Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Doughty, Sir Arthur George, 1860-1936
Doughty, Sir Arthur George, 1860-1936
Acadian exiles; a chronicle of the land of Evangeline Toronto : Glasgow, Brook and Company, 1916. 178 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F84 C46 v.9
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Doughty, Sir Arthur George, 1860-1936
Cradle of New France: a story of the city founded by Champlain 2d ed Montreal : The Cambridge corp. ltd., 1908. 314 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - F5449 QU3 D74 - Open Shelf
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The Kelsey papers / with an introduction by Arthur G. Doughty and Chester Martin. Ottawa : Public Archives of Canada : The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 1929. lxxxiii, 128 pages : front. (facsim.), map (fold). ;
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F80 C16ps k
French. Introduction in English and French. Papers collected by Arthur Dobbs. Journals, letters, memoranda, etc. collected by Arthur Dobbs and presented to the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland by Maj. A.F. Dobbs.--cf. introd.
Dobbs, Arthur, 1689-1765
Doughty, Arthur G. (Arthur George), Sir, 1860-1936
Martin, Chester, 1882-1958.
Northern Ireland. Public Record Office
Public Archives of Canada.
First Nations of North America — Canada
Northwest, Canadian — Description and travel.
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Nova Scotia Archives —
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