525 L45 B373

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Prokopec, Douglas

Introduction to competency analysis: an initial step in curriculum construction Halifax : Atlantic Institute of Education, 1978. 37 l.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LB5 A881 T255 no.18

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Frank, Nathaniel Herman

Introduction to mechanics and heat 2nd ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1939. xvi, 384 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTM46 F7

Mechanics, Analytic

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Wakeman, Henry Offley

Introduction to the history of the Church of England from the earliest times to the present day. 7th ed London : Rivingtons, 1908. 505p.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BX5055 W13 IN8

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Clarke, John

Introduction to the making of Latin London : A. Miller, W. Law, and R. Cater, 1798. 297 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTL34 C55 In8

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New Brunswick Museum. Archives Division

Inventory of manuscripts, 1967 St. John- : NB Museum. 154 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Z1371 N42 In8

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Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies. Archives

Inventory of the Alpine Club of Canada collection Banff, AB. : Alpine Club of Canada, 1986. xvi, 130 pages ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - CD3649 B215

Co-published by the Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies.

Alpine Club of Canada.

Mountaineering — Canada — Bibliography — Catalogs.

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Hyndman, P. K.

Inverness railway, Cape Breton report to H.N. Paint, Esq., Ex-M.P., controlling the Broad Cove coal mines of the exploratory and preliminary surveys from Orangedale Station, C. B. R'y, to Broad Cove and Cheticamp / by P. K. Hyndman.  Ottawa : 1890. 13 frames.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 07170 - Open Shelf    Internet Archive

Railways in Inverness, Cape Breton. Together with a description on the country, and of the Inverness and Richmond Railway Co's line; a comparison of the routes, and remarks on the best system of railway lines calculated to open up, in the shortest time, the agricultural and mineral resources of northern Cape Breton

Paint, Henry Nicholas, 1830-

Railroads — Nova Scotia — Cape Breton Island
Railroads — Surveying

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Ernst, B.

Investigation of the cause and extent of PCB contamination of Petit-De-Grat-Harbour, Nova Scotia / by B. Ernst, V. Hawkins, K.L. Tay.  Dartmouth : Environmental Protection Service, Environment Canada, Atlantic Region, 1982. x, 42 pages : illustrations; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TD172 C3352 82-2

Investment limits for Nova Scotia dairy farms / prepared by the Farm Management Division, Extension Services Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing.  Truro : The Division, 1988--. 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SF235 N935 I62

A guide for the use of borrowed capital on Nova Scotia dairy farms.

Nova Scotia. Farm Business Management Section
Nova Scotia. Farm Management Division.

Dairy farming — Statistics

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Edward VII, King of Great Britain, 1841-1910

Invitation, and a Menu of the Grand Banquet in honor of the marriage of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, at the Halifax Hotel, April 14th, 1863

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.177 #12 - Vertical File

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Parker, Sidney Mansfield, 1890-

Inviting byways Truro. 128 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR2 .P23 .IN9

soft cover

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Argyll, Goerge Douglas, 8th duke of , 1823-1900

Iohna2d ed London : Strahan & co., 1871. 141 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - DC.I06 .C15

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Falley, Margaret Dickson

Irish and Scotch-Irish ancestral research : a guide to the genealogical records, methods, and sources in Ireland / by Margaret Dickson Falley.  Baltimore, Md. : Genealogical Pub. Co., 1981. 2 v. ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS483 F195 - Open Shelf

Reprint. Originally published: Strasburg, Va. : M.D. Falley, 1962.

Ireland — Genealogy — Archival resources — Ireland
Ireland — Genealogy — Bibliography.

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Irish quarterly / St. Patrick's High School Public Relations Committee.  Halifax : St.Patrick's High School Public Relations Committee, 1988-.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.516 #10 - Vertical File

Thackeray, William Makepeace

Irish sketch book New York : John W. Lovell co., 1843. 285-587 pages

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - PR5611 I68

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O'Loughlin, Colm

Irish street ballads / collected and annotated by Colm O'Lochlainn. Adorned with woodcuts from the original broadsheets and with an appreciation by Frank O'Connor.  New York : A Corinth book distributed by Citadel Press, 1960. xvi, 235 pages : illustrations

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - M1744 I68 L812

Ballads, English — Ireland

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Meeks, Debra

Irish traditional folk songs in Halifax a preliminary study / Debra Meeks.  Halifax : International Education Centre, Saint Mary's University, 1982-. 1 booklet (28 pages ; 23 cm), 1 sound cassette (analo

Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5221 I61 #4 - Open Shelf

Title on cassette: The question of the survival of Irish traditional folk songs. Printed material includes transcriptions of songs. Cassette contains folk songs in part for unacc. voice and, in part for voice with guitar acc.; excerpts from interviews.

Saint Mary's University (Halifax, N.S.). International Education Centre.

Folk songs, Irish — Nova Scotia — Halifax
Irish — Nova Scotia — Halifax — History.

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Waugh, Frederick Wilkerson

Iroquis sic foods and food preparation / by F.W. Waugh.  Ottawa : Government Printing Bureau, 1916. 235 pages, xxxix pl. (part col.) ; 25 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE185 A2 no.86

Iroquois Indians
First Nations of North America — Food.

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