Nova Scotia Archives Library Search: Dawson, J. W.
Dawson, Sir John William, 1820-1899
Nature and the Bible. A course of lectures New York : Robert Carter and brothers, 1875. 257p.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - BSD32
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Nova Scotia's historic rivers: the waterways that shaped the province / Joan Dawson. Halifax : Nimbus Publishing, 2012. x, 188 pages; illustrations; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - HE635 Z7 N935 2012
Includes bibliographical references.
Inland navigation — Nova Scotia — History
Inland water transportation — Nova Scotia — History
Rivers — Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia — History.
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Nova Scotia's lost highways : the early roads that shaped the province / Joan Dawson. Halifax : Nimbus Publishing, 2009. ix, 134 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - FC2312 D272 2009 - Open Shelf
Includes bibliographical references.
Roads — Nova Scotia — History
Nova Scotia — History
Nova Scotia — Description and travel.
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On some points in the history and prospects of Protestant education in Lower Canada: a lecture Montreal : J.C. Becket, 1864. 20 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK LB.D32 - Akins
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On the conditions of the deposition of coal, more especially as illustrated by the coal-formation of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 1866.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.32 #25 - Vertical File
From the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society for May 1866
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On the conditions of the deposition of coal, more especially as illustrated by the coal-formation of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (Proceedings of the Geological society, Dec. 20, 1865. p. 95-169. pls.)
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK QE3 .D32c - Akins
2 copies; use V/F v.32 #25
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On the course of collegiate education, adapted to the circumstances of British America. The inaugural discourse of the principal of McGill college, Montreal Montreal : H. Ramsay, 1855. 29 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK LB.D32a - Akins
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On the new red sandstone of Nova Scotia - From Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, V. 4, pt. 1, 1848 1848. pages 50-59.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.78 #25 - Vertical File
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On the vegetable structures in coal. (From the Quarterly journal of the Geological society, Feb. 1860) [15] pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK QE3 .D32 - Akins
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Dawson, Sir John William, 1820-1899
Origin of the world, according to revelation and science Montreal : Dawson bros., 1877. 438 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - Q.D32
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Parliamentary procedure and practice : with a review of the origin, growth and operation of parliamentary institutions in the Dominion of Canada, and an appendix, containing the British North America Act of 1867, and amending acts, governor-general's comm / by John George Bourinot. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Montreal : Dawson Bros., 1892. xx, 929 pages ; 23 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - JLB66 1916
Parliamentary procedure.
Dawson Brothers (Montréal, Quebec)
Parliamentary practice — Canada.
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Place names in Nova Scotia… Winnipeg : Ukrainian free academy of sciences, 1960. 16 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.166 #7 - Vertical File
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Practical hints to the farmers of Nova Scotia Halifax : R. Nugent, 1854. 136 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK SF.D32 - Akins
2 copies; use SF81 D272 and see AK S D32 1836
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Dawson, John William, 1820-1899
Practical hints to the farmers of Nova Scotia on the management and improvement of live stock Halifax : Richard Nugent, 1854. 148 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - SF81 D272
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Practical hints to the farmers of Nova Scotia2d ed 1856.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK SF.D32 c2 - Akins
4 copies
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Dawson, Simon James, 1820-1902
Report on the exploration of the country between Lake Superior and the Red River settlement Toronto : John Lovell, 1859. [47] pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - O/S F169 H58 R29 - Oversize
bound with Hind, H.Y. North-west territory. 1859.
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Report on the fossil plants of the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit formations of Canada 1873.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE185 A6 no.430
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Dawson, John William, 1820-1899
Report on the geological structure and mineral resources of Prince Edward Island Montreal : John Lovell, 1871. 50 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.273 #22 - Vertical File
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Dawson, Simon James, 1820-1902
Report on the line of route between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement Ottawa : Hunter, Rose & co., 1868. 44 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK F150 .D32 - Akins
3 copies
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Return to an address of the House of Commons dated 30th March 1871 report of Mr. S.J. Dawson, upon the Red River expedition of 1870 Ottawa : 1871. 20 frames.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - Microfiche CIHM 09978 - Open Shelf Internet Archive
At head of title: 4th Session, 1st Parliament, 34 Victoria, 1871. Printed by order of Parliament.
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Science education abroad: a lecture Montreal : Gazette steam pr. House, 1870. 15 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AK LE.D32 - Akins
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Dawson, Sir John William, 1820-1899
Scientific contributions toward the improvement of agriculture in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.91 #11 - Vertical File
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Solving museum insect problems : chemical control / by John E. Dawson ; revised by Thomas J.K. Strang. Ottawa : Canadian Conservation Institute, 1992. 26, 30 pages ; 28 cm.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - AM141 C212Tno.15
La lutte contre les insectes dans les musées, les méthodes chimiques.
Canadian Conservation Institute.
Insect pests — Control — Canada.
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Dawson, Sir John William, 1820-1899
Story of the earth and man. 13th ed London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1903. 411 pages
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - QE711 D272
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Supplementary chapter to Acadian geology / Sir John William Dawson. Edinburgh : Oliver & Boyd, 1860. 70 pages.
Nova Scotia Archives Library - use request slip - V/F V.273 #21 - Vertical File
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