Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: E. K. R.
Estabrooks, Elijah, 1725-1825/6
Diary of Elijah Estabrooks,
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F45 ES8
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Dewey, Emily Foss (McKay) Beal
Dickson, Scotch-Irish, Connecticut 1719, Nova Scotia 1761, California 1865 / descendants of Charles and Amelia Bishop Dickson of Onslow, Nova Scotia . 1953. 177 pages colour, front. illus. portraits 21 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS D56 D51 - Open Shelf
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Dictionary of disasters at sea during the age of steam London : Lloyd's Register of Shipping. 2 v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - VK1250 H68
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Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616
Dictionary of Shakespearian quotations Philadelphia : F. Bell, 1851. 418 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTEn3 Sh1 D5
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Diffuser location for the Halifax Harbour Cleanup Project / by Alan Ruffman. Halifax : Geomarine Associates Ltd., 1993. iii, 47, [51] pages : illustrations, maps ; 29 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TD527 H34 R83 1993
Submitted to: Environmental Assessment Review Panel for the Halifax-Dartmouth Metropolitan Wastewater Management System, Nova Scotia Department of Environment. March 15, 1993. Geomarine Project 92-08. Examines recommendations made by Halifax Harbour Task Force for an outfall location and the choices of outfall location offered by the Halifax Harbour Cleanup Inc.
Halifax Harbour Cleanup Inc. (N.S.)
Halifax Harbour Task Force (N.S.)
Geomarine Associates
Federal-Provincial Environmental Assessment Review Panel, Halifax-Dartmouth Metropolitan Wastewater Management System (Canada)
Sewage disposal plants — Nova Scotia — Halifax — Location
Water treatment plants — Nova Scotia — Halifax — Location
Halifax Harbour (N.S.)
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Digby County, Nova Scotia Honour Roll, 1914-1919 / Wayne W. Walker. Ottawa, ON. : Wayne W. Walker, 2013. iv, 275 pages ; 30 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS88 N935 D571 2013 - Open Shelf
A record of the service of the men and women of Digby County, Nova Scotia who volunteered or were drafted for service in the Home Guard, the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) or the Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force (CSEF).
Canada. — Canadian Army. — Canadian Expeditionary Force (Siberia) — Registers
Canada. — Canadian Army. — Canadian Expeditionary Force — Registers
Canada. — Canadian Army. — Nova Scotia Overseas Highland Brigade — Registers
Soldiers — Nova Scotia — Digby (County) — Registers
World War, 1914-1918 — Nova Scotia — Digby (County) — Registers
Digby (N.S. : County) — Biography
Digby (N.S. : County) — Genealogy
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Catholic Church. Diocese of Baton Rouge (La.)
Diocese of Baton Rouge, Catholic Church records : volume 1a, revised : the registers of St-Charles aux Mines in Acadia 1707-1748 / Una F. Daigre ; John J. Pastorek, ed. Rev. third printing Baton Rouge, La. : Diocese of Baton Rouge, Department of Archives, 1999. I-8, 214 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2350.5 C363 1999 - Open Shelf
Diocese of Baton Rouge, Catholic Church records : Acadian records, 1707-1748 There are three registers of the Parish of St. Charles aux Mines in Acadia that were carried to St. Gabriel by Acadian settlers. They cover the period 1707 to 1748. pages I-1
Daigre, Una F. (Una Fournet), 1919-1999
Pastorek, John J.
Registers of births, etc. — Nova Scotia — Grand Pré
Church records and registers — Nova Scotia — Grand Pré
Acadians — Genealogy
Louisiana — Genealogy
Grand Pré (N.S.) — Genealogy.
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Dionne, N.E. Champlain-Leblond de Brumath Toronto : Morang & Co. Ltd., 1911.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F84 M28 v.1
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Dioxin content in sediments from the vicinity of two Atlantic Region wood preserving operations / K.M. Kieley and R.A.F. Matheson. Dartmouth : Environment Canada, Environmental Protection, Atlantic Region, 1988. vi, 19 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - TD172 C3352 88-5
Summary in French.
Canada. Environmental Protection Directorate. Atlantic Region.
Dioxins — Environmental aspects
Wood preservatives — Environmental aspects
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Diplomacy of the war of 1812, Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins press, 1915. 494 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F71 UP1
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Directions for taking and curing herrings, and for curing cod, ling, tusk and hake / by Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Saint John N.B. : 1850. 28 pages ; 17 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK SHL32 - Akins
Reprinted and circulated by command of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick.
