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Nova Scotia Archives Library

Results 1 to 5 of 5 from your search: Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec).

Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec).

Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec)

Books published by Dawson Brothers, 159 to 161 St. James Street, Montreal Montreal : 187-. 33, 19 pages ; 21 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK ZBD32 B64 - Akins

Catalogs, Booksellers'
Catalogs, Publishers'

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Bourinot, John George

Parliamentary procedure and practice : with a review of the origin, growth and operation of parliamentary institutions in the Dominion of Canada, and an appendix, containing the British North America Act of 1867, and amending acts, governor-general's comm / by John George Bourinot.  2d ed., rev. and enl. Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1892. xx, 929 pages ; 23 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - JLB66 1916

Parliamentary procedure.

Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec)

Parliamentary practice — Canada.

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Miles, Henry H.

The child's history of Canada : for the use of the elementary schools and of the young reader / prepared by Henry H. Miles.  2nd ed. Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1876. 141 pages : illustrations, fold. map, ports. ; 17 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - LTH62 C16 M59

Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec).

Canada — History.

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Reade, John

The literary faculty of the native races of America / by John Reade.  Montreal : Dawson Brothers, 1884. p. 17-30 ; 28 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F17 R22

From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Volume II, Section II, 1884.

Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec)
Royal Society of Canada.

First Nations of North America — Languages
Indians of South America — Languages
Indian literature.

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Ganong, William F.

The site of Fort La Tour / by W. F. Ganong.  Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1892. p. 61-75 : map ; 29 cm.

Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - F100 L35 G15

From: Transactions Royal Society of Canada. Section II, 1891. Communicated by Dr. George Stewart, F.R.G.S., May 27, 1891. Title from caption.

Stewart, George, 1848-1906.

Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec)

Fort La Tour (N.B.)

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