Fishing products — Preservation
Herring fisheries.
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Directory agriculture Truro : Published by Farm Guide Limited, in association with Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing, 1974-198-. 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - S409.5 N935
Nova Scotia. Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing
Nova Scotia. Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing. Market Development Branch
Nova Scotia. Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing. Marketing and Economics Branch.
Agricultural industries — Nova Scotia — Directories.
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N.S. Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing. Markets Development Branch
Directory agriculture. 1974- Truro. v.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - S153 N935
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Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing. Market Development Branch
Directory of agricultural food products; dairy products, poultry products, meat products
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.214 #18 - Vertical File
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Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing. Market Development Branch
Directory of agricultural food products; fruit and vegetable products, fresh and processed
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.214 #18 - Vertical File
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Directory of archives in Ontario / compiled by Rick Stapleton, Janet Stoll, Mark van Stempvoort ; assisted by Alix McEwen, Robyn Newton. Ottawa : Ontario Association of Archivists, 1988. 45 pages : 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.28 #10 - Vertical File
Includes indexes.
Stoll, Janet
Van Stempvoort, Mark.
Ontario Association of Archivists.
Archives — Ontario — Directories
Ontario — History — Sources
Ontario — Directories.
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Directory of Mennonite archives and historical libraries = Verzeichnis mennonitischer Archive und historischer Bibliotheken = Répertoire des archives et des bibliothèques historiques mennonites / editors, Lawrence Klippenstein, Jim Suderman. 3rd ed. Winnipeg : Mennonite Heritage Centre, 1990. viii, 46 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.315 #28 - Vertical File
Text in English, German and French. On cover: 12, 1990, Winnipeg. Includes index.
Klippenstein, Lawrence, 1930-
Suderman, Jim.
Mennonites — Archival resources — Directories
Mennonites — Library resources — Directories.
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Nova Scotia. Dept. of Agriculture and Marketing
Directory of personnel Halifax : Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing, 19--. 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - JL226 Z3 A47 N68
Description based on: June 1983.
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Directory of resource centres at the University of Winnipeg / edited by: Thora Cooke, Diane Haglund and Shirley Payment. Winnipeg : University of Winnipeg, 1991. iii, 15 pages : 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.349 #25 - Vertical File
Research institutes — Manitoba — Winnipeg — Directories
Archives — Manitoba — Winnipeg — Directories.
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Directory of the ancestral heads of New England families 1620-1700 Baltimore : Genealogical publishing co., 1964. 274 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - CS44 .N42 .H73 - Open Shelf
copy 2 in basement
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Disaster planning for Government of Albert records / Records Management Branch, Supply Management, Alberta Public Works, Supply and Services. Edmonton, Alta : The Branch, 1987. vii, 48 pages : 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.515 #26 - Vertical File
Alberta. Alberta Public Works, Supply and Services.
Office management
Disaster relief — Planning — Alberta
Public records — Alberta.
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Disasters at sea : an anthology of Nova Scotia shipwreck stories / co-authored by Susie Sweeney and Gail Anne McNeil ; with contributing writers, Greg Cochkanoff, Joan Vickery and Margaret Eisnor ; editor, Gail Anne McNeil ; foreword by Eric J. Ruff. Halifax- Nova Scotia : T. Cranston, 1986. 128 pages : illustrations, maps, ports. ; 22 x 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - G525 D611
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Discourse by the Rev. Alexander M'Kay M.A., Salt Springs Co. of Pictou with reference to the present time Halifax : J. Barnes, 1867. 24 pages ; 22 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BT10 M33 v. 2
Addressed to the Members of the Church of Scotland, and to other Protestants. Appendix: pages 24. In Vol. 2 of pamphlets collected by Sinclair A. MacLean.
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Discourse on the conduct of the government of Great Britain, in respect to neutral nations. Written in the year 1758 London : T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, 1801. 108 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK JX.L19 - Akins
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Discoverers and explorers in Canada / drawings by Charles W. Jefferys ; text by Malcolm G. Parks. Toronto : Imperial Oil Ltd., 1955-58. 2 v. : illustrations.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.382 #4-#5 - Vertical File
Prepared for teachers of Canadian history.--t.p.
Canada — Discovery and exploration
